8 very short days to go until YOU decide who has power in the House and the Senate. 8 days to go to get yourself informed and make a decision that WILL effect YOU in every aspect of YOUR life. 8 very short days to go until "Judgement Day."
Now I have been telling you now for a while what the Democrat’s agenda is if they get in power. Well, I came across this article by the US News and World Report.
"If Democrats do take over, these veterans will most likely be back to shake things up by chairing powerful committees. Their ability to push through major legislation will be limited because their majority will probably be slim, and President Bush could wield the veto pen. But many Democrats intend to push an aggressive oversight agenda that would investigate the Bush administration's conduct on everything from the war in Iraq to Hurricane Katrina and homeland security. There would be no shortage of fireworks on Capitol Hill.
Republicans have been trying to rally their base by warning that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who would most likely become speaker of the House, is too liberal. They issue the same warning about possible Democratic committee chairs like Rangel, Conyers, and Barney Frank. Some doubt the tactic will work; Democratic lobbyist Thomas Hale Boggs Jr., for one, wonders if "anybody outside of Washington knows who Rangel and Conyers are." But Republicans are pressing ahead. If Democrats take the House, they say, expect a leftist agenda of more spending, higher taxes, and maybe even an attempt at impeaching President Bush. "It's just plain scary," insists House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican."
If Democrats do take charge, the more dramatic transformation of Congress would take place in the dozen or so oversight committees. After 12 years of being in the minority, Democrats would be able to hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, and launch investigations. Henry Waxman, who is positioned to become the chair of the powerful House Government Reform Committee, says he'd focus on "waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars," from the reconstruction of Iraq to homeland security and Katrina contracts. And Ike Skelton, the Missouri Democrat who would chair the House Armed Services Committee, and John Murtha, the leading Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, have called for oversight and investigations on Iraq reconstruction efforts akin to the Truman Commission that probed war profiteering during World War II. Dingell, who would probably chair the Energy and Commerce Committee, would most likely resume sending his infamous Dingell-grams, which requested detailed information from agencies on environmental and energy policies, among other things."
They see the power order as, according to this report,
Activist Democrats {Aka LWL}will take over key committees if the House turns over.
Energy and Commerce John Dingell (Mich.)
Government Reform Henry Waxman (Calif.)
Judiciary John Conyers (Mich.)
Ways and Means Charles Rangel (N.Y.)
Energy and Commerce Barney Frank (Mass.)
Also according the US and World Report. Not ALL Democrats are picking out the drapes and wall paper patterns yet. Regardless of what they want you to believe publicly.
"An extremely positive midterm election prediction that the Democrats will pick up 30-plus seats -- and the majority -- is raising eyebrows among House and Senate minority aides, who believe Minority Whip Steny Hoyer's expectations are unrealistic. In fact, a House and Senate Democratic leadership official said that it's likely that the Senate will remain in Republican control and that taking back the House is just a fifty-fifty proposition."
This is something else I have been telling you. The numbers do not agree with this completely over confidant prediction by some on the Left and the Mass Media Drones. They KNOW YOU have the power. As I advised you yesterday, a lot of you have already voted. Even with all the lame attempts by the LWL and the MMD to suppress voter turn out, YOU are voting. According to this article in the Washington post, not only are you voting, you are doing so in record numbers.
"While Republican Bob Corker and Democratic Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. slug it out in the Tennessee Senate race, voters there are already going to the polls in record numbers. Early voting began in the state Oct. 18, and turnout is reported to be especially high in Ford's home town of Memphis."
If they have early voting in your area, I strongly suggest you take advantage of this. One, you will be done with it and not have to worry about standing in line in 8 days. Two, you can actually ignore all the garbage ads now leading up to the election.
I’ll leave you with this thought today. Do you have any doubt that there are some OUTSIDE this country attempting to get the LWL in power? They KNOW they are weak on security. They KNOW they have a free pass if they are in power. Who do you think they would rather deal with? If you DID have any doubt, think about this,
"BAGHDAD -- A court trying Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity could delay its verdict by a few days, the chief prosecutor said on Sunday, in a move that would shift the announcement until after U.S. midterm elections."
"A guilty verdict could reflect positively on Bush as a vindication of his policy to overthrow Saddam in 2003. The former Iraqi president is also on trial separately on charges of genocide against the country's ethnic Kurds in the late 1980s."
8 very short days to go folks. Get informed. Get ready. Go vote.
US News & World Report- "The Dem’s Agenda"
US News & World Report- "Many Democrats don't share Hoyer election optimism"
Washington Post- "Tennessee Democrats Seek to Mobilize 'Drop-Off' Voters"
NewsMax- "Saddam Verdict may be delayed"
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