Thursday, July 05, 2007

Myths and Truths of 08

Hey folks,

Happy Thursday to you. Hey tomorrow is FRIDAY. Many of you are going back to work today for a VERY short week, others are still off. Regardless, it’s just a good day today. I wanted to take some time to talk about the myths and truths of the up coming 08 elections.

This immigration fiasco was a good thing. It told us a lot about where the American people are. We are fed up with either side playing us as fools. Now there are a lot of polls out there that will tell you, that even with the historic record low approval rating, 14 percent, the American people still want the democrats in charge over the Republicans. OK, leave aside for a second the fact that is completely illogical, just ask some people around you. You will find this completely false.

Am I saying that people prefer the Republicans? No. I’m saying people are fed up with BOTH. What we want is simple. A Government for the people, by the people. The days of towing party lines, for the sake of the party, is a dying concept. One that should die, and stay dead.

Now I know that there will be some that will continue to agree, and some fight to the death, because they are loyal to the party. Regardless of how insane the concept or agenda is. But the vast a majority of people are starting to see what is TRULY going on. They do not like it. The more and more people that DO see the truth, the less and less people will believe bunk spewed by either of the extreme sides.

Here is an example from San Francisco Chronicle- Pelosi lays blame for missed goals on Senate

Pelosi sounded more apologetic than celebratory Friday when she announced with her Senate counterpart, Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democrats' list of accomplishments six months after they seized control of Capitol Hill and promised "a new direction" in Washington.

"I'm not happy with Congress, either," Pelosi, of San Francisco, conceded.

It’s YOUR fault Traitor Pelosi. YOUR fault. If you had simply done what you said you were going to do, have an open and honest government, work together to make America better, and NOT waste the entire time attempting to “GET BUSH,” you may not be in this situation.

She pinned the blame on "the obstructionism of the Republicans in the United States Senate."

Of course she did. We all know that Liberal cannot make ANY mistakes. They can not fail. They know better than us what is good for us. Of course, none of their concepts are insane.

So little has been achieved that Reid threatened to hold the Senate in session during the August recess, the congressional equivalent of torture.


Pelosi acknowledged the rock-bottom poll numbers but argued that Congress has "never been popular." Just six months into her speakership, she was postponing many of her hopes to 2009, saying a new president could change things -- presumably assuming it wouldn't be a Republican.

They have never been this UNPOPULAR.

"Congress is a big institution to turn around," she said. "A new president comes in, and he or she is given every opportunity, because we -- everybody wants the new president to succeed. A Congress comes in, and it's Congress. It's an institution that has not been popular."

At which point, Reid interjected, "Nancy, honestly, one other thing. Let's be realistic about this. The war in Iraq is dragging down people's confidence in what's going on in this country."

Idiot. The people gave YOU the approval, or dis-approval, rating based on YOUR performance. You cannot blame anyone but yourselves. There is a lot more to this article. Basically it talks about how both sides do the same thing.

Others say they have the answer to this growing movement of independent thinkers and voters. That say all the blame can fall on one man. An industry in general, but really only one man. Rush Limbaugh. According to -Talk radio had key role in brawl

From among the battered and bruised that were left after the brawl last week to overhaul current immigration law, one clear victor emerged: Talk radio.

There were losers too numerous to accurately count when the smoke cleared in the U.S. Senate, but among them were:

The American people, who have made it clear that security on the border between Mexico and the United States is a priority. The failure of its backers to move the immigration bill forward means the border will remain vulnerable and porous.

No it doesn’t. The bill would NOT have secured the boarder any more than it is as we speak.

The estimated 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States. They will continue to be victimized by employers eager to exploit them for cheap labor, and exist in a murky world of indefinite identity. They will continue, in nearly every instance, to break our laws.

{Laughing} It’s our fault they came here illegally. Amazing.

President Bush, who was deserted by his Republican base at a time when he desperately needed a major domestic policy victory. It's likely that he'll leave office in about 18 months with little to burnish his legacy on the home front.

This next one IS true.

