Hey folks,

Santorum : "We're at risk of losing what this country has fought for for 200 years, and I believe the linchpin in losing that is Obamacare. You know, Rush, that Lady Thatcher said after she left office and reflected on her career, that she was never able to accomplish in England what Ronald Reagan did in America, and she said that she blamed the British national health care system. What I said yesterday, or two days ago, was that once the government has an ID line to you, and they can withhold nutrition and withhold care, they can get anything out of America. They can grow bigger and bigger and more powerful. I just feel like we have to stop Obamacare, and I think we need a candidate who can be crystal clear on that and has a strong record on not just health care but on limited government and I believe that I can bring that to the table and someone who's been a very strong, consistent conservative over the years."Oppose Obamacare, want to repeal it. Point for Rick.
Santorum: "I don't claim to be a Tea Party person because obviously I've been involved in politics for quite some time, but for really for the same reasons the Tea Party people decided to come out of the woodwork. I really decided to come out of my wood works and get back involved in this because I have seven children, Rush, and I think my duty to them is the same duty that my grandfather was to me which is creating -- to make sure that we pass on -- a country that's free and I really do believe that's at risk in America. I think this election is the most important one since the election of 1860."So against Card Check, Cap and Tax, and of course Obamacare. He is a Tea Party person even though, he is a Politician. He believes as they do on most things. Point Two.
Santorum:"Freedom. I really can't stress enough how I believe that Obama's view of America... I always use this quote that said in response to the Ryan budget. He was talking about Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and he said that, you know, America's a better country because of these programs then he went on and said, "I'll go one step further: America would not be a great country without those programs." That man does not understand what makes America great. What makes America great was a government that was founded to be limited to doing one thing. I really believe the whole purpose of America, the aspirational value -- why everybody who wants to come to this country wants to come here -- was because we respected the dignity of every living person. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. It is to protect life and liberty. That is what America is all about. It's not to take care of people, but it's a belief that free people -- if given the opportunity to provide for themselves -- collectively we can build a much greater society. We can build a society that's a good and decent society, if government just stays out of the way and creates an atmosphere for opportunity, protects us from outside forces and creates a level playing field for all of us to be able to achieve in our lives."FREEDOM! Smaller Government. Point three.
Santorum: "Yeah. Look, I believe as you heard, "We're endowed by our Creator with certain rights: Life, liberty..." I mean, America is a moral enterprise, Rush. The idea that Republicans can win elections if he go up there and just say, "All we care about is money..." People don't care... Of course we care about our jobs, we care about money, but we care about our families. We care about our communities. We care about, you know, the dignity of life; we care about living good lives that add to the greatness of this country, and the idea that we can have limited government, Rush, without strong families?God and Family. Points Four and Five.
The family is the first economy. If the family breaks down, well, government gets bigger because of the consequences of family breakdown. We see in the neighborhoods where there are no marriages and there are no two-parent families. You can't ignore the reality that faith and family. Those two things are integral parts of having limited government, lower taxes, and free societies. We are either gonna be constrained by internal controls, internal restraint on our behavior or we're gonna be restrained by external restraints -- and when people say, "We can live free and people can do whatever they want to do," show me an example of that in human history. It doesn't work.
So I am gonna talk about it. Look, I understand, you heard me say, Rush: The most important issue is obviously freedom and repealing Obamacare and getting government out of people's lives, lowering taxes and creating growth -- and you know that I was a leader on welfare reform. I was the guy that led the charge in the US Senate and actually wrote the bill when I was in the House. I was the guy that actually helped end the federal entitlement. I embraced the Ryan plan and said it's a good first step and frankly I would go even farther than that, and I'm out talking about all the important issues of the day, but you can't ignore the entire picture, and I don't think Americans want us to ignore the entire picture either."
Santorum: "The reason I was able to win before is because people, while they didn't always agree with me, they knew where I stood and they knew that I did what I believed was right and that I stood for what I believe in, and they could trust me even though they didn't necessarily agree."A uniter not a divider. He DID win Four out of five Elections in Democrat Land. Not bad. Point Six. Global Warming? You know, what killed Romeny?
Santurom: "I believe the earth gets warmer, and I also believe the earth gets cooler, and I think history points out that it does that and that the idea that man through the production of CO2 which is a trace gas in the atmosphere and the manmade part of that trace gas is itself a trace gas is somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd when you consider all of the other factors, El Nino, La Nina, sunspots, you know, moisture in the air. There's a variety of factors that contribute to the earth warming and cooling, and to me this is an opportunity for the left to create -- it's a beautifully concocted scheme because they know that the earth is gonna cool and warm. It's been on a warming trend so they said, "Oh, let's take advantage of that and say that we need the government to come in and regulate your life some more because it's getting warmer," just like they did in the seventies when it was getting cool, they needed the government to come in and regulate your life because it's getting cooler. It's just an excuse for more government control of your life, and I've never been for any scheme or even accepted the junk science behind the whole narrative."GLOBAL WARMING IS A SCAM! BIG Point Seven. He also went on to say that he was against New Taxes and Tax hikes. Point Eight. He said he was not afraid to ATTACK OBAMA. Obama IS a threat to this country and he said he was not going to shy away from calling him out on it out of fear of being called a Racist. BIG point Nine.
So my point is this. He may have said TOO MUCH of the right thing. My entire Voting History, I have never, EVER, met a Candidate of whom I agree with ONE HUNDRED Percent. No. Not ONE. He was on Rush. He understands that there are 22 Million PLUS Voters Listening and are EXSTREMELY Active. So He mimics Rush. He says one hundred percent the same thing Rush would, if Rush was running for President. Does he MEAN it? I guess time will tell.
Look, I love what he said. I LOVE the Passion in the way he said it. I AGREE with EVERYTHING he said. But somewhere, down deep in my gut, I feel hesitant to jump on the Rick Band Wagon. I can't place my figure on it. Maybe it's like the old saying goes, "If something seems to good to be true, it's probably NOT." I do not know. But he DEFINITELY got my attention.
OPNTalk - Rick Santorum on Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh Radio Show
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