Dem.s At It Again. Right Church Wrong, Left Church Good.
Hey folks,
Here we go again. Right off the wires yesterday, I’m sure it will be news today, the Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) today announced a national campaign to inform churches about federal tax law forbidding partisan politicking by tax-exempt groups. Some letters, totaling over 117,000, begin mailing today and will be sent to every house of worship in Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Missouri and Virginia.
Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United executive director said,
"Dragging churches into partisan politics is just plain wrong. It violates tax law, it damages the integrity of religion and it harms our democracy. Dobson and other Religious Right leaders want to politicize America's pulpits. I urge religious leaders not to go along with it. Houses of worship that get drawn into Dobson's political machine could emerge with their tax-exempt status severely mangled."
Now you know they are getting desperate. I personally do not like Dobson. Never have. But this is NOT new. They tried this in 2000, 2004, now, I’m sure they will try it again. But what IS the problem here? OH it the "Right".
Yes folks, they are getting scared. They KNOW that most in this country have Conservative views. They KNOW that most people in this country still believe in morals. They KNOW that if the religious Right come together, the Left does not stand a chance.
But here is the problem with all this. THEY do it also. Just poorly. Remember Jessie Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton? Remember Hillary hopping church to church? Talking about how faithful she is. Remember the "Get out the vote" that put Bill Clinton speaking in churches in 2004? How about Al Gore speaking at Frank Church?
One of the funniest aspects of all this is the fact that while the Left cry foul, doing it themselves, they are working behind the scenes to "Get Religion". They have been doing this for a while. They just cannot seem to get it though. From the New York Times archives, November 17, 2004, Wednesday
Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 20, Column 1, 1532 words
"DISPLAYING ABSTRACT - Some Democrats, bested by Republican campaign emphasizing Christian faith, are scrambling to shake off their secular image, stepping up efforts to organize 'religious left' and debating changes to how they approach cultural flashpoints of same-sex marriage and abortion; disagree about how to establish party's spiritual credentials; some play down need for changes, while others argue that Democrats need to rephrase their positions in more moral and religious language"
Again from the NYT archives,
February 11, 2005, Friday
Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 20, Column 5, 1142 words
"DISPLAYING ABSTRACT - Congressional Memo: Democrats are enlisting consultants, from church leaders to marketing guru and even linguist, to redefine themselves and refine message; use of word 'values' or value-laden phrases is proliferating on Capitol Hill, spinning out new morality play in which everything is cast in terms of right and wrong; Rep James E Clyburn is leading faith working group to encourage lawmakers to sprinkle references to God and religion into their speeches; but many are wary of tactic of backfiring if authenticity is missing"
They stepped it up in 2005, getting ready for this coming election, from MotherJones in 2005,
Interviewed By Michal Lumsden
March 10, 2005
"To say, as some have, that the 2004 presidential election was won and lost on "moral values" is probably an overstatement. It's nevertheless true that among church-going, God-fearing types who think the country has lost its moral bearings, George W. Bush enjoyed vastly more support than did his rival, John Kerry. Is there a lesson here for the Democrats?
Yes, there is, according to Jim Wallis, editor of the leftish religious magazine Sojourners, whose new book, God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, argues that Democrats, if they ever want to win an election, must learn how to talk about moral values, indeed, to talk the language of moral values, in a way that remains true to the party’s principles."
You CAN see what they are doing right? They cannot win on the issues. They cannot win against faith. So they first try to silence, then they try to fool. Look at the wordings here. "while others argue that Democrats need to rephrase their positions in more moral and religious language", "Democrats, if they ever want to win an election, must learn how to talk about moral values, indeed, to talk the language of moral values, in a way that remains true to the party’s principles.", "Rep James E Clyburn is leading faith working group to encourage lawmakers to sprinkle references to God and religion into their speeches."
You cannot have the Conservatives talking about politics in church, even know, did I mention, they do that as well, but you CAN have the LWL FAKE it? They REALLY do not get the concept. The Religious Right, or those with true faith are NOT faking. They truly believe in the Bible, and will not be fooled by "My favorite book in the New Testament is Job" {Howard Dean} or, "I have always been a women of faith" {Hillary Clinton} or, whatever other cockamamy, sorry excuse at an attempt they try.
Yes they will be threatening churches. They will be calling "unfair", whining, crying, and screaming foul. It will be news for a bit. Then the same thing will happen as it always does. They will fail and then blame you.
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