Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day,

To all those that serve us, protect us, and have given their lives that we may be free to do the things we do, THANK YOU.

I would also like to take a second to thank another group so often forgotten. You know Folks, we get so lost in politics, partisanship, and self-importance, we forget this group. The group that has given perhaps even more.

Now hear me out on this one.

"There is no greater love than a man lie down his life for another."

The men and women who have given all for us MUST be honored, and never forgotten.

Although this is the greatest sacrifice someone can give, they are where they went. But I cannot help but feel that this group suffers even more. In essence, sacrifices more than even the men and women that died. Why, because they are still with us. They are still alive.

This group, is the families of those killed defending and protecting our freedoms. These are the Fathers and Mothers, the Sons and Daughters, the Brothers and Sisters. These are those that have lost the greatest loss. They continue to live their lives with that continuous pain of never again having their family member there with them.

The next time you think about and or thank those that died for us, let’s take time out to thank those that are still here to actually hear our words. Lets say to the FAMILIES of those that have died,


I do not do this often, but to that group that goes around protesting the funerals of those that have died, you are nothing but a piece of trash that needs to be removed with the rest of the garbage. The only reason you CAN do this is BECAUSE of those that gave the greatest sacrifice. There is a time and a place. The funeral of lost loved ones, is not it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.