Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You Should Be Disgusted and Furious

Hey folks,

I’m so disgusted and angry over this whole thing at this point, I do not even want to talk about it anymore. But that IS what they want. They want YOU to be so disgusted that you decide to either vote for THEM or better yet, do not vote at all.

We are however starting to learn who had these emails and IM for YEARS. It wasn’t the Republicans. The St. Peter Times, and other news outlets yesterday said that they have had the same Emails that were given to Speaker Hastart’s office since August. They investigated them, and found nothing to write about. The FBI investigated the EMAILS, found nothing illegal.

Then the IMs come out. They are coming out in dribs and drabs and being released daily. ABCs Brian Ross posted more IMs on hiswebsite yesterday. Where did Brian Ross get them from? He is now claiming 52 pages? Who saves these things? Unless you are going to USE them.

This is dirty, bottom feeding politics at it’s very worse. They cannot win on issues, policies, or in actual elections. They haven’t for over ten years. The LWL do not CARE about you. To hell with these kids and their safety. They {someone} has had these in their possession for over two to three years, waited until the last day of Congressional Session to release them. THEY covered these up. THEY suppressed these. THEY AIDED Foley to continue this action against these kids.

The bottom line is this. It doesn’t matter if there is one, or a thousand of these Instant Messages. One is too many. The first was released on Friday. Foley was asked to resign. He did. Hastert’s office and the rest of the Republican Administration is working hard to protect future Pages. That should be the end of it.

But NO. The organized war on the Republican party by the LWL and their willing accomplices, the Mass Media Drones, is continuing. They now want Hastert to resign. Of course they do. This would all but guarantee their victory in 34 days. Not because they are right on issues, policies, or that the American people trust them enough to vote for them, but because they caused enough damage to the Republicans to discourage enough voters to not even vote.

If they win? To hell with YOU! They do not care. YOUR taxes will go up. We will cut and run from the War. They WILL bog down and cause the government to come to a screeching halt with investigation after investigation. They WILL attempt to impeach this President. They will be so power drunk that they WILL destroy this country. To hell with security, the war, YOU, or anything else. They have only ONE plan, get Bush.

The questions still remain. Who had these for the last two to three years? How is ABC and Brian Ross releasing some of these daily? Who is it that put these kids in harms way because of politics? Were WILL find out in the long run Mr. Soros, or anyone else on the LWL team. Too bad we will most likely not find out until AFTER the election.

Truth is simple. They have declared war against the Republicans, in a time of war, to attempt to destroy them right before an election, because they are too ignorant to win an election. I have faith in the American people that they will see all this for what it’s worth, and this will all backfire on them as usual. I hope that after this election, after all the garbage that they have tried, look for more daily up to the election, when they lose, they will realize that the American people are not as stupid as they think they are.

Let this get you mad. Let this get you disgusted, then go out and VOTE. Make sure that these ignorant and insane people do not get the chance to destroy this country.

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