Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yet Another Example. The Left Can’t Run on Policies

Hey folks,

Here is yet another example of the fact that the Left Wing Looneys can’t run on policies. They have none. So all they do is attack, legally or not, because they think you are stupid. The latest example, I guarantee not the last, is the whole Schwarzenegger thing.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a privet conversation with his friend, and now the LWL come out and attempt to use it against him. They are running into some problems though they had not counted on.

First, they broke the law to get the recording, and got caught doing it. According to Schwarzenegger's legal affairs secretary, Andrea Lynn Hoch, the sound file was stored in a password protected area. She said she forwarded the Internet Protocol address used to download the file to those who are conducting the investigation.

Second, and you have to love this one, noone was offended at the remarks. What was the offensive "Racial Slanders" uttered by Gov. Schwarzenegger ? He said that he thought that Bonnie Garcia, and Cubans and Puerto Ricans in general was "very hot'' because of a combination of what he calls "black blood'' and "Latino blood.'' NOONE including Bonnie Garcia was offended.

You know this is driving them nuts. But NOW during the investigation, we find out who leaked this story to the press. It was the Looneys. That’s right, Cathy Calfo, campaign manager for Democrat Phil Angelides, Schwarzenegger’s opponent, said she was unhappy that two campaign staffers had passed the audio clip to the Times without her knowledge. Angelides did not know about it, either.

Bunk. Pure bunk. She said,

"We're looking into it now, am I happy? No."

Of course not. You got caught. {LOL} Of course you are not happy. This is just another example of the fact that they cannot run on issues, policies, and plans. They have none.

Look, if you ran on substance, policies, and had a concise, attainable, plan, that you feel strongly and passionately about, I would maybe vote for you. If I agreed with your vision, I would stand behind you and vote for you all the way. So would most people. But they have nothing. So they simply attack.

You have to give the Repub.s credit. For the most part, even when they lose, they loose passionately. They have firm beliefs, plans, policies, and feel strongly about them. They stand for what they believe. They inform you of what you can expect if you where to vote them in. If they lose, they go down in flames steadfast in their beliefs.

But the LWL? All they want is power. Their "guaranteed" take over is no longer a "guarantee". More and more are starting to realize this. Yet, they still don’t get it.

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