Just 7 days to go. 7 days. One week. The power is yours. The control of the Government is up to you. Get informed, get ready, if you can in your area, do it now, GO VOTE.
So what is making the news today. Well, I found a few articles interesting. One I already told you about is starting to make big news. Remember I told you,
"This has been happening for a while. The "New Media" has put a major crimp into the whole monopoly of the Mass Media. The Guru has a somewhat limited reach now. Gone are the days where they can say or do anything they want. They tried in 2000, 2004, and are still trying now, to get a message out that they want you to believe without question. But the problem is that there is now news outlets, be it cable news, radio, blogs, etc. that actually tell you the truth, and back it with facts."
Now it is making news. It was in the Washington Post, AP reported it, now Editor and Publisher, America’s oldest journal covering the Newspaper agency, reported it this way,
"NEW YORK The Audit Bureau of Circulations FAS-FAX report for the six-month period ending September 2006 released this morning confirmed yet again that major metros are struggling to show growth. The losses are steep while the gains are meager.
This is the fourth consecutive semi-annual report to register a severe drop in daily circulation and -- perhaps more troubling to the industry -- Sunday copies. While the estimated decline 2.8% for daily circulation for all reporting papers may seem negligible, consider that in years past that decrease averaged around 1%. Sunday, considered the industry's bread-and-butter, showed even steeper losses, with a decline of about 3.4%.
Big cities like L.A., Miami, and Boston are feeling the effects of the Internet and the trimming of other-paid circulation. In New York, however, a 5.1% surge for the New York Post allowed it to leapfrog past its rival, the Daily News -- and The Washington Post -- into fifth place in daily circ."
You would think, would you not, that THIS election and all the things that are taking place, the papers would be doing great, right? But the truth of the matter is this, not only the war, but this election itself IS the reason there is such a decline. The constant daily barrage of attacks against President Bush, anything Republican, and the disclosure of the fact there are daily secret phone conversation between the Mass Media drones, and Soros and Dean, have done this. They have done it to themselves. THEY have shown the American people that they can no longer be trusted to deliver the un-bias truth of facts and let you decide. Check out the link at the bottom for a break down paper for paper. Pretty interesting.
It’s really simple. There is so much corruption on the Left, so many cases of the media ignoring it, so many cases of the media just flat out making stuff up, so many cases of the MMD politicking for the LWL that people are fed up.
Back to the upcoming elections. I have been saying this for years now. Nothing has changed. I keep telling you that the LWL have NO plan. President Bush put it this way,
"I want you to think about the Democrat plan for success. There isn't one. They are in agreement on one thing - they will leave before the job is done, and we will not let them. Five years after September the 11th, too many Democrats still do not get it," Bush said. "The best way to protect the homeland is to find the enemy and defeat them overseas."
Homeland Security and the YOUR and your children’s safety?
"In all these vital measures for fighting the war on terror, the Democrats in Washington follow a simple philosophy: Just say no," he said.
"So when the Democrats ask for your vote on November the 7th, what are you going to say?" Bush yelled. "Just say no!" the audience yelled back.
You see folks, this is just the thing that makes some love him, and some hate him. He speaks his mind regardless of what people think. In this case, he is one hundred percent right.
Then I have to mention this. I saw this article and it got me thinking of the foundation that the LWL is attempting to lay, {in case you are too stupid to vote for them, according to them} if they lose. Back on August 16, I told you this was taking place.
"Mark my works folks. If the election does not go their way in November, they will be citing this Ohio thing, and they will be crying that "yet another election was stolen" probably suing Diebold in the process. Of course, as always, they will blame Bush."
Well, now, it turns out that the Right MAY have a legitimate argument if THEY lose.
"The U.S. government is probing whether a takeover last year of a leading U.S. voting machine maker by a software company with links to Venezuela gave President Hugo Chavez's leftist government control over its operations, the New York Times reported Saturday.
The Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States, a multi-agency panel that approves or rejects foreign takeovers, is conducting a formal inquiry into Smartmatic Corp. and its subsidiary Sequoia Voting Systems, which is based in Oakland, Calif, the Times reported in its online edition.
Smartmatic and the Venezuelan government officials have strongly denied that Chavez -- a longtime foe of the Bush administration -- has any role in Smartmatic, the Times said."
Well, isn’t that interesting. 7 days to go folks, Get informed, Get ready. Go Vote.
Editor and Publisher- "Big Metros Show Severe Declines in Latest Circ Report"
Washington Post-"Daily Circulation falls at US Papers"
News Max-"Hugo Chavez Link to Voting Machines Probed"
News Max-"Bush: Democrats Have No Plan for Success"