Hey folks,
I just told you yesterday,
"It should also be interesting to see how much press this gets. You know, the mass media and the LWL will have to divert attention away from their attacks, and the Foley mess, to report it. Yesterday the front page of many news papers was STILL Foley. I’m sure they will find a way to blame Bush for this one as well."
LOL. I told you this would happen. I should have also said what I was thinking about them down playing this North Korean Nuke test. But since I didn’t say it, I can’t tell you "I told you so " about that. But that IS what they are doing. It is for a reason folks. If it was not that big of a deal, then noone should worry about it. Just last night I counted FIVE Foley stories in the NYT, FIVE. Then they attempted to downplay the test. They said,
"The North Korean test appears to have been a nuclear detonation but was fairly small by conventional standards, and possibly a failure or a partial success, federal and private analysts said today."
Yes, this is no big deal. Do not think about that, not at least for another 29 days. "Concentrate on Foley. Our polls show that this will get us in. Concentrate on Foley"
Then you have The LWL. WAIT, I made a mistake, the title of this article is "Democrats" I’m sorry about that folks. I should have put LWL. There is NO Democratic party anymore. The LWL have completely taken over. These people are completely NUTS. They truly are looney. They are also so predictable it is sad.
"Distracted by Iraq and paralyzed by internal divisions, the Bush administration has for several years been in a state of denial about the growing challenge of North Korea, and has too often tried to downplay the issue or change the subject," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev"
Down play the Issue? What do you call what the NYT did?
"Calling Bushes policies a "shocking failure," John Kerry said "While we've been bogged down in Iraq where there were no weapons of mass destruction, a madman has apparently tested the ultimate weapon of mass destruction."
"We had the opportunity to stop North Korea from increasing its nuclear power, but George Bush went to sleep at the switch while he pursued his narrow agenda in Iraq," added Sen. Bob Menendez, a Democrat in a tough campaign in New Jersey.
Even Hillary was throwing blame at Bush yesterday. Need I remind you Mrs.Clinton, it was YOUR Husband who gave North Korea the technology, and fuel for Nuclear Weapons? You have to love this. They cannot dispute these facts, so I’m sure that they will ignore them.
"1993: North Korea shocks the world by saying it will quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and then layered suspends its withdrawal.
1994: North Korea and the United States sign an agreement in Geneva, North Korea pledging to freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear weapons program in exchange for help building two power producing nuclear reactors.
September 17th, 1999: Five years later: President Clinton agrees to a first major easing of economic sanctions against North Korea since the Korean War's end in 1953.
July of 2000: North Korea threatens to restart its nuclear program if Washington does not compensate it for the loss of electricity due to delays in building nuclear power plants. (Laughing) The reason they're having delays in building nuclear power plants is because they took what we gave them and they're using it to develop weapons!"
Hello? Do THEY take credit for this? Well, when this was pointed out to Madeleine Albright on television once, all she could say was "Well, they tricked us." LOL They TRICKED YOU? Can you believe it? A Dictator LIED. How could it be? If blame is to be laid at anyone’s feet, it HAS to be Clinton.
This is a growing list of things, that if you really look in to the FACTS, and the TRUTH, you see Clinton’s glowing incompetence. If he had taken Osama bin Ladin when he had, like ten chances, 9-11 would never have happened. If he never gave North Korea the technology and fuel to build the Nuclear bomb they just tested on Sunday, and possibly another one yesterday, THIS situation would have never took place.
I know my LWL friends hate it when the truth comes out, backed with facts that they have a hard time spinning. But facts are facts, and truth is truth. Now enough with this pesky annoying little nuclear distraction, now back to Foley.
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