Sunday, February 28, 2010

Obama To Take Control of the Internet

I have been warning you.

Hey folks,

I have been warning you all about Obama. Back on September 24, 2009 I said this.

Yes. He wants to be King of the new USSA. Obamanation. He is working at BREAKNECK SPEED to achieve this. To bring this new Obamanation into being. Seriously folks. He is attacking ALL the things that MAKES this country great. He has and is:

Taken over Private Businesses. Taken over the Financial Structure. Housing. He wants total control of Healthcare. In which case would give him TOTAL control over EVERYONE'S Daily Life. He wants to control ALL Businesses and Private Lives in the name of Saving the Planet. GWBS. By the way, did you notice all of a sudden, we are all going to die again because of Global Warming? I guess that has been taken off hold. He wants total control of Information be it from Radio, print, and even the Internet. He WANTS oppressive Taxation to make most reliant solely on Government for EVERYTHING.

These are not conspiracies. These are not the ramblings of someone with a tin foil hat and blacked out windows. These are FACTS of what he is, and is trying, to do. He is coming right out and TELLING you he is attempting to do all this. He has Czars and others in place to bring this all about. There are people in Washington working on these very things as we speak.

I pointed out that he wants to control the Internet Just the day before.

I could spend all day today with "I told you sos" I really could. Back on August 31, 2009, I posted THIS. Some of you laughed. Some of you said it will never happen. Some of you REALLY did not think it was even possible. Well, well, well, looky here. According to - Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace 'Net Neutrality' Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:16 PM By: John O. Edwards

Since the Internet took root as a mass communications phenomenon in the mid 1990s, a quiet war has raged in Washington over the extent to which the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would regulate the new medium.

Until, now the Internet has been largely self-regulated, and the FCC has taken a hands-off approach.

But that could change dramatically soon if the Obama administration has its way.

He hasn't given up that dream yet. According to The Hill - Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers By Tony Romm - 02/26/10 02:30 PM ET

The president would have the power to safeguard essential federal and private Web resources under draft Senate cybersecurity legislation.

According to an aide familiar with the proposal, the bill includes a mandate for federal agencies to prepare emergency response plans in the event of a massive, nationwide cyberattack.

Which is just the front for what he wants to do. A crack in the door of which he wants to jam is foot in.

The president would then have the ability to initiate those network contingency plans to ensure key federal or private services did not go offline during a cyberattack of unprecedented scope, the aide said.

It will give him unprecedented power and control over the Internet, with the ability to shut down sites if he deems them a Threat to National Security. Make no mistake about this. All this is, is yet another Power Grab from this Administration. we can not allow them to get away with this one either.

OPNTalk - King Hussein Obama -
Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace 'Net Neutrality'
The Hill - Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers


Peter said...

Yeah, because deregulated and unchecked industries has been so good for the people.

Peter said...

Thanks to Bush(Chenney) the president does what he wants anyway. Precedent is a bitch.

Peter said...

So you are FOR Censorship?

Peter said...

Yeah. Like the PMRC. I remember getting into a shouting match with Bill "8 million dollar gambling debt" Bennett about censorship back in the early 90's. I had my two year old daughter with me. Imagine. Someone trying to tell my kid what she could or could not listen to. So Republican-like.

Just another fear thing. Be afraid of Obama - the crazy Hitler socialist.

What? Oh. Nazi's where fascists? And fascism and socialism are really on opposite ends of the political spectrum?

Wow. I'm really confused.

You know what seems really radical to me? Lying about WMD and pushing thru with reconciliation the most expensive tax cuts in history. (More expensive than health care bill). And keeping human beings indefinitely confined to a box without accusing them of doing anything. The people responsible for these things should be censored.

Reagan signed the biggest tax increase in history. (I just like saying that).