Sunday, September 10, 2006

Just My Thoughts {3}

Hey folks,

Today’s thought is more of an answer to a question that I have been asked for years now. In some form or another. I am going to warn you up front that Jesus, God, religion, and faith are the topics today. If this offends you, just leave now.

For those of you that are still here, the question that am honestly going to attempt to answer is, "What would Jesus do." It has been asked to me in many forms and many ways, covering a vast array of topics. It is usually asked for one of three reasons.

1- Someone discovers that I believe in Jesus, and the Bible being The word of God, Then they have heard me saying things like I understand the death penalty, or as of late, I understand the reason we are at war, or I understand if "torturing" one person would save thousands of lives, it would not necessarily be a bad thing. They are honestly confused or curious as to how I can see things this way.

2- They believe in God, Jesus, and have followed the teachings of their religion, and have always been taught the "Turn the Other Cheek" Jesus. The one that never gets angry. The one that would allow anyone do anything to him, including even death. Hence, Salvation.

3-{In most cases} the questioner does not believe in Jesus. Doesn’t believe in God. Has a disdain for anything even remotely Christian, and thinks that by asking this, using the "Turn the Other Cheek" Jesus, they are somehow "getting me". Catching me in hypocrisies.

The latest reason for this question is the war. The latest reason for this question is the President announcing the existence of secret prisons. As in most cases, the ones asking this question really do not believe in Jesus, God, or the Bible. They have a near hatred for Christianity and anyone who claims they have faith in God.

The answer, as far as I go, is both complicated for some to understand, but truly simplistic to me. It is based on the real Jesus, and what the Bible ACTUALLY says about Him. There are many places in The Word that points out that not only did Jesus get angry, but he did something about it. I will point out three.

The first, Matthew 21:18,19 tells the story of Jesus waking in the morning and was hungry. He saw a fig tree and walked to it only to find that it had no fruit. Jesus got angry. He said to the tree that it shall never bare anymore fruit. It withered and died as they watched. Jesus got angry at the tree for not doing what it should do, produce fruit, so he reacted to that failure. He did not walk away, and look for another tree. He dealt with the one the failed.

When Peter pointed this occurrence out later, Jesus did not say to him, do not do this. Do not react out of anger. He said, if he had faith in God, even he could say, not only to a tree, but an entire mountain to be moved and cast into the sea, and not doubt, he would have it. Mark 11

Second, the death of Lazarus. John 11:35-43. Jesus so loved Lazarus that when he heard of his death, Jesus wept. He became angry saying that this man should not have died. He went to the grave and raised Lazarus from the dead four days after he died. Did Jesus say, death is just part of life and we must learn to deal with it? No, he became angry and dealt with death directly.

Third, and the one I will concentrate mostly on in response to this question {about the war and torture} John 2:13-16 tells of how Jesus came upon a temple where he found "money changers" people buying and selling things. He saw this as them invading his house. Did he say, forgive them? Did he say let’s negociate with them? Did he ask them anything? No. He saw them invading his house, and attacking the reason for it being. He took a "scourge of cords" a whip basically, and drove them out. He turned over tables and destroy their things. I would say, he was angry. Wouldn’t you?

It is really simple. People invaded, and attacked. Not only did Jesus confront them, but he did so with a weapon. He caused destruction. If I see someone attempting to, or actually attacking our house, America, not only do I think Jesus would have no problem with us attacking them. With weapons. Jesus knew he could not reason with those there. So he simply did not waste the time trying. He dealt with them.

This "Turn the other cheek" Gandhi like Jesus is only half of the real Jesus. We learn in Sunday school that "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." But what so many people forget is the dividing rod. What so many people do not seem to realize, or choose not to accept is the key. You have to accept him, before he can accept you.

In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus said,

"Not everyone that says to me Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of my Father who is in Heaven."

The plan of Salvation. Following God’s Word. Accepting Jesus’s sacrifice for yourself.

"Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? In your name cast out devils, and in your name done many wonderful works?

I will profess onto them, I never knew you, depart from me, you who work iniquity."

He is talking about those who blindly follow man made traditions and religion, without accepting him truly and learning what God, not man made traditions say about this or that. He is talking a personal relationship with HIM and faith in HIM. HE is the key.

If you use the key, you will then and ONLY then, open up the flood gates of Heaven that will grant you unconditional love and indescribable peace. Without using the key, you can not expect anything. Only if you use the key, accepting what Jesus did for you personally, can you say He knows you. We are all God’s creation, but to be a child of God, you must be adopted. You must go thought the process.

Yes Jesus loves you, heals the sick, works miracles, and died for YOU. There is no greater love than that. But the catalyst to receiving the benefits of belonging to that family is the adoption. He made it REALLY simple for you. A simple yes or no. I cannot do it for you. Jesus cannot do it for you, God himself, the devil, the little blue man on the moon, cannot do it for you, only YOU can.

Now my view on torture. First of all, you would have to define torture to me. Forced nudity? Things that do not seem to much worse than hazing? Sleep depravation? I’m not all that sure I would call this "torture". The way I see it, if making some one uncomfortable, embarrassed, or tired, saves another three thousand lives? I really do not think I have a problem with it. Jesus? Truth is, I do not know what His feelings on torture is. Neither do you. The topic is never discussed.

