Hey folks,

However, it IS Friday. Time to go to the Emails. Yeah, I have the Poll. I was going to talk about it on Sunday. But then I got this.
"Hey Pete. Did you see this? I bet you did. Just proof that what you say all the time about the left is actually true about the far right Wingnuts. You always call the Left "Kooks." Turns out, at least your people admit that they are. I guess maybe President Obama and those running congress right now are right. I think that report about extremists on your side was right on target. Don't you think?"
{Laughing} I think what MS is talking about is that Homeland Security "Rightwing Extremism" Report that attempted to make Conservatives: Enemy of the State?
Uh, NO. {Laughing} First, I'm an Independent thinking Conservative. They are NOT "My People." I do not tow ANY Party Line. I Vote for who I feel is the best person for the Job. I believe in and Vote for Right and Wrong. Actually, in a way, I AM the reason for this completely bogus Poll.

First, Most Republicans I know, are NOT any of the above. There are a small number of Racists in EVERY Race, Political affiliation, and walk of life. There are Chauvinists, and all kinds of bad people in all walks of life. But to attempt to say that to be a Republican, you have to be this way is Asinine at best. This was a poor attempt to say "See. They even admit it. Why would anyone want to side with them."
I found an excellent example in the News of why this Poll was done. It's by AOL News - The Point - Poll of Republicans Met With Shock, Skepticism
(Feb. 3) -- Most Republicans think Barack Obama is a socialist and Sarah Palin is more qualified than him to be president. Most either think Obama wasn't born in the U.S. or aren't sure. Nearly 40 percent want him impeached. Those are a few of the results in a Daily Kos poll that's shaking up the blogosphere.
How many Independents and Moderates think the same this? Oh, we do not know. They were not part of the Poll.
The liberal Web site commissioned Research 2000 to survey more than 2,000 self-identified Republicans last month. Site founder Markos Moulitsas -- the "Kos" in Daily Kos -- called the results "nothing short of startling."
Of Course.
A few more nuggets from the poll:
•21 percent believe the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) stole the 2008 election and 55 percent aren't sure.
•31 percent believe Obama is a racist who hates white people and 33 percent aren't sure.
•23 percent want their state to secede from the U.S. and 19 percent aren't sure.
•Only 26 percent favor letting openly gay Americans serve in the military.
•67 percent believe the only way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ.
OK. First, 21 percent, 31, 23, is NOT the Majority. Not even in this SMALL group of "self-identified Republicans" A couple of basic questions. How did they find these people? Where are they from? How did they ask them the Poll questions? I have NEVER heard of any Republicans calling for their State to secede. Not in recent years anyway. Not because of Obama. I HAVE heard them calling for Obama to be impeached.
On his blog, Politico's Ben Smith said the poll was conducted "more or less with the goal of making Republicans look extreme" and "does a pretty good job of that." Daily Kos responded Wednesday, "Actually, the poll just asked questions of self-identified Republicans. The answers made Republicans look extreme."
Second time this article uses the phrase "self-identified Republicans."
"If this poll is accurate (and Research 2000 has a good reputation for accuracy), the Republican base has an absurdly high percentage of wackos of all stripes, from religious fanatics to creationists to secessionists to conspiracy theorists," said Charles Johnson on Little Green Footballs.
Another Lib Site.
Other commentators were more skeptical.
"One has to wonder if Republicans really believe that Obama stole the election, was born in Kenya and that all non-Christians are going to hell," noted Matt Sussman, Technorati politics channel editor. "Granted, several of the questions are loaded, and Kos himself may be reading too much into the 'undecided' pool, but the results are nonetheless startling."
What's missing from the research is context, Darren Lenard Hutchinson observed on his blog Dissenting Justice. "It does not provide comparative results for self-identified Democrats and Independents. So, while Kos and many Daily Kos readers believe that the poll proves the extremism among Republicans, it is difficult to make this conclusion without comparative data," he said.
That wouldn't fit the agenda.
Hutchinson and Moderate Voice's David Adesnik both pointed out that the Kos poll's results on questions about same-sex marriage and gays in the military were far different from those from recent Gallup and Pew surveys.
"But unless you have evidence that something is actually wrong with the poll, what can you possibly say? You can be suspicious of Kos, but that's not an argument," Adesnik conceded.
Neither is taking this Poll on Face Value.
Newsweek's Katie Connolly wondered whether the sampling of participants was skewed. (Click to see details on survey sample.) For example, 83 percent of those polled said they were likely to vote this November. That number was "remarkably high -- and odd," Connolly said. It's usually no more than 60 percent in other surveys. Also, 37 percent of those polled were over 60, and only 9 percent were under 30.
"That's a pretty big split. It's no secret that older voters are a lot more conservative on most of these issues and aren't big fans of the president, and their views may be overstated here," Connolly suggested on the Gaggle blog.
