Sunday, July 08, 2007

IWA for 070807

Hey folks,

It’s SUNDAY! Time for the IWA. This weeks winner? A person in position of power, and leadership. A person that one would think would be more intelligent than your average sheepeople. But it is a person who has proven in times past, he is an idiot.

According to Reuters -New Jersey governor signs toughest U.S. carbon law By Timothy Gardner Sat Jul 7, 5:13 PM ET

New Jersey became on Friday the first U.S. state to mandate sharp greenhouse gas reductions by 2050 to help fight climate change.

The law, signed by Gov. Jon Corzine, a Democrat, makes New Jersey the latest state to bypass the Bush administration by setting mandatory regulations to fight emissions of gases that scientists link to global warming.


"We want to send a message to Washington. Wake up, get with the program and start doing something about greenhouse gases," Corzine told reporters at Giants Stadium on the eve of former Vice President Al Gore's international Live Earth concerts.

Strictly a political move.

The Global Warming Response Act mandates cuts of greenhouse gas emissions throughout New Jersey's economy by about 16 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050 in the country's most densely populated state.

This is the same guy that had the NJ government shut down because he could not balance the budget.

California, the world's eighth largest economy, recently enacted a tough greenhouse gas law. Like New Jersey's, it also mandates an emissions cut by 2020. But its long term goal of cutting emissions 80 percent by 2050 is a target, not a hard mandate. Environmentalists said the New Jersey law is tougher than California's because its 2050 target is enforceable.

OK I have a question. Other than signing a piece of paper, how does he intend to do this?

New Jersey, which has a hub of oil refineries and chemical plants in its northern region, aims to fight emissions by promoting renewable energy like solar and wind power and by helping consumers to conserve power.

Public Service Enterprise Group, owner of New Jersey's largest utility, said PSEG supports the law but that it would lead to higher power prices.

{Laughing} Less power, higher prices.

"I believe customs are willing to pay for the higher costs associated with the environmental benefits," the company's Chief Executive Ralph Izzo told Reuters at the ceremony where Corzine sighed the bill.

I think they meant customers. And, uh, no. But as I told you, it’s all about the money.

The New Jersey Business and Industry Association opposes the law, saying it would raise fees and give sweeping powers to state agencies.

And power, and control.

The law also seeks to deal with emissions from vehicles, the largest source of the emissions in New Jersey, by enhancing public transportation, car-pooling and the shipping of goods by rail instead of truck.

But even environmentalists said the effort would be a tough fight as renewable energy currently only provides a tiny portion of the state's power.

"We need to be careful of congratulating ourselves on this legislation because the hard work is yet to be done," said Doug O'Malley, the field director for Environment New Jersey, a green group that helped form the law.

Folks, this guy is in it for fortune and fame. Plain and simple. The sad thing is that the people for NJ will be paying for it. I’m glad I do not live there. Wait until you see your power bills, and new car prices in a few years.

Congratulations Governor Corzine, for showing yourself to being ignorant of FACTS, and attempting to make a name for yourself by using the non-existent Global Warming Scare tactic, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Just curious, what do you drive? How big is your house? Do YOU use commercial transportation? Just wondering.

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