Happy Friday to you. Our friend Matt Drudge and the Drudge Report has been busy. I have been telling you for days now that there HAS to be more to this whole thing. I have stated over and over again these FACTS.
1- There is a difference in EMAILS, and IMs Period. Two COMPLETELY different things that the LWL and the MMD keep throwing together to make it seem as if The Speaker’s Office knew of the Instant Messages. They never did. They knew of the Emails.
2- EVERYONE claims to have known about the emails. The Speaker’s office, various news outlets, the FBI. EVERYBODY seen and knew of these, and NOONE, including the media, felt there was anything to them. The sexual filled, and possibly illegal IMs were released on Friday. This is when everyone found them out together. But WAIT. Now they may NOT have been illegal. More on that later.
3-Even though there was nothing illegal in these Emails. Even though the Parents are said to have NOT wanted this pursued, which may be irrelevant anyway, again, more on that later, the Republican leadership conducted an intervention with Foley and advised him to cease in this type of behavior. He ceased.
4-The MILLION dollar question. WHO HAD THESE INSTANT MESSAGES FOR TWO TO THREE YEARS? These are the ones that covered them up. These are the ones the may have very well put kids at risk. These are those guilty of aiding Foley in his deviant behavior. NOT the Republican leadership who knew only about the EMAILS.
5-The keeping of these and the release of these the last day of the Congressional Session, after the point that the Republicans can add someone to replace Foley on the ballot is CLEARLY political. No concern for the "kids". They, those that had these USED the kids for political gain.
Now the latest. The LWL, otherwise know as the Democratic leadership is protesting a SIGN. That’s right, they are threatening to sue if the polling places attempts to let voters know that a vote for Foley will be a vote for Negron. LOL, of course, that would defeat their attempts.
Now to the Drudge Report
Turns out that ABC messed up. They left the name of the "victim" in one of the versions. This made it easy for a blogger to find out who he was. Here is what Drudge said,
"ABC explains in a statement: "On Friday, ABC News published instant messages between a former page and Congressman Foley with the IM screen name of the teenage victim redacted. Immediately, we discovered that in one instance, the screen name of the teen on one IM exchange had not been properly redacted. ABC News immediately took down the posting [version 1], redacted the screen name and re-published the posting [version 2]. We certainly believed that we had taken care of the issue quickly. Last evening, after an inquiry from Matt Drudge, it came to our attention that a blogger was able to access our deleted file [version 1] by typing in a slightly modified web address. To be clear, no one visiting our website would have simply stumbled on the old version."
On Tuesday ABC news released a high-impact instant message exchange between Foley and, as ABC explained, a young man "under the age of 18."
ABC headlined the story: "New Foley Instant Messages; Had Internet Sex While Awaiting House Vote"
But upon reviewing the records, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, the young man was in fact over the age of 18 at the time of the exchange.
Matt has also learned that this all started out as a prank on Foley, He said,
"According to two people close to former congressional page Jordan Edmund, the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.
According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded an unwitting Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats.
The primary source, an ally of Edmund, adamantly proclaims that the former page is not a homosexual. The prank scenario was confirmed by a second associate of Edmund. Both are fearful that their political careers will be affected if they are publicly brought into the investigation."
Read it all here
I have been telling you for days that this just doesn’t sound right. There has to be more to it. I told you that this is CLEARLY a political move. I called for an investigation into all this. I’m glad to see it starting to come out. I said just Wednesday,
"The organized war on the Republican party by the LWL and their willing accomplices, the Mass Media Drones, is continuing. They now want Hastert to resign. Of course they do. This would all but guarantee their victory in 34 days. Not because they are right on issues, policies, or that the American people trust them enough to vote for them, but because they caused enough damage to the Republicans to discourage enough voters to not even vote."
"Truth is simple. They have declared war against the Republicans, in a time of war, to attempt to destroy them right before an election, because they are too ignorant to win an election. I have faith in the American people that they will see all this for what it’s worth, and this will all backfire on them as usual. I hope that after this election, after all the garbage that they have tried, look for more daily up to the election, when they lose, they will realize that the American people are not as stupid as they think they are."
I stand by these statements even more so today. We may even find out BEFORE the election that this is all a big, stinking , pile, of political BS. Foley is gone. I hope he faces the fullest extent of the law. But the rest of all this? As you can see, there is more to come.
Thank you Matt Drudge.
food for thought
Hey Betty,
UH OK, I read the NYT piece, not sure what the point is.
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