That's a good point. You know why that is? Because people over 60 KNOW the difference in Conservatism and Liberalism. They understand what Socialism means. They have lived through Reagan and the Cold War. They can CLEARLY see where Obama is attempting to take this country. They want no part of it. But that is another problem of this Poll. It would be like me, going out and finding a bunch of Anti-War Kooks, and asking them if they like a President that is quick to use force, attack, and wage war. I bet you I would get the answer I was looking for.
But demographic categories might not mean much when it comes to GOP voters. Polling guru Nate Silver was struck by the fact that on nearly every question, "the results showed essentially no difference based on age, gender, race or geography-- once we've established that you're a Republican, these differences seem to be rendered moot." The GOP base appears to be "the same pretty much everywhere" -- which will be the party's greatest strength and greatest liability going into the midterm elections, Silver predicted on his blog FiveThirtyEight.
NewsBusters' Scott Whitlock slammed MSNBC's David Shuster for using the poll to declare that most Republicans are "birthers" who think Obama isn't really an American citizen.
"So, one poll, by a left-wing website (in conjunction with the firm Research 2000), is enough for MSNBC to assert that 58 percent of GOPers subscribe to a bizarre conspiracy?" Whitlock fumed. "A Rasmussen poll from May of 2007 found that 61 percent of Democrats either believed that George Bush knew about the 9/11 terror attack in advance or aren't sure. Does that mean that 'most Democrats' are Truthers?"
{Laughing} GREAT Point. But again, uh, Shhhhh!. That doesn't fit the agenda either.
There are a lot of possible explanations for why the poll numbers "don't say what they seem to say," according to Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein.
"Maybe Research 2000's sample is off. Maybe people don't really believe the answers they give to pollsters. Maybe they do believe these things, but don't take their own beliefs very seriously," said Klein. "But we'd all better hope it's a pretty good explanation, because these are the folks who choose the general election candidates for one of the country's two major parties."
Of course, some were happy to take at least part of the survey at face value. Sarah Palin came out on top -- with 16 percent, compared with 11 percent for Mitt Romney -- when respondents were asked whom they'd pick if the GOP presidential primary were held today. Tommy Report at Conservatives4Palin.com said that proves the ex-governor "seems to have passed the qualifications test with self-identified Republicans."
It's human nature for people to interpret any poll in a way that reinforces what they already believe. And if they can't, they simply dismiss the research as being flawed. Perhaps that is the real takeaway from this survey.
It's Lib Nature to lie, cheat, and steal, to get what they want. By the way, THREE times, this article identified the respondents as "self-identified Republicans." Am I the only one that sees this as odd? It's like they are saying, "Hey, we are not saying that Republicans think this. These people. They tell us that they are Republicans." OK. Someone tells me, "Call yourself a Lib. I will ask you some questions." I say. "OK. I'm a Lib." Now I AM a "self-identified Lib." But does that really MEAN anything?
The Poll is a joke. It is a total set up. It really is, a Poll with an agenda. The agenda is to discourage Independents, Moderates, and even some Sane Democrats, from siding with Republicans. Massachusetts has them scared to death. Kennedy's Seat? Oh, they may be trying to do anything and everything they can to down play it. But it has them Scared as hell. They KNOW that they are on their way out. They know that if they keep siding with the Lunatics running Congress, and the Moron we have for a President, there will be a HUGE price to pay in November.

"We've gotta make sure that our party understands that, like it or not, we have to have a financial system that is healthy and functioning."
Like it or not? {Sigh} The he says this?
"So we can't be demonizing, uh, every bank out there."
While attacking them with oppressive taxation AFTER they paid back the money they got, with INTEREST? The he releases his new TRILLION dollar budget after Congress raises the dept ceiling yet again. Then attacking Toyota? Any people wonder why the Market fell over 200 points? OK. Obama is not a "Bolshevik," or an "Ideologue." He said so. So there can then be only one other explanation. He's a Moron that is clueless as to what he is doing. I tend to believe different.
Note: From The Emails is a weekly Segment every Friday, or occasionally anytime, that appears here at the OPNTalk Blog. Please feel free to Email any Articles, Comments, Thoughts, Whatever, that you may like to share to opntalk@gmail.com As always, you never know what you may see here.
I can't stop laughing. all of you are just part of it!! You perpetuate the circus!! You are not the solution. You are the problem. Blog on, dude.
I have NEVER heard of any Republicans calling for their State to secede. Not in recent years anyway.
Texas Gov. Perry: "Texas is a unique place. When we came into the Union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that."
True, the governor didn't say Texas was seceding today. But this type of talk by a LEADING national republican stirs the emotions of the kooks. It introduces ideas which are detrimental to the cohesiveness of our (OUR) country. This isn't someone saying "I completely disagree with the policies of this President and I will work with opposition leaders to defeat his agenda." This is a LEADING national republican saying because he so strongly disagrees with the agenda (health care for those who can't afford it and... well, not sure exactly what else is really so different from previous administrations), anyway, disagrees so strongly that he is willing to at least bring up the possibility of his state leaving the union.
