Saturday, May 13, 2006

Are YOU contributing to NAMBLA?

Hey folks,

I’ll try to make sense of this. Basically you can sum it up as this. Your money IS, not could be, but IS going to groups like Nambla, Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund (MALDEF) Cindy Sheehan's Code Pink, the Alliance for Justice, the NAACP, Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition, Al Sharpton's National Action Network, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NOW, the radical homosexual Human Rights Campaign, ACT-UP, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, the AFL-CIO, the NEA, the Sierra Club, PETA, the ACLU, Handgun Control,, the Academy of Trial Lawyers, and the Socialist Workers' Party.

"I would never give money to one of THOSE groups?" "I am an intelligent person. I have morals. I would NEVER associate myself with any of them." I can hear you. But you ARE. How? Do you contribute to "People for the American Way" (PFAW)? Do you read "Playboy"? How about this, do you buy the New York Times? If you do, some of your money IS going to PFAW. This is now an umbrella group that includes all these other groups. Hollywood producer Norman Lear founded PFAW and actor Alec Baldwin now sits on the PFAW Board of Directors. PFAW's Ultra liberal donors include Barbra Streisand, The New York Times, and Playboy Enterprises.

You see folks, this is WHY I AM your voice of simplification in a complicated world, and your voice of intelligence in the insanity that surrounds us. This is WHY I speak the truth to you. I’ve known about this group and who they REALLY are for some time, but for the most part, I let them ramble on with their nuttiness, and go on with life. Just the fact that Alec Baldwin now sits on the PFAW Board of Directors, should be enough for anyone with a minuscule intelligence to dismiss this organization. But they, lead by their leader, Ralph Neas, have targeted Vernon Robinson, who is running against ultra-liberal personal injury lawyer Brad Miller, for the North Carolina's 13th Congressional District. This got my attention.

Congressman Miller has a voting history of the insane, ultra, Leftist Looneys. It includes, supporting open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, homosexual marriage, flag burning, higher taxes, extreme gun control, taxpayer financed partial birth abortion, taking "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.

According to the Federal Election Commission, most of Congressman Miller's campaign money comes in the form of $5,000 checks from the lobbyists and the special interest groups. Congressman Miller has raked in more than half a million dollars from the scandal-ridden union bosses alone. That doesn't include the quarter million dollars Congressman Miller got from the trial lawyers. Nor does it include the hundred grand given to Miller by the Left's disgraced Congressman Barney Frank, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Melvin Watt, the radical homosexual Human Rights Campaign, NOW, the Lesbian & Gay Pride PAC, NARAL, et cetera.

Vernon Robinson, in his own words,

"I am the President of a nonprofit organization called the Carolina Education Opportunity Fund which provides scholarships to private schools for 250 children from low-income homes who would otherwise be sentenced to attend the pre-prison, pre-welfare, training grounds otherwise known as inner-city public schools. After graduating from the Air Force Academy and taking my MBA in Quantitative Methods, I served as an Intelligence Officer and Missile Combat Crew Commander for thirteen years. Needless to say, I didn't amass any personal wealth when I was a military officer or when I was a college business professor at a public university for ten years or when I was appointed to a position in the administration of President George H.W. Bush or when I served as Winston-Salem City Councilman for eight years. As for my wife, she works as a librarian at the public library. We now have three children, two of whom we adopted. Simply put, we are people of modest means because I've dedicated my life to public service ever since I was an Eagle Scout."

So why is Ralph Neas and PFAW going after him? Because he is "evil." He is unabashedly conservative and now the Republican Party's only black nominee for Congress in a competitive district that's been targeted by both parties as one of the contests that will decide whether the Democrats win a majority of House seats this November. He will not play the insanity game. But at the same time, with winning the primary, a three way race, with 63% of the votes, he is a sure thing.

This shows that Congressman Miller and Neas are both so far out of touch with the majority of 13th District voters. They cannot possibly defend Miller’s voting record while he is running for re-election in a red state, whose voters expect their Congressman to cast votes that reflect North Carolina values, rather than San Francisco values. So, what to do? Attack the man personally. Calling him, which I love, a racist. Wasn’t it the "Reverend" Jessie Jackson, and Al Shaprton that say, "A Black man cannot be racist." Oh, as long as they further a dying self serving agenda. Don’t speak the truth. Continue to DIVIDE instead of unite.

Yes folks, if you enjoy insanity, continue to give your money to these groups. If you enjoy insanity, for those of you in North Carolina, vote to retain Congressman Miller in office. If you are intelligent and feel morals and fairness is a GOOD thing, I would suggest you vote for Mr. Robinson.

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