Sunday, June 21, 2009

IWA for Sunday 062109

Headline SHOULD read Commonsense won over greed.

Hey folks,

Lets wrap things up today with the IWA. I could have drug out the Case of Idiot Awards on this one again, but I will just pick the most obvious. I'm talking about the Cow tax. Yes. The COW TAX.

The Cow Tax is meant to, well, truthfully, it will do nothing. It will put an oppressive tax on Farmers. How oppressive? Get this.

The Farm Bureau quickly did the math and figured farms would have to pay about $175 for each dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 for each hog to purchase permits for emissions.

Now do the math yourself. If a Farmer has 100 head Cattle count. $175 for each dairy cow? How much would that Farmer have to pay? Then you have to ask, WHY. What will charging a Farmer that much money actually DO? Cows are still going to pass gas. This leads me into our Idiot of the Week.

Research has shown that changing cattle diet and boosting efficiency — such as producing the same amount of milk and beef from a smaller herd — can result in less gas, according Frank M. Mitloehner, an associate professor at the University of California at Davis, who has studied livestock gas for 15 years.

OK. Since I have NOT studied livestock gas for 15 Seconds, let alone 15 years, I have a couple of OBVIOUS questions.

1- Changing the Cattle's Diet? Sounds logical. You eat something that gives you excess gas, you don't eat that anymore, and so you burp and fart less. However, what research is Professor Mitloehner referring to?

2- How do you do this? If you have 100 cattle, would it not make logical sense that not having as many will reduce the emission, yet, it seems utterly impossible to have the SAME amount of beef. There are only so many parts to a cow. Cows can only produce so much milk.

"I don't think livestock should be ignored. Every industry has to play their role," Mitloehner said. But laws designed to reduce emissions from smokestacks and tailpipes won't work with cattle, which can't be fitted with pollution control devices, Mitloehner said.

You think?

"The belching is very hard to collect," he said. "You cannot capture these gases."

So what's the point? More power, control, and of course money to the Federal Government. No Professor, this is why this Amendment by Rep. Todd Tihart, R-Kan, passed BARRING the EPA to enforce this stupidity.

How long have we had Cows Farting and burping? Other animals? PEOPLE? Congratulations Professor Mitloehner, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. For, A, believing in the SCAM that is Global Warming, that even the White House legal counsel said is lacking any REAL Science. B, for being an expert with 15 years experience and making a comment that less is the same. Now why do you not talk about all the hot air by owner won Democratic lead Congress.

THE INFLUENCE GAME: Excuse me! Lobby wins on burps

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