No Break For the Left.
Hey folks,
Happy Friday to you. You know, the left just can’t catch a break. They are having a terrible time right now. Look at what they are faced with.
1- They counted they chicks before they hatched. They were going around calling Nancy Pelosi "Speaker of the House to be Pelosi". Even some of the mass media drones were doing this on air. They were picking out the drapes, carpet patterns. This was a guaranteed victory. Now? Not so much, which makes them look a little silly.
2-Gas prices are plummeting.
3- Just under 50 days to go to the election, the normal phenomena is taking place. More and more Americans, on a daily bases, are slowing down from their daily routines, and are now officially listening. Most do not care a thing for politics except during election time What are they hearing?
The economy is better than any time in history. Un-employment is at an all time low. The government is making money hand over foot, because of tax cuts. We are making major progress in Iraq. We are safer than we have been in over twenty years. The President’s programs are working. There really is evil out there.
Yet, the Left are saying, "the economy is worst than any time in history" "There are no jobs." Bush doesn’t care about the poor or black folks." Actually, people are hearing Charles Rangel saying,
"but you're able to see Katrina, when you actually see that if you're black in this country and you're poor in this country, it's not an inconvenience, it's a death sentence."
Back to generalizations, "Iraq is a failure." "We cannot win the war on terror." "9-11 is America’s fault and we are creating more terrorists" "The President is evil, the devil himself. His programs are stripping you of your rights. They must be abolished." "Little Hitler is a great humanitarian." "Hugo Chavez deserves a standing ovation." "Blah, blah, blah"
NO WAIT!!!! "The American people are listening to this joke of a leader Chavez, and they do not like what he is saying. Actually they HATE it. We MUST denounce him. Quick, Rangel, lead the charge. We cannot be seen as equal to him. Even though we have been saying the same thing for years."
Here is a question. Do you think that the AU will threaten the United Methodist Church at 86th and West end Ave, Harlem with THEIR tax exempt status? You cannot get anymore political than his speech, which did take place in a church. Or do you think this threat is just for the "Christian Right"?
Then you have California clogging up the courts with a useless lawsuit against car companies in the name of "Global Warming." Which will just be thrown out in the long run. But NOW?? According to this AP article
"The White House and rebellious Senate Republicans announced agreement Thursday on rules for the interrogation and trial of suspects in the war on terror. President Bush urged Congress to put it into law before adjourning for the midterm elections.
"I'm pleased to say that this agreement preserves the single most potent tool we have in protecting America and foiling terrorist attacks," the president said, shortly after administration officials and key lawmakers announced agreement following a week of high-profile intra party disagreement."
They are coming together. The Right is united once again. Not only that. President Bush will be able to have,,, "the tools he needs to continue to fight the war on terror and bring these evil people to justice." Sen. John McCain.
According to CIA Director Michael Hayden,
"Much remains in the legislative process," he said in a written statement to the agency personnel. But "if this language becomes law, the Congress will have given us the clarity and the support that we need to move forward with a detention and interrogation program that allows us to continue to defend the homeland, attack al-Qaida and protect American and allied lives."
Why do you think the Presidents numbers continue to go up? The majority of Americans live in reality. They understand the difference between reality and whatever it is that the LWL is spinning. They know that by their own words and actions, the Left is pathetically weak on, nor do they really care about, National Security. The majority of Americans are listening.
It is amazing to watch the LWL go from the guaranteed victory to shaking in their shoes. Day after day, situation after situation, they just can’t catch a break.
go there now
yes, you can be saved and yes you can see the truth.
I went to www.theyoungturks.com OH they are on Air America now. The network noone listens to. But good for them non-the-less. The video is 3 hours long. I got through about the second hour, I just got in, and I’m not sure of your point. All they are saying is the LWL talking points that is COMPLETELY wrong.
Point one, They said “Waterboarding” would be allowed to continue. Not true.
Point two, they want “torture” defined the way THEY see it. Just because they say something is torture, doesn’t make it so.
Point three, they do not tell you what they feel is a workable alternative. They just attack Bush, as usual.
Point four, They are EXTREMELY bitter that Bush won. They are spouting complete lies about this whole agreement reached. They are extremely bitter that their people are looking more and more like they are on the losing end soon.
This is just the one hour so far.
Oh, I forgot to mention one of the BIGGEST things that hurt them. Throwing Lieberman under the bus.
Continued,,, Paris Hilton and P Didi ? You care what they think?
Making fun of the Toucher rooms of Saddam. Nice.
“Republican” Lieberman LOL they REALLY don’t get it.
Valery Pla,,,, are you kidding? They ALWAYS knew who the leak was.
Defending reporters for LEAKING Grand Jury testimony... {These guys are morons without a clue.}
LOL Democrats they do not agree with are “Republicans”..
“If I was a black person, I would be offended.” Jill Pike. She is NOT black..
Commercial break.... I REALLY do not know if I can make it the last 15 min.s. I’m trying though. Need more coffee. Great Music. I love Reggae.
“The Most Egregious Clip of the Week.” OK, I found something I can agree with them on. I do think that Bill Napoli went off the deep end. But then they went off the deep end themselves.
OK, I watched and listend to the last two hours of the three hour show. I may even tune in to them from time to time to see what elese they are saying. For my LWL friends out there, this is right up your ally. Catch the Young Turks Mon-Fri, 6-9pm on Air America, as long as it is on air, or check out them on their site.
So question, what EXACTLY are you attempting to point out to me? I’m truly asking. I want to know what you think. Why do you feel I’m wrong with my analysis? The facts are the facts.
I do see the truth. It is a shame that some will not see it until it is too late.
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