The Congress, which appears to be unable get any kind business done for the American people. Our representatives -- unwilling or unable to work across party lines on other critical matters, such as Iraq, taxes, climate change and trade -- deserve the public's derision, which is clearly reflected in Congress' 14 percent approval rating.

Which is also why more and more American people, legal that is, are choosing to educate themselves and make decisions based on what they feel is best for them and the America they love, as opposed to just being sheepeople.

Talk radio and the fear it inspires in members of Congress.

Prior to talk radio's all-out assault on the immigration bill, a good number of senators seemed prepared to confront what's likely the most critical domestic issue of our time.

But they wilted in the heat of the angry rhetoric and threats to their incumbency, and backed down.

Translation time folks. They heard YOU. All talk radio did was tell you the truth. YOU killed the bill. YOU pressured Congress. YOU did it. But you can not be that smart. YOU are too ignorant to think for yourselves. So all you did was get brainwashed by Rush and the like.

Looking for examples? A USA Today breakdown of Thursday's Senate vote shows that 11 senators -- four Democrats and seven Republicans -- who voted against the immigration bill voted last year for final passage of a similar bill. What do the 11 have in common? All are up for re-election in 2008.

While the failed immigration bill was far from perfect, it provided a starting point to correct many of the problems that exist. We're left now with a law that has been broken for two decades.

No it did not. It was AMNESTY. Pure and simple.

The imperfections of the current immigration law mean that for the next two years, the status quo will exist, allowing an untold number of illegal immigrants to continue to cross our borders, break our laws, tax our resources, and permit unscrupulous employers to exploit them.

No it doesn’t. We could enforce the laws we have now. They could pass a bill that SECURES the boarder. As I keep saying, secure the boarder first, and we, the American people, will be more open to discuss the rest of this mess.

A good friend of the OPN, Sam Spade, left this comment. Sam is an Independent. I think this pretty much sums up what a lot of us feel.

I feel the President did the right thing since the punishment was excessive considering that Libby himself was not the original outing of Plame, who by the way was well known in Washington circles of what she was, Libby was the whipping boy of the democrats and liberals who have fought from day one even before 911 to unseat this President.

This gambit is just another shot in their war against the other party and by some against America in general.

When you see some democrat charged with something the liberals and other democrats are quick to minimize the story and as we all know they would try their hardest to keep that democrat in government.

I realize that I come off as a Republican most of the time but I am an independent and currently I see nothing coming out of the democrats that approach reality or sincerity.

If you look at the other sites you will see liberals down playing what is going on in the rest of the world when it comes to terrorism and there are even those who want to fly the "its all Bush's fault" banner.

I think the bottom line is that when there is the next election and whomever gets the nod to run for both parties then we will have to decide who will serve America best and from where I sit it is not the leading democrats currently.

The truth is folks, as things normally are, simple. The American people are tired of being treated like idiots. It doesn’t mater who it is doing it. Republican or Democrat. More and more people are getting into Politics. More and more people are turning away from the MMD because the know the all they get from them is what they are told to report. It is nearly ALWAYS to further the Liberal agenda.

The truth is, in 08, right now, all bets are off. What it all boils down to is that is it seeming to becoming more and more likely, that 08 will be decided between the sheepeople and the educated voter. Get ready. Get educated. When the time comes, go vote. As you should have learned with this immigration bill, your voice DOES matter. You do count. You DO have the power. And it IS, just that simple.

San Francisco Chronicle- Pelosi lays blame for missed goals on Senate -Talk radio had key role in brawl
OPNTalk -President Bush Statement On His Commuting Libby Jail Sentence


Unknown said...

You know Pete I've never voted for a party in my life. I've always voted for the person.
I'm not one of the bobbing heads that votes a party line.
I'm really beginning to think a third party would be a good idea now if only to get the other two party's to listen to the voters.

Peter said...

Hey Bill,

More and more people are starting to look at it this way. LONG time party line toters are just done with it.

I agree. I am leaning more and more towards the possibility of a third party person. But here is the problem. I do not think we are there yet. I think ANYONE that attempts to take on the big two, will be destroyed by both, and the MMD. However, the aftermath of this upcoming election should be interesting to watch.