Friday, October 20, 2006

Getting Closer To Unmasking The Mass Media Guru.

Hey folks,

That’s right. Just 18 days away from the elections, are we are ever so close to unmasking the Mass Media Guru. I have mentioned him for a while. Actually, on June 9, of this year I said,

"As I’ve said before, I’m sure that there is a mass media drones guru behind the curtain, giving out the word or phrase of the day. Actually, I like that, mass media drones {MMDs} Today the magic word is multiple 500 pound bombs. The guru wants them to use this as much as possible to put the image of a massive, over needed, use of force against a house. Then he wants them to conjure up the imagine that there is some kind of cover up. Then on top of that, make sure that you throw in there, innocent people dying."

I have given many examples. Like their use of "Towel snapping", "Collective Punishment." "Katrina", and my all time favorite, if there was any doubt, it was done away with "Political Jujitsu." September 8,

"Oh and the Guru word of the day seems to be "jujitsu", for those that might have missed that. Over and over again, in various outlets, "jujitsu" seems to be the definition of the President’s announcement. But no, they do not work together."

Now Rush Limbaugh has never believed this. He has always said,

"Now, I have said in the past, long ago, in discussing media bias, that I don't think that the old media and the drive-bys got together and had their conference calls in the morning to decide what news was going to be and how it was going to be reported, what wasn't going to be news and all that, I said because they don't have to. They basically think the same, they see things the same, and I think if they do get together it's in the bar after work over adult beverages where such unified phrases as gravitas and other things happen to spread throughout the Drive-By Media."

But I have been right this whole time. Rush pointed out to me, and everyone else in his listening audience yesterday, ABC’s "The Note." Guess what it says?

"The Old Media -- giddy with excitement over the prospect of the Bush-Cheney-Rove-Mehlman machine losing, filled with guilt over complicity in an Iraq war it wants ended, flush with anticipation over two years of anti-Bush leaks from a gavel-wielding Henry Waxman, and substantially more interested in revelations about congressional pages than in trying to tell voters the truth about whether or not the economy is strong and getting stronger -- can barely contain itself on its secret morning conference calls with Howard Dean and George Soros, during which it was agreed just this morning that, yes, we can keep the meta-narrative ('The Democrats are going to beat Bush and run Congress!!') going for another 19 days, without interruption."

WAIT A SECOND!!! "secret morning conference calls with Howard Dean and George Soros" The media is having morning conference calls with Howard Dean and George Soros? Then it says, "during which it was agreed just this morning that, yes, we can keep the meta-narrative ('The Democrats are going to beat Bush and run Congress!!') going for another 19 days, without interruption." The media ADMITS that they get their walking orders from Howard Dean, and or George Soros? They ADMIT that they have an agenda to get the LWL in power?

If I had to bet, at least between these two, I would bet that, the little man behind the big black and white curtain is none other than George Soros. Could HE really be the MMD Guru? It makes sense.

Even Rush had to admit it yesterday. He said,

"But now, having read this from ABC's the Note, I'm obviously wrong. These people are obviously having conference calls with Democrat fund-raisers, policy makers, and the chairman of the Democrat National Committee to discuss the Democrat narrative and how the Drive-By Media can continue to carry it for 19 days uninterrupted. So I guess they are getting together. That's what this implies. Maybe I should better say, "That's how I infer this." The old media giddy with excitement over two years of anti-Bush leaks from a gavel-wielding Henry Waxman?"

Yes Rush. The MMD or as you would say, the "Drive By Media" do have a guru. His name might just be Soros. This is why Democrats and the LWL get away with ANY and EVERYTHING, while a Republican, with so much as of a hint on improprieties, front page news for an extended period of time. Foley is still in the news today.

18 days to go folks. Get Ready. Go Vote.



ABC-The Note: Mature and Incurably Green

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