Hey folks,
This is unreal. I wondering if the MMD will run with this. Here is the Headline you will see if they do.

They will say things like,
54% of adults favor proceeding with impeachment proceedings against Cheney. Among Democrats, the support for impeachment is 76%, and among those who identified themselves as "Independents," the support is 51%. Even 17% of Republicans said they favor impeachment.
So who did this poll? New Hampshire based American Research Group. From what I have seen of this group, looking at past polls, they seem to be another shadow group for the LWL.

By the way, did I mention that he is the idiot that filed Articles of Impeachment in April. You know, another waste of time that nothing will come of. Not to mention he is running for President. He wants to get rid of Cheney and Bush. That would make Traitor Pelosi President folks.
This poll just doesn’t add up though. Even if you go to their own web site, these numbers do not match. If you look at some of the other polls they claim on this site, you see they are WAY off of other polls out there.
So Kucinich said this.
"The Vice President actively and systematically sought to deceive the citizens and Congress about an alleged threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. He has purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive us about the relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda. And he openly lied to the America people and has publicly threatened aggression against Iran."
Are you kidding me? Seriously. He needs some new material. NONE of this is REALITY. None of this is true. I’m not going to waste your time, or mine, going through all the complete incorrectness of these claims again.
He openly threatened Iran? I HOPE SO! He should be impeached for that?
Then he said.
"It's not a happy day when most Americans believe that the Vice President of the United States lied, deceived, misled the American people and violated his oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, not to mention the other actions and abuses that are beginning to attract Congressional attention,"
I love this though. He ACTUALLY said this.
"Every elected official in this nation, especially the highest elected officials, must be held accountable for their actions.”
Then start filing to have Traitor Pelosi and Traitor Reid removed. They are guilty of TREASONOUS actions. They are accused, and proof is there, of corruption and, well, just plain stupidity. I agree with you, they, as HIGH ELECTED Officials SHOULD be held accountable.
Also according to this nice little release, EVERYONE agrees with Kucinich on EVERYTHING.
National polls have also shown an overwhelming support for Kucinich's other key positions: withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, a national health insurance plan that covers all Americans, the repeal of disastrous trade policies, specifically NAFTA, and the erosion of civil liberties enabled by the passage of the so-called Patriot Act.
{Laughing hard while banging hand on desk} I can’t take it folks. This is too good. Oh, I almost forgot, who released this information, hoping that the MMD picks it up?
SOURCE Kucinich for President 2008
Let’s see if the Mass Media Drones run with this.
Kucinich is a joke to say it mildly. He has as much chance of getting any where as he did last time.
His futile effort to seem important by talking about impeachment is just blowing smoke because hardly anyone except the hardcore lefties are even listening.
As with many polls it depends on who you ask and how you frame the question. It also depends if the Media drones have been putting out a contracted effort to besmirch the President and Vice-President just before they ask the questions.
Hey Sam,
You are one hundred percent right. I know this "Private" group doing the polling is part of the LWL. Funny how there is NO information out there on them. Funny how you can not learn their goals, motto, dogma, whatever. They are unwilling to share. That right there is questionable.
Notice 1100 polled, only 900 and something registered voters? That's a couple hundred non-voters. If you just stuck with those that will be voting, then what would be the results then?
There is just too many questions about this poll itself. Not too mention it was released by a political candidate, of opposing side, running for President.
Talk to you soon my friend.
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