Hey folks,
That’s right, I’m back. This is too good to pass up. So you guys get a two for Thursday. I saw this last night by TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent.

Wait a second. This is not new. This is also not incorrect. Plain and simply put. VP Cheney is RIGHT. It WILL validate the al-Qaida strategy. They know they cannot beat us face to face, so they are and have been, trying to discourage us to the point we pull out. YES, I’m talking about the terrorists, not the LWL. {Left Wing Looneys}
The speaker said she tried to complain about Cheney to President Bush but could not reach him.
{Laughing} She tried to complain to the President? She tried to tattle to Daddy?

STOP! You guys are killing me. One, you guys do this all the time. From Kerry’s "Pariah" remarks, to you guys meeting with the enemy. You guys undermining the President at all turns. You guys saying that YOU will end the war. {Sigh}
So what is this all about?
The quarrel began in Tokyo, where Cheney used an interview to criticize Pelosi and Rep. John Murtha D-Pa., over their plan to place restrictions on Bush's request for an additional $93 billion for the Iraq war to make it difficult or impossible to send 21,500 extra troops to Iraq.

Um? Yes. This is what I and many others having been saying. This is the TRUTH. So what is the problem?
Pelosi, at a news conference in San Francisco, said Cheney's criticism of Democrats was "beneath the dignity of the debate we're engaged in and a disservice to our men and women in uniform, whom we all support."
"And you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to call the president and tell him I disapprove of what the vice president said," Pelosi said. "It has no place in our debate." Bush had previously urged her to call him when a member of his administration stepped over the line by questioning Democrats' patriotism, she said.
{Laughing hard} WHO CARES if you disapprove of him telling the truth. It’s the TRUTH! Believe it or not Speaker Pelosi, YOU do not run the country. YOU are not, and I know this is REALLY hard for you to understand, the Commander and Chief. Do you really think that the President approves of all the things you and your little band of Looneys say?
Then you have the White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino who said that Bush and Cheney believe that Pelosi and Murtha's
"Position to immediately pull out our troops would be harmful to our national security and that it is the wrong strategy to pursue."
This is true. Then of course Pelosi commented on Cheney’s response to the British "pulling out,"
when he said,
"I look at it and see it is actually an affirmation that there are parts of Iraq where things are going pretty well."
Another true statement. But Pelosi, again showing ignorance of the situation said,
"If it's going so well, we'd like to withdraw our troops as well."
I’m sorry folks, but this is just humorous to me. Kerry, Carter, and the rest, including Pelosi herself, can call the President a liar, say America is the cause of the problems around the world. Say that we were wrong for going into Iraq. Say we are terrorizing "women and children in the dead of night." Call our troops dumb. Then visit with our enemies. This is OK? Yet the VP calls a duck and duck, and she gets her panties in a bunch. She says
"the vice president of the United States go out of the country and mischaracterize a position of the speaker of the House and in a manner that says that person in that position of authority is acting against the national security of our country."
He mis-characterized NOTHING. You and Murtha, and some of your buddies, ARE acting against the National Security of our country. If you do not like this pointed out, then stop doing it. It is, just that simple.
AP-Cheney slams Iraq plan advocated by Dems
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