I’m sorry folks, but I really do not understand this. The very same guy, that some are upset over him being force to be naked, or kept awake for a few days, that would kill you, your spouse, kids, and attempt to wipe your very existence off the planet tomorrow if given the chance. Your crime against him? You breath.

Yes, I believe in Jesus, God and The Word. Yes I understand we are at war with those that want us dead. I have no problem in believing in this and the war. Jesus would not allow His house to be invaded, why would He be against us defending ours? He wouldn’t Yes, the all merciful and forgiving Jesus is real, but you have to ask for forgiveness to be forgiven.

I hope that may have answered your question, or at least help you to better understand my point of view on these things a little better.


Anonymous said...

This post is soooooooo wrong on soooooooo many levels. let me try in my humble way to address some of the bull.
1. are you saying that were jesus here he would be in favor of this unjust war?
2.Are you also saying that this jesus would also support the torture and abuse of so many people based on the belief that they want to kill you?
3. you, personally, have nothing to worry about. You live in south florida. Not a hotbed of terror activity.your family will be fine.
4. You still need to "come out" as a republican for me to take you seriously on any topic. Cuz only then when we have an honest chat. Until that day you appear to be a "poser"
5. I read days ago (can't find it now) that the star of that film on 9-11 doubts the truthfullness of the story he helped tell.
just a couple of thoughts about how you are soooooo wrong!!

Anonymous said...

oh and you are an idiot!! In case you forgot

Peter said...

Hey Betty,

First of all, for the sake of time, I’ll address your points in number correlation.

1- This is not an unjust war. Only in your mind is it unjust. You haven’t answered my question yet. Do you not realize that there are people out there that want us dead, just because we live? Do you really think that they will just go away if we decided to stop?

2- OK, maybe you just answered it. THEY DO WANT TO KILL YOU. They will even tell you that, had told you that, will not stop, ever, until you are dead. They do not care about your negotiations. They do not care about incentives. They do not even care about their own life. They will die, as long as they take you with them. Their Mothers give birth to children for the sole purpose of dying, hoping that they take YOU with them. They would be so proud. How do you negociate with someone who’s starting point is your death?

3- That is just a plain, nescient statement. Terrorists will attempt to go for the big kill, true. But those are also the most protected. ANY dead “infidel” is a good “infidel” But your right. We are safer since Bush. Actually, if you think about it, maybe I am safer than many, I have the double Bush factor. {Smile}

4- I have already answered this question SO many times it doesn’t even matter to me anymore. I am an independent thinker. I do not tow party lines. I most definitely lean Right, because, sorry, your side is just plain nuts. I remember when the Democratic party was a legit. They actually had a plan and purpose. They had a vision. Hey, there’s another question you never answered. They are your people. You are planing on voting for them. {Just for the sake of your ideologies, without a signal solitaire idea of what you are going to give up} What plan or vision have they relaid to you? “Get Bush” is not a reason to give your Daughter’s very future away for.

5- The star was not involved. I couldn’t care less what an actor thinks. The 9-11 commission report, those that were involved and actually there, many, MANY other sources, the Clintonites excluded, DO say that everything happened as depicted. Oh, Clinton did say on tape, he had many opportunities and failed to act.

No my friend. I’m not wrong. You just do not like the truth. It doesn’t fit your parties agenda.

Anonymous said...

this war IS unjust in the eyes of most americans. You choose to believe whatever your leader tells you so you do not see the real truth. It is so unamerican the blind faith you show towards this man and administration. Can you not think for yourself? Do you need to be told how to feel on every issue? You say you are a free thinker but you have yet to display a single independent thought. Remember--- just because you do not agree with something does not make it wrong!!
These are just my thoughts and I will no longer spend any time recearching anything to prove my case for you. It is quite clear you are very happy in "whitemaleland" and do not wish to upset the status quo.

Peter said...

Hey Betty,

That is one of the biggest copouts I have ever heard. You cannot defend your point of view because you haven't been given the LWL talking points memo yet.

You say the war is unjust. Why? I say it is just because there are people out there, those we are fighting, who want us dead. Period. They do not want anything else. Just us dead.

You say "It is so unamerican the blind faith you show towards this man and administration." He is the President. So it's now un-American to respect the position of the Leader of this country? Sorry Hillary, I mean Betty, it is un-American to attack him in every situation. It is un-American to side with those who are the enemy. It is un-American to undermined and destroy our efforts to protect ourselves. This is what is un-American if you really want to go there.

Welcome to reality Betty. Reality is we are at war because we were attacked. We were attacked 10 times when your hero was getting a b,,,make that "having sexual relations with that woman" and he chose to do nothing. We were attacked again, Bush don't play that. We haven't been attacked since.

Truth is truth, facts are facts, and yes Betty, just like you said. Sometimes truth sucks, but "just because you do not agree with something does not make it wrong!!"

But I understand that you just want to go away and live viewing life through the LWL created glasses. Let those that understand the world the way it exists in reality take care of things. Don't worry. President Bush protects even those who hate him.