Hey folks,

So we have a Mainstream Media outlet, and Mainstream reporter, travel to Iran, as we find out that they are supply our enemies with weapons, coming and fighting with our enemies. Telling us they want us dead. Telling us that they want Israel "Wiped off the map." Telling us they refuse to work with the UN. Refusing to let some inspectors inspect. This reporter goes there to has an exclusive interview. So what did we learn?

Sawyer: Did you feel sympathy?
Ahmadinejad: What about you? Did you have any kind of sympathy?
Sawyer: I'm a journalist, I get to ask you.
Ahmadinejad: But you've come here in the disguise of politician, I guess.
Sawyer: No, I am a journalist, solely a journalist.
"You are a reporter in disguise of a politician." {Laughing.} you have to love that one. He nailed it. She did not go there to simply ask him questions, to find out what he truly believes. She went there for an agenda. What Little Hitler fails to see though, is she is on HIS side. Someone should have told him to go with it.
Then you have the Nuclear issue. Here is the "Tough" question and exchange.
Ahmadinejad: The ninth of April? Am I supposed to give any piece of news?
Sawyer: Yesterday you said.
Ahmadinejad: Did you listen to what I said?
Sawyer: I don't speak Farsi but
Ahmadinejad: Well, we will say it clear when the time comes, we are the only country whose activities are completely transparent and we will just inform the world if we do something.
Yes they will make it clear. Boom! "We have nuclear weapons. We will cry for the cities that we just destroyed." Amazing.
Then she talks to him about Israel and the Holocaust. We ALREADY know where he stands on this. He had a whole anti-Holocaust rally. He has already said that he would give up to half his country to wipe them off the map.
Sawyer: You have said Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth. You have said that anyone who recognizes Israel will burn in fire of Islam's fury. Do you still say those things? Do you still want to say those things today? And … if the Palestinian issue, from those talks, if they agree there should be two states, would you accept Israel into the United Nations?
Ahmadinejad: It seems that you are to broadcast everything. Is that true?
Sawyer: Yes.
Ahmadinejad: You know some people cut the interview. They do not broadcast in full. And what we have said about Palestine, it's quite clear, based on the charter of the U.N., based on international regulations, we say let Palestinians decide. … Please allow the Palestinians to decide. Please respect their decision. But please give them the opportunity for decision making.
If what happened to the former Soviet Union, it disappeared, it disappeared from the face of the Earth, was it because of war? No, it was through the decision of the people and what we say is quite clear.
Sawyer: But burn in the fire?
Ahmadinejad: I will tell you, just wait a little. Just be patient and listen. We believe that in Palestine, there should be a referendum and Palestinians, Muslims, Jews, any Palestinians, and this is based on international regulations and I think it's their right to determine their future. Any decision made by Palestinians must be respected, and I think this is a very clear proposition.
Why are people opposed, what we say is clear. If you continue massacring innocent people, if you continue to make them refugees, and if you continue attacking neighboring countries, then the countries and the people of those countries, regions … get angry, because the Zionist regime was imposed upon them.
You know many families, they don't function … where their members are either incarcerated or killed. … Many mothers are now mourning the death of their children.
Even the Palestinian government, which was elected by democratic vote, is attacked by the Zionist regime. Members of the Parliament are arrested. The ministers are arrested. Israel is not following regulations. … Some American politicians support oppression. There is no other solution.
Notice she asked "Do you still SAY these things, would you SAY these things today?" She did not ask "Do you still BELIEVE these things." His answer is the same as it was pretty much through the whole interview. "Our message is clear. My words are clear. We are sad by dead. We want no war. All President Bush’s fault."
Oh by the way, just incase you didn’t catch it. His answer to the question would he recognize Israel as a nation was NO.
This was amazing to watch. The sad thing is that many will see this and attempt to use it to say things like "See, he is not that bad. He is a good guy. If Bush had not started this war, we would not have any problems with Iran. We should continue to talk to him, and ask him to help us. He wants to help. Get our troops out and let the President of Iran help us out of Bush’s screw up." {Sigh}
For those that may even TRULY believe that, I feel sorry for you. Yes you have my commiseration for your ignorance. This is not just a ignorance that could cost you a little, this is an ignorance that could lead to your death. WAKE UP. Realize that this is NOT a nice guy. This is NOT a friend nor does he want to be, of America. We have NO business in asking him for help.
Then I noticed that ABC posted a viewer question and answer session about this. I’ll be right back with that, in just a second.
EXCLUSIVE: Iranian President Says He's Ready to Cooperate on Nukes, Calls Holocaust an 'Excuse'
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