Preview For Sunday 060511
Hey folks,
Welcome to the Our oPinion Network. I AM Peter Carlock, your Provocateur of Thought himself, and this IS the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you stopped by.
First up, as we get the day going, I will be issuing an Apology to Beznik. Beznik is a person who just left me a message saying that I used a Racial Term and was offended by it. I thought Beznik was nuts until I looked into it a bit more, then I realized I DID. I'm not alone either. Turns out that Jodie Foster just got into trouble for using the SAME word. Chances are YOU are guilty of it as well. So the VERY first thing I will do is try to set things right.
For those of you who may be new here, you can also Find me at Facebook, Twitter, occasionally at Tom Sullivan Radio Facebook Page, and if YOU want to be a Part of the OPNTalk Blog, or just say Hi, the Email is
Coming right up?
Apologies and Correction For Racial Slur
Melanoma and Summer Fun
DLA For Sunday 060511
IWA For Sunday 060511
In the You Can't Make This Stuff Up Category. Here's one for the good guys. Did you catch this? According to WFMY NEWS 2 - Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It
Going to fill my cup. Be right back with my Apology.
WFMY NEWS 2 - Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It
Hey folks,

First up, as we get the day going, I will be issuing an Apology to Beznik. Beznik is a person who just left me a message saying that I used a Racial Term and was offended by it. I thought Beznik was nuts until I looked into it a bit more, then I realized I DID. I'm not alone either. Turns out that Jodie Foster just got into trouble for using the SAME word. Chances are YOU are guilty of it as well. So the VERY first thing I will do is try to set things right.
For those of you who may be new here, you can also Find me at Facebook, Twitter, occasionally at Tom Sullivan Radio Facebook Page, and if YOU want to be a Part of the OPNTalk Blog, or just say Hi, the Email is
Coming right up?
Apologies and Correction For Racial Slur
Melanoma and Summer Fun
DLA For Sunday 060511
IWA For Sunday 060511

Collier County, Florida -- Have you heard the one about a homeowner foreclosing on a bank?Well, GOOD for them. About time someone held THE BANK accountable. I just thought some of you might get a kick out of this one.
Well, it has happened in Florida and involves a North Carolina based bank.
Instead of Bank of America foreclosing on some Florida homeowner, the homeowners had sheriff's deputies foreclose on the bank.
It started five months ago when Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple, who didn't owe a dime on their home.
The couple said they paid cash for the house.
The case went to court and the homeowners were able to prove they didn't owe Bank of America anything on the house. In fact, it was proven that the couple never even had a mortgage bill to pay.
A Collier County Judge agreed and after the hearing, Bank of America was ordered, by the court to pay the legal fees of the homeowners', Maurenn Nyergers and her husband.
The Judge said the bank wrongfully tried to foreclose on the Nyergers' house.
So, how did it end with bank being foreclosed on? After more than 5 months of the judge's ruling, the bank still hadn't paid the legal fees, and the homeowner's attorney did exactly what the bank tried to do to the homeowners. He seized the bank's assets.
"They've ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated, " attorney Todd Allen told CBS.
Sheriff's deputies, movers, and the Nyergers' attorney went to the bank and foreclosed on it. The attorney gave instructions to to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and any cash in the teller's drawers.
After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager handed the attorney a check for the legal fees.
"As a foreclosure defense attorney this is sweet justice" says Allen.
Allen says this is something that he sees often in court, banks making errors because they didn't investigate the foreclosure and it becomes a lengthy and expensive battle for the homeowner.
CBS News
Going to fill my cup. Be right back with my Apology.
WFMY NEWS 2 - Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It
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