Do remember hearing about this now?
PS. Just FYI, on Perry's 1845 statement, Texas came into the union with the ability to divide into five states, not withdraw. After seceding during the Civil War, Texas was allowed to re-enter the union after ratifying the 13th Amendment. The 13th Amendment banned slavery in the United States and any territory subject to its jurisdiction.
So the idiot doesn't even really know the history of his own state in which he governs. CLASSIC.
PPS. Bet I don't get any response to this educational post either. Seems like y'all don't like to be told truth/facts. God, I love the truth. It's so liberating.
And... I can tell by the defensive nature of this particular post (you are usually more positive or at least confident) you are really bothered by the results - or at least the general calling out of the underlying themes brought out by this poll. I noticed you never condemned those 20 or 23 or 31 or whatever percent of those people who are clearly a very loud minority of folks detrimental to the union. Those spreading lies and paranoia to push their hate and fear agenda. Nothing positive can come of the negative. Speak up. These people (and these people do exist - and they are not democrats) are wrong and they should shut up or leave the country. (That's what you'd say to those Hollywood freaks, right?) Be consistent.
Hey Pete,
Not sure of your first point.
Second. I sand corrected, kind of.
Perry has expressed bewilderment that his statements drew so much attention. And he did not, as some national media reports said, advocate secession. He did, however, assert Texas' right to leave the U.S., and he expressed sympathy for those so frustrated with the federal government's taxes, spending and mandates that they feel secession is an option.
I thank you for pointing this out. It goes to show just how insane the Leaders on the Left have become. They have driven people like Perry, who see they open and for perhapse the first time, OPEN quest for Tyranny. No one wants this. Well, maybe a few kooks who just know no better.
Obama is the one that is "introducing ideas which are detrimental to the cohesiveness of our (OUR) country." Not the Right. The Right have NO, wait, HAD, no power to stop ANYTHING. This is all Democrats. Why they have NOT been able to get their agendas passed is because there are still some SANE democrats in power that have been blocking them. Republicans did not have the Votes to stop anything.
Truth is, it IS the PEOPLE that are getting the message through to those in Washington that are being FORCED to listen. Obama IS the problem. "Progressives" AKA Socialists, ARE THE PROBLEM. It's not the Tea Partyers, nor the Right. It is Cap and Tax based on a SCAM. It is Obamacare that will put the Government in full charge of 1 6th of the Economy and in complete control of EVERY ASPECT of your life from cradle to the grave. It is the continued take over and insane control of the Private industries and Financial Institutions. Peter are seeing the writing on the wall, and they do not like it.
They also do not like the fact that Obama and the Kooks keep spending more money we do not have to accomplish NOTHING. Obama "Inherited" $200 billion dollar Deficient. He has GROWN that to over 2 TRILLION and keeps spending. This IS all HIM now. People are waking up.
I do agree with Perry, Brown, any ANYONE that DOES "completely disagree with the policies of this President and I will work with opposition leaders to defeat his agenda."
The policies of this President and This Administration is Tyranny. Plain and Simple. It MUST be stopped.
As for your last reply.
I noticed you never condemned those 20 or 23 or 31 or whatever percent of those people who are clearly a very loud minority of folks detrimental to the union.
I condemn true Racism in any form it takes anywhere. I condemn ANYONE "spreading lies and paranoia to push their hate and fear agenda." Just like Obama. Yes, I do agree, Love it or Leave It.
In other words, this IS the GREATEST country on the face of the planet. It is great BECAUSE of WHY we were founded, WHO we are. We are great BECAUSE of our freedom.
Go to ANY other country. I dare ya. Say to them "I'm here now. I think you should speak English. I think you need to change this and that because I'm here now and I'm offended. I think you need to change this because it has to now include ME." See how long you last as a free person or even in some cases ALIVE. Criticize the Leader, see what happens. If you are lucky, you may just be asked to leave. Most of the time, you will not be that lucky.
So you are right. ANYONE that attempts to destroy this country, what we stand for, from without or within, I WILL fight every step of the way. If someone doesn't like the way this country is, LEAVE. Go somewhere else and enjoy the utopia that you feel a Socialistic Government can give you. But leave America alone.
PS, I only not reply due to time restraints. I LOVE history, and do appreciate you posted that about Texas.
In essence, States are supposed to be Sovereign to an extent to begin with. the Federal Government should have VERY limited power over the State. Hence State Constitutions and Rights that EACH State freely gives to it's people. A lot of the problems come in when the Federal Government, Be it about Gay Marriage, Abortion, Religious Rights, ETC, attempts to override the State, and FORCE things on the State that the STATE doesn't want.
The Problem is NOT with Perry or ANY State, but Obama and the Federal Government. What we need to do is bring a Sane Balance back to the Government. One Party in the Legislative Branch, one in Executive Branch. One Party Rule is not good for ANYONE. To much power corrupts.
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