Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Instead Of Taking Over The Country, How About Running It?

Hey folks,

I have already told you that “Child Health Care” bill is nothing more than a Trojan Horse by the LWL to enact Universal Health Care. It’s a bad bill. The President Vetoed it as well he should have. It was being abused by many states covering adults. The President said,

“Unfortunately, more than 500,000 poor children who are eligible for SCHIP coverage are not enrolled in the program. At the same time, many States are spending SCHIP funds on adults. In fact, based on their own projections for this fiscal year, Minnesota, Illinois, New Jersey, Michigan, Rhode Island, and New Mexico will spend more SCHIP money on adults than they do on children. And that is not the purpose of the program.”

Then bill Congress passed would put many already insured kids on this GOVERNMENT RUN healthcare and cover people up to the age of 25, making $85, 000 a year. The President even told you that this is their goal.

“Congress's SCHIP plan is an incremental step toward their goal of government-run health care for every American. Government-run health care would deprive Americans of the choice and competition that comes from the private market. It would cause huge increases in government spending. It would result in rationing, inefficiency, and long waiting lines. It would replace the doctor-patient relationship with dependency on bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. And it is the wrong direction for our country.”

So having vetoed this bad bill, there was much hope that it was done and over with. But they are not giving up on this. Traitor and LWL Leader Nancy Pelosi said this.

“This week, those Republicans in the House who have not already joined this bipartisan compromise will have an opportunity to change their vote and to stand with 10 million children and their families who need and deserve health coverage through SCHIP. Throughout the country, governors, mayors and independent organizations are appealing to Members of Congress to support our compromise bipartisan legislation.

The question is whether some Members will continue to choose partisan obstruction or will they embrace a bipartisan compromise that will provide health insurance to 10 million children. I am hopeful that House Republicans will listen to the American people, join our bipartisan SCHIP coalition, and override the President's veto. Our bipartisan coalition will not rest until those 10 million children have health care.”

This bill has nothing to do with 10 million poor kids. They were even BUSTED using a “Not so poor” 12 year old, who ALREADY CAN be covered as the bill is now, to lie about it. This is a joke folks. She is LYING to you. Flat out lying.

Then you have Screaming Dean coming out and saying this.

“What happened to compassionate conservatism? President Bush and his Republican friends are willing to spend billions of dollars on their failed Iraq strategy, but they have no problem denying our children the health care they need and deserve. That's just plain wrong.

Just as bad, the Republican presidential candidates all support Bush's foolish veto. It is time for Republicans to do the right thing and join Democrats to override the President's veto. But if they choose instead to turn their backs on America's children, electing a Democratic president next year will be the only way to ensure that America's families are represented in the White House.”

More outright lies. More outright push to shame those that are standing on TRUTH to change their vote. I do not think they will, but that doesn’t change the fact they are going to continue to waste time.

Then you have HR 106. A move by the LWL to anger a pivotal US ally in the War in an attempt to cause the loss of the war. They are invested in defeat, as I keep telling you.

Meanwhile, the country is coming close to shutting down. OUR country. Why? Because they are too busy trying to take it over, they are not RUNNING it. According to the AP-Bush raps Democrats on spending bills By BEN FELLER, Associated Press WriterTue Oct 16, 1:26 AM ET

President Bush admonished Congress on Monday for failing to send him a single spending bill yet, and warned lawmakers to trim their plans or face rejection.

"You're fixin' to see what they call a fiscal showdown in Washington," Bush told a friendly audience in this northwest Arkansas community.

"The Congress gets to propose, and if it doesn't meet needs as far as I'm concerned, I get to veto," Bush said. "That's precisely what I intend to do."

The budget year began Oct. 1, and federal agencies are operating on a stopgap bill for now. Congress has not yet agreed on the 12 spending bills that keep the government running.

That’s because they are too busy playing political games in a never ending attempt to “get Bush.”

"Congress needs to be responsible with your money and they need to pass these appropriations bills — one at a time," Bush said, roaming the stage. "And then we can work together to see whether or not they make fiscal sense for the United States."

Bush never vetoed a spending bill when his party ran Congress, but he's dug in for a challenge now. He said the Democrats' plans would raise taxes and prevent the nation from balancing the budget.

Conservative House Republicans appear to have the votes to sustain his promised vetoes.

For a president short on domestic victories, the White House sees fiscal discipline as a winning argument for Bush: a chance to label the opposition in tax-and-spend terms.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the Democratic majority leader in the House, said Bush was in no position to offer a lecture on fiscal responsibility. He accused Bush of engaging in a vain attempt to play to his party's conservative base by promising vetoes.

THAT IS ALL the Democrat Leadership is doing. They are playing to the LWL base. They are doing what they are TOLD to do by THEM. {Sigh}

"This is not a fight about spending," Hoyer said. "It's a fight about our priorities as a nation — whether we adequately fund education, medical research, Head Start, clean water programs and health care for our veterans and men and women in uniform."

No this is a fight on Government control on peoples lives. This is about you and the LWL wanting to spend more, tax more, and control everything.

In the budget stalemate, Democrats are pressing to spend about $22 billion more on domestic programs than Bush wants.

And he will veto. More waste of time. Then you have House Republican Whip Roy Blunt’s rebuttal.

“We are now fifteen days into the new fiscal year, and Democrats have failed to send even one spending bill to the president's desk for signature. Passing the core set of bills that fund our nation's government is a primary responsibility of Congress -- but the majority can't even get that right.

More than the ongoing delay on all bills, though, is the Democrats' continued use of the veterans' appropriations bill as a bargaining chip in service of some unintelligible political end. Last spring, Democrats said they would not hold hostage important funding for our troops or for our veterans. But on that, it appears as though they've changed their minds.

So today, I'm again urging the majority to stop playing politics with our veterans. Speaker Pelosi should follow Republican Leader Boehner's lead by appointing conferees to the veterans spending bill as soon as possible. It's time to finish the five appropriations bills that have already passed both chambers -- and squaring away the veterans' bill is where we need to start."

Nope. They would rather tick off Turkey, try to FORCE Universal Healthcare on Americans, and take over the country. If people vote for these idiots again in 08, it will be a sad day in America. It will show just how ignorant we have become as a country.

OPNTalk-SCHIP AKA Universal Healthcare Trojan Horse Dead
OPNTalk-The Real Reason Behind H Res 106
AP- Bush raps Democrats on spending bills
Office of The Speaker of The House
Office of Howard Dean
Office of House Republican Whip Roy Blunt


Anonymous said...

It has to do with with Hillary trying to buy the election. First it was $5000 then $1000 do I hear $500,
going once....going twice....

Peter said...

{Laughing} If she get's in, it will not be worth .50 cents.