Hey folks,

That's right, turns out that Brenda Lee, a Reporter, with White House Press Credentials, was bullied, threatened, and DRAGGED away from where she was standing. Why? Because she DARED to wait for President Obama to give him a letter. Was it a threatening letter? Nope. It was a letter urging him "to take a stand for traditional marriage." That's it folks.

LOS ANGELES — A writer for a small Georgia newspaper who wanted to give President Barack Obama a letter was forcibly removed from a press area near Air Force One on Thursday shortly before he arrived at the airport.
Airport security officers carried the woman away by the feet and arms as she protested her removal. She was then allowed to leave. She said the letter she had written was opposing gay marriage.
She later identified herself as Brenda Lee, a writer for the Georgia Informer in Macon, and said she is a "Roman Catholic priestess" who lives in Anaheim, Calif. She said she has White House press credentials.
The newspaper's Web site says it is a monthly publication; the site has writings by Lee posted. A call to the newspaper was not immediately returned.
The White House had no comment, said deputy press secretary Josh Earnest in Washington.
The incident occurred about 10 minutes before Obama arrived at Los Angeles International Airport by helicopter to board Air Force One. He had been in Los Angeles to attend a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Beverly Hills on Wednesday.
Lee said later in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that she wanted to hand Obama a letter urging him "to take a stand for traditional marriage."
She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.
"I said, 'I'll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,'" said Lee. "He became annoyed that I wouldn't give him the letter."
Lee said she protested when she was asked to leave.
"I said, 'Why are you bothering me?' They escorted me outside the gate," she said. She said security officers allowed her to return when she promised she would not yell or wave, but then other officers arrived and told her to leave.
"I said, 'I'm not leaving,'" she said. "They tried to drag me out."
Two officers then picked her up and carried her out. An Associated Press photographer photographed the incident.
"I was afraid you could see under my clothes," she said, her voice choking up.
Lee, who said this was the second presidential event she has covered, was later released.
No explanation and no comment by the White House on this? I guess there really need not be. You have this average Citizen that wanted to give the President a letter that she had written, as to not waste his precious time standing there talking to a peasant, and yet she was carried away? Literally. Don't you know Ms. Lee? The President doesn't have time to deal with little people like you. That's why his Crew carried you away. How DARE you think that you could possibly correspond with the President directly. You being a Minority Woman should know that. As long as you voted for him, that's good. You did your job. Now, just go away.
The Huffington Post - Brenda Lee, Reporter, Dragged Kicking And Screaming From Near Air Force One
Holy crap, Petey, you really don't read your own stuff, do you?
OK, so we have the first black president in history. His election also spurred a rise in violence among white supremacists. (Who could've figured, right? But you know all this; you mentioned them here.)
So anyway, we have a woman who claims to have White House press credentials, but it isn't immediately verifiable and it's from a monthly newsletter. She also claims to be a "Roman Catholic priestess" (tell me what's wrong in that last sentence).
First, she tries to hand the Secret Service a letter for Obama. (Is the Secret Service the Post Office? I'm just curious if you know the difference. I mean, they're both government offices - you might be confused.) They, quite rightly, tell her to hand it to a staffer. She refuses. She then hangs around, trying to hand it, she claims, directly to Obama.
That's her story, and she's sticking to it.
What does the Secret Service think she's doing at this point? Again, I'm just curious. Their job is to keep the president safe, in an environment already crowded with Klansmen and white supremacists (you know, the groups that you scoffed didn't exist in this little diatribe). So, what must they assume Ms Lee (no relation) is doing?
I mean, you seem to believe that suicide bombers exist. You don't want the Secret Service to take even the most basic precautions against them? Like clearing out the obvious loons?
At least try to be consistent, OK?
Hey Nameless,
Welcome back, and back and back {Smile} I have not been avoiding you. It has been a hectic week. But I have some time now. So I will be responding to all your comments.
Let's start with this one.
White Supremacists? What does that have to do with anything here?
You posted a link to the Insane National Security memo that was put out to tell authorities to use the force of government to investigate and intimidate Private Citizens. They actually call those Pro-Life, Extremists, and basically anyone that does not agree with Obama a danger to the country. They also called Vets, Extremists, that are easily recruited. It was to show just how the Government was trying to silence, and intimidate anyone that disagrees with Obama. Released right before the Tea Parties Nationwide.
Second, "environment already crowded with Klansman and white supremacists" what is you point anyway? White Racists have nothing to do with Ms Lee. Ms. Lee being a BLACK WOMAN. I'm sure she is not with the KKK.
I do however, ready for this? I do AGREE with you. "She also claims to be a "Roman Catholic priestess" (tell me what's wrong in that last sentence)."
{Laughing} I was thinking the same thing.
I do however see that you bought into the whole Liberal BS that anyone that disagrees with Obama or any Minority must them themselves be a Racist. That is completely ignorant and makes being void of facts to defend Obama and or Minorities pointless.
