Hey Folks,
I got an Email at 1:22 am this morning that has to be the worst Email I have ever gotten. It was from Barb Culhane, Wife and long time partner of William Culhane, AKA Irish Godfather. Bill passed away last night.
Back on Febuary 8, Bill was taken to the Hospital. Just at 7:03 pm last night, I got GREAT news.
"Bill is doing great they moved him to a regular room tonight. So if anyone wants to send him a card,,,,"
The the bad news cam just a few hours later.
"Bill called me at 10;30 tonight and told me he loved me. At 11;42 the Hospital call and said that he had taken a turn and that the Dr's are here with him. I got to the hospital as fast as I could and he was gone. They said that there was blood coming out of his mouth and that his heart hurt The next thing he was gone."
This TRULY is a SAD day for me. I have been "Friends" with Bill since the beginning. When I was just popping in and out all over the Internet, from this DB to that one, debating the "Hot Button" Issues, Irish Godfather was there. Bill became one of the, if not THE, very first true OPNer. He was there from day one.
Over the years I found not only an Internet "Friend" but a TRUE Friend. We did not always agree, and he was never to shy to say so {Smile} but we were truly kindred spirits on most issues. I can TRULY say I love Bill, and will miss him dearly. THIS truly is a SAD DAY for me.
May Barb and the rest of his family have the peace and comfort they need in this very dark time. God speed my old friend. May you truly rest in peace.
My name is Shadow
I don't know if anybody will ever read this but I would like 2 express the deep sadness that I have for the passing of my buddy William Culhane a.k.a. The Irish Godfather.
I met him years ago, in the late 1990s when I was signed on to WebTv. He responded to a question that I posted and we became internet and phone friends from that point on.
I had always promised 2 send him a copy of my long awaited instrumental CD. (which is still pending completion) Sadly I never got the chance 2 mail that CD to him. At least he did get a chance to hear a couple of .mP3s of my work.
He was on my mind and I tried desperately to reach him by phone months ago but couldn't. When I got the email of his passing, I thought it was a joke because he was always sending me something to make laugh.
I only wish this was just another Irish Godfather prank but after finding this blog it saddens me more to know that Mr. Culhane is no longer with us.
I have to credit The Irish Godfather with inspiring me with his web knowledge and sharing his expertise and web-building wisdom.
I don't think I would have ever learned as much about webdesign had it not been for our first WebTv meeting.
He once told me,..."There is 'nothing' sacred' on the internet.
His words have always stuck with me and I have come to find this 2 be true I explore the internet.
If anyone reading this knows how to reach Bill's wife Barb, please tell her that I received the e-mail of his passing late, yet never received any info on funeral arrangements. Also the number that I was once able to reach them by had been disconnected.
I just wanted to to express my deepest condolences, let her know that my prayers are with her and that that the memory of William Culhane a.k.a. The Irish Godfather will continue to live in our hearts.
S h a d o w
Hey Shadow,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. I wish it was different and more pleasant circumstances that lead you here. But it is what it is.
Yes, I am in contact with Barb often. I will Email her a copy of this. Thank you for taking the time out to post this here. She continues to be amazed at just how vast her "Extended Family" really is.
I know what you mean about unfinished business. I am looking at a computer sitting over in the corner to my Left. It crashed about three months ago now. I spoke with Bill on several occasions about firing it up and seeing if he could fix it. No doubt in my mind he could have. Yet, time just never allowed. I spoke with him on the phone, then got the news about a Week Later.
I still VERY MUCH miss my old friend.
There was no funeral arrangements. Bill HATED Funerals. Barb send something about a Party in his honor in July, on his Birthday. My Email is opntalk@gmail.com if you want to send me your Email I'll give you more info. I will not share any Private Information unless I have permission to do so, so do not worry.
Thank you again for taking time to post this. Barb will love it.
I have known Bill for most of my life. We were friends back in Danbury, Ct, living in the same neighborhood.
The common bond in our friendship was drum corps. In particular, we were both members of the Connecticut Rebels of '76 during the 1960s. This involved quite a bit of our time as the Rebels were a top competition corps that sustained itself by marching in parades. When we were not marching or competing, we were practicing. Or we were continually traveling to and from events.
Befitting a member of an Ancient Fife and Drum Corps, Bill was a historian and an expert instructor in the von Steuben manual of arms. His dignity, presence and occasionally outrageous demeanor are ingrained as a part of that memorable time.
In latter years, we would communicate on line, reminiscing old times and keeping track of common friends. As in the world of drum corps, he also became an institution on the internet.
I will miss him dearly.
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