Hey folks,

We ARE fully loaded today and ready to go. Coming right up?
They Use To Hide This
Obama's Oil Release
Top Ten Methods In Stress Relief
DLA for Sunday 062611
IWA For Sunday 062611
All this coming right up. But first I want to talk about this. Do not tell me a True Conservative can't win. All we hear in the MMD is that we need a Moderate Republican, Translation, a RINO, Liberal disguised as a Republican, to save the Republican Party and ONLY a Moderate Republican could beat Obama.
We talked about Huntsman. The fact that the Media LOVE him and he is HAND Picked by Obama Himself. We talked about how they are trying to McCain us again. But then, Romney comes out with his defense of, and stands up for, Global Warming. We know he likes Obamacare Light. Now he is all about Global Warming. The Media have decided, hey, he is now a serious Candidate.
All we hear all the time is that those Wascally Tea Party people are nothing more than dumb Hicks. They are Racists, Bigots, Homophobes, and Radicals. They do not represent the majority of Americans, and they can't win. Seems to me that they did pretty good in 2010. Even the Democrats that won were somewhat Conservative. Of course a few exceptions, but it was mostly a Political Blood Bath for the Left. They got Trounced.

Remember what I said? There is a REAL fear out there that they HAVE indeed done a good job in making Sarah Palin unelectable. I do not think so, but they do. So here comes another Beautiful, smart, serious, FEMALE, who is NOT Palin. Her name is Michele Bachmann. So those that may have wanted to Vote for Palin, may very well NOW go with Bachmann. Regardless of what the MMD and the Left tell you, they are terrified of this scenario. I can't imagine what they think of this. Look for the Attacks on Bachmann to INCREASE starting today. Trust me on this folks. According to DesMoinesRegister.com / 2012 Iowa Caucuses - Iowa Poll: Romney, Bachmann in lead; Cain third; others find little traction by Jennifer Jacobs 8:10 PM, Jun 25, 2011 Categories: Caucus Insider, Iowa Polls
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann sit atop the standings in the year’s first Des Moines Register Iowa Poll on the Republican presidential field.So do not tell me that a TRUE Conservative can't get Elected. Want more proof?
Romney, the national front-runner and a familiar face in Iowa after his 2008 presidential run, attracts support from 23 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers. Bachmann, who will officially kick off her campaign in Iowa on Monday, nearly matches him, with 22 percent
“She’s up there as a real competitor and a real contender,” said Republican pollster Randy Gutermuth, who is unaffiliated with any of the presidential candidates. “This would indicate that she’s going to be a real player in Iowa.”.
Former Godfather’s CEO Herman Cain, who has never held public office but has found a following among tea party supporters, comes in third, with 10 percent.Yup. The guy they are now making fun of the way he talks is in Third. Remember that Generic Poll? The latest Gallup poll has President Obama losing to a Generic Republican Challenger. Meaning NO NAME. Anyone but Obama? If this is possible, then make no mistake about it, someone who HAS a message, articulate enough to relay it, and is bold enough to stand on FIRM Values, THEY WILL WIN.
Do not let the Media, or the Obama Administration pick our Candidate again. Go with who you truly believe is the best person for the job. It AIN'T Obama. It AIN'T Huntsman. It AIN'T Romney. No more RINOs. NO MORE Politics as usual. We need REAL Change so we can have REAL Hope. We need a Conservative.
Going to fill my cup. Be right back.
DesMoinesRegister.com / 2012 Iowa Caucuses - Iowa Poll: Romney, Bachmann in lead; Cain third; others find little traction
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