All you have to do is call Racism, and you think that makes you right and others wrong. {Sigh} OK.
White Supremacists? What does that have to do with anything here?
Gee, I dunno, Skipper. What effect would the growing influence of white supremacists among the extremist right wing have for a group required to protect the first black president?
I don't know, Petey. You tell me. To be honest, I think that everybody in the room but you can figure it out, but enlighten me. Why would this not be related?
You posted a link to the Insane National Security memo that was put out to tell authorities to use the force of government to investigate and intimidate Private Citizens.
Come on. You printed a good-sized block of it. Di that really what it said, or are you maybe reading into it just a little?
They actually call those Pro-Life, Extremists,
Oh, I'm sorry. You mean to say that you haven't heard of any of the abortion clinic bombings? Really? What about the odd abortionist assassination? (Don't you think that killing him in church might have been a little extreme? Maybe?)
Please don't try to say that you haven't heard of any of this. I mean, really, let's try to be a little more adult than that.
They also called Vets, Extremists, that are easily recruited.
Crap. Now you're just lying. Please. Grow up. We both know that the specific reference you're making said "Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."
Not "they are easily recruited," just "the lunatics will try to recruit them."
That's not even a subtle difference. That's like saying "a group that wants to prevent fires might recruit ex-firefighters." I mean, please. At least try to stay honest about this.
"environment already crowded with Klansman and white supremacists" what is you point anyway? White Racists have nothing to do with Ms Lee
Correct. They have nothing to do with Ms Lee. They have everything to do with the Secret Service. Our boys in the Service have 8,000 extremist groups to pay attention to, and now you want them to deal slowly and carefully with a woman who is showing no overt signs of sanity? Once her story fails to check out and she refuses to leave, what is it you want the Secret Service to do, anyway? Let her hang around until something obvious, like a lit fuse running up her leg, comes to their attention? I take it you've done zero security work in your lifetime, huh?
I do however see that you bought into the whole Liberal BS that anyone that disagrees with Obama or any Minority must them themselves be a Racist. That is completely ignorant and makes being void of facts to defend Obama and or Minorities pointless.You know, I understand that it might be rude to say "fuck you" as a response, but I can't imagine that anybody who can actually spell would be so ignorant as to misrepresent what I wrote in that manner. I mentioned racists in that they are the single most dangerous threat to Obama around today. That's it. I didn't say that Lee was a racist. I didn't even mention people who disagreed with Obama. That's you, projecting. I talked about threats that the Secret Service faced.
Feel free to be as disengenuously ignorant as you want, but please don't put words in my mouth. And really, let's try to be a little more honest here, OK?
You're the one putting your opinion out on the public throughways. You have to expect people to disagree, right?
So at least try not to fraudulently distort the responses of people, especially when all you have to do is scroll back up to see the truth of what people say.
Hey Bill,
I have TWO Apologies to make to you. One, again, sorry it takes me a bit to respond. I've been going trough some personal stuff lately and dealing with a full plate that takes up most of my time. Medical and Work stuff.
Second, as to thinking you were someone else. Even some other people seem to think that you sound EXACTLY like someone named Manny over at Ethepeople.org. Someone I will not respond to since he made an asinine comment "Since the day you stopped beating your Wife." I have not responded to him since, so it seemed that he {You} came here to try to get me to respond to him.
But I will SINCERELY Apologize to you and take you for your word that you are NOT he. That you are EXACLTY who you say you are, Bill.
OK. Interesting that you claim {Responding to many of your posts all at once} that I cherry pick, yet that is what you did to say those on the Right are Racist. Cherry pick comments and or IMPLY that something they said means something different. Then you accuse me of doing it. {Smile}
As for Pat? Truthfully I have not read any of his stuff. Truthfully, I do not even really care for him that much. Notice how I did not defend him personally. Given what you said about all the statements he has made in the past, one would be able to see how you feel the way you do about him. I'll give you that one.
I laid out my argument about the Extremist Right Wing garbage Memo when I posted it. So not to rehash.
"but I can't imagine that anybody who can actually spell would be so ignorant as to misrepresent what I wrote in that manner."
What you wrote was this.
" I'm just curious - would you spend the same amount of time whining if the choice was a white male who read the Hardy Boys?"
Implying that I would not have a problem had Obama picked a White Male, but I do have a problem with a Hispanic Female, implying that I'm a Racist Bigot. How else would you "represent" that?
As for Ms. Lee. Do you have proof that she does NOT have White House Credentials? Do you have proof that she is part of the KKK or any other Racist Organization? She was asked to leave AFTER she total them what was in the letter. One could argue that it was a security issue, a stretch, but one could argue it. But to say because he is our first Black President and there are White Racist Kooks out there? Doesn't work. Sorry.
Anyway. Hope you accept my sincere Apologies and I know I most likely forgot to address something here. If so, point it out and I will in the next day or so.
Take care.
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