Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Democrats Want To Ask For HIS Help?

Hey folks,

"To conquer the high peaks, every day we need more rule of the Bassij mentality. Universities, research centres, schools, factories, offices, and everywhere else which strives to construct and make advancements need the presence of the mentality of the Bassij in order to realise their goals", Ahmadinejad said. His comments at a gathering of the paramilitary Bassij militia were aired on state television.

"Through the presence of the Bassij and the Bassij mentality, the Iranian nation is invincible".

Ahmadinejad called for the withdrawal of U.S.-led led troops from the Persian Gulf and the Middle East. "The nations of the region are aptly capable of preserving regional security. The presence of foreigners is the root of tensions and disputes in the region", he said.

"The occupying countries must leave the region. By God’s grace, the bullying powers are faltering, and their satanic domination is heading towards destruction", he said.

Ahmadinejad said that Israel was spiralling towards collapse. "We must all be vigilante. The countries of the region can come to each other’s aid to clear out the foreigners from the region".

"The time has come for the leaders of the U.S. and Britain to open their ears. For 60 years, they have committed crimes and they created the Zionist regime as a lever of pressure on the region’s states. … Today, they have reached an impasse in the region and the world. Today, their downfall … has begun. They no longer have a base among the nations. They must end their crimes and inhuman methods. They must leave the Palestinian, Iraqi and other nations alone".

Addressing U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the hard-line Iranian President said, "These days, many people are slaughtered in Iraq with your support. The blood of every person who is killed is on your hands. You must stand trial and be held accountable for your crimes in the near future".

"This is a divine invitation to pursue the path of the prophets and worship God. If your response is negative, the nations’ powerful hand of justice will soon topple you and force you to give up your reins of power".

"Iran is willing to help you get out of that swamp [in Iraq] on the condition that you end your bullying and aggression and correct your attitude. Return to your own nation and end the occupation", Ahmadinejad said.

"You have to stop bullying, threatening and insulting nations. … Today, you and your hegemony are about to collapse", he added."

No wonder the Democrats like "Little Hitler." They sound just like him. "We can’t win. Bush failed. We are facing destruction." Yes, let’s pull out and give Iraq to "Little Hitler." I’m not kidding folks. According to the AP,

"Directly seeking help from Iran and Syria with Iraq, as part of new, aggressive diplomacy throughout the region, is expected to be among the recommendations of the Baker-Hamilton group."

Remember what I told you on September 16 2006 "The United States is turning the Security Council into a platform for imposing its policies. ... We should reinforce NAM and it should play its role more efficiently," Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the summit on Friday.

Think about this, according to Wikipedia, they are 117 members of NAM, Among those are some that absolutely hate America. Let’s say for a second that "Little Hitler" is able to become the head of it. Do you feel comfortable having the LWL running this country? Do you feel comfortable in turning over YOUR security to appears and those that simply cannot see reality?"

I have given you many examples of what "Little Hitler" is really saying. Just go to the search on this blog and type in "Little Hitler" and you can get them all. Like this little gem,

"The development of the world is quickly going towards the government of the pure Islam of (the Prophet) Mohammed," he added.

That is his goal. World domination. Yet some want to leave a broken Iraq to HIM. I’m glad that the President sees it this way

"But Bush continued to express his administration's reluctance to talk with two nations it regards as pariah states working to destabilize the Middle East

Iran, the top U.S. rival in the region, has reached out to Iraq and Syria in recent days — an attempt viewed as a bid to assert its role as a powerbroker in Iraq.

Bush said Iraq is a sovereign nation, free to meet with its neighbors. "If that's what they think they ought to do, that's fine."

But he added that the U.S. will only deal with Iran when they suspend their program of enriching uranium, which could be used in a nuclear weapon arsenal.

"The Iranians and the Syrians should help — not destabilize — this young democracy," he said."

Do you not remember this little barely reported fact?

"New traces of plutonium and enriched uranium — potential material for atomic warheads — have been found in a nuclear waste facility in Iran, a revelation that came Tuesday as the Iranian president boasted his country's nuclear fuel program will soon be completed.

The International Atomic Energy Agency report detailing the discovery also faulted Tehran for not cooperating with the U.N. watchdog's attempts to investigate other suspicious aspects of Iran's nuclear program."

This is a guy who said that he would give up half his country to wipe Israel off the face of the map. This is a guy who calls our President Satan. He wants us dead. He wants world domination. He comes right out and says it. So KNOWING all these things, some in our government want to turn over a country, that could very well be added to his goal?

Yes folks, "Little Hitler," just like the original, is on the rise. He is arming. He is threatening. Given the opportunity, he will carry it out. Just like the original. Instead of waiting until it was too late, like we did with the original, some here want to HELP him. Unbelievable.

Iran Focus- "Iran sees demise of U.S., Britain"
AP- "Bush says violence in Iraq not civil war"
"IAEA finds traces of plutonium in Iran"

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