Sunday, May 21, 2006

IWA May21st, 2006

Hey folks,

It's Sunday, time for the lighter side on the OPN. Do not forget to check out the article below. I’ll admit that this one is not my favorite, but he does deserve the IWA,

The IWA goes to Dowling Catholic High School Athletic Director Steve Shanks. He was asked to resign after controversial private emails he wrote in February critical of a Des Moines priest and the Maroon girls' basketball team became known.

Shanks wrote in the emails,

"Actually, I'm done with religion,"and "Mass at Holy Trinity lasted 1:40 minutes . . . long-ass singing and long-ass homily by some Italian mafioso priest . . . ridiculous."

About the Maroon girls basketball team?

"always make their own (expletive)-up non-school color T-shirts for state for players and families . . . will be in competition with my shirts . . . idiots."

Apparently according to Jerry Deegan, Dowling President,

"The e-mail was intended to find out if the coach had a picture of the boys' team in case the team made it to the state tournament," However, "Steve didn't know the other emails were at the bottom of the email."

Ok first Mr. Shanks, NO email is privet when you are using your WORK computer. Second, to put ANYTHING in writing criticizing your employer, the "business" (religion) that pays you, and showing a general lack of interest in continuing to be there, may be legal, may be your right, but not wise.

Congratulations Mr Shanks, you are the Idiot of the Week...

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