Sunday, May 31, 2009

IWA for Sunday 053109

A Racist would restate a comment after taking heat? Really?

Hey folks,

OK. We're back. Time to wrap things up with the IWA. Yes, this week was easy. The way all IWA's should be. But this one actually has the President attempting to defend the indefensible.

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Sorry. But that is a Racist statement. I do not care how you want to reword it NOW. Nor do I even care that the latest excuse is: The remark was in the context her saying that "our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging."

There are a few different problems with this. First, it is Racist. Second, it goes against what the very role of what a Judge, especially a Supreme Court Judge, is to be.

First the Race thing. OK. I want you to imagine a White Male being nominating and coming out and saying that Because he is a White Man, he will reach a better conclusion than a Black Woman. Or being a Christian, he will reach a better conclusion than an Atheist. I GUARANTEE that his name would be withdrawn REGARDLESS of whatever excuse he or others attempted to make for him. But because she is a Latina Woman, it's find.

Second. A Judge should be color blind. A Judge is NOT suppose to bring their own life experiences into the court. A Judge is suppose to be impartial. It does not matter who goes before the Judge, it is the Judges job to look at all the facts presented, and apply the Law to the situation. This whole concept that the next Justice needs to be Empathetic? To what? Who? No, the next Justice, like any other, needs to understand the Law, including the ones that govern THEM.

No folks. She is NOT the right person for this job. Now of course the MMD is gathering around her, and the White House is attempting to spin. Obama just said Friday, when asked about this, he said this.

"I'm sure she would have restated it."

Really? Why? She truly believes this. He also said.

"If you look in the entire sweep of the essay that she wrote, what's clear is that she was simply saying that her life experiences will give her information about the struggles and hardships that people are going through, that will make her a good judge," Obama said in the broadcast interview.

That is NOT what she said, nor what she meant. Sorry. Both are clear.

She also believes this. Remember this? Some of her thoughts on Judges' role in shaping policy were captured on video.

No. She really is not the best person for the Job. But she is the PERFECT person for the IWA. Congratulations Sonia Sotomayor, for displaying your total, either ignorance of what a Role of a Judge is, or the Arrogance to not care, and for the now infamous Racial remark, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Do not worry though, you will be confirmed. Congratulations on that as well.

AP - Obama sure Sotomayor would restate 2001 comment

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