Sunday, October 17, 2010

Establishment Vs The Will of the People

Angle Reid Debate, CLASSIC Example of Establishment Vs The Will of the People

Hey folks,

Here I was, minding my own business when I arrived at the OPNTalk Office Friday Night to check Messages, Emails, ETC., and saw that there was this little Political Debate in Nevada, between the guaranteed winner Harry Reid, and the No Chance Kook Woman Sharron Angle.

Now I do not live in Nevada, nor was I available to observe this first hand, having a prior engagement entertaining OLD Friends from NY that came to town This week. But I did get the Transcript. I posted it Friday Night.

So what's my take? After having read the Transcript, it is CLEAR that Angle won this hands down. Then to watch the reaction from the Left and the Mainstream Media, it is even MORE clear.

I could spend the next ten pages going point for point, where Harry Reid simply, and in most cases, completely incorrectly, repeated Liberal, OBAMA, agenda talking points. Well the Points are completely incorrect {Lies} but he was spot on repeating them. Some examples? OK.

Just in his opening Statement.
Taxes. We reduced taxes for 95 percent of Nevadans, and all Americans. We did tax reform for small business – that’s the driving engine of business in America, 75 percent of all jobs are small business. We reduced taxes for small business eight times.
Everyone in the country knows this is completely false. Ask ANY Small Business. Everyone knows that our taxes didn't get cut. The Economy is NOT recovering. Unemployment is at RECORD and ALL time highs. It's completely insane that he even tried to use this talking point.

When talking about English being made the official Language in the Country, via Constitutional Amendment? Angle was clear. As directed by Mitch Fox, Moderator, Angle answered "Yes or No."
English is already the official language.
So that would be NO. But he can very well come out and say that now can he? Then this. Talking about Obamacare, Reid said this.
My opponent doesn’t like any insurance companies to have to do anything. She’s against mammograms, colonoscopies, and as we’ve heard lately, insurance companies covering kids that have autism. That’s really extreme.
Harry? But Obamacare says "Do Not Worry About Cancer Tests"
Mammograms, Colonoscopies, Pap Smears. They are not important any more Harry. They cost too much and give too many false positives. Remember that?

The truth is. Angle believes in the Free Market.

Obamacare cut a half a trillion dollars out of Medicare right at the point where Social, senior citizens need to have that Medicare advantage. That’s where their choices are. It also cost us half a trillion dollars in new taxes.

The solutions to the health care insurance cost problem are simple, and they reside within the free market. We need to get the government out so we can go across state lines to choose insurance companies. We need to get the government out of the process so we can take off those mandated coverages. We need to get the government out so we can have tort reform and so we can expand the pools.

The solutions to the health care cost of insurance – are free market.
She is right. If Insurer ABC will not cover the Test YOUR Doctor says you need, yet XYZ will, then you, and many others will go to XYZ, putting in time, ABC out of business, or FORCE THEM to change the way they do business. Government will play NO ROLE in it whatsoever. The PEOPLE will.

Look folks, it really doesn't matter how many times Reid said Mitch Fox, The Moderator, or Sharron Angle, or those supplying the Questions were "false, wrong, It’s not true. Extreme." It was Harry Reid throughout the WHOLE DEBATE that did nothing but supply "false, wrong, It’s not true. Extreme," answers. He wouldn't answer the Abortion question, Illegal Immigration question. How he made all his money in the Senate. No folks, it was Reid who was giving the incoherent, typical Political Non-Answer answers. It was Reid that lied throughout the whole thing. It was Sharron Angle who was giving the straight talk and clear answers. It was this non-career Politician, normal Everyday Person that swept the Floor with this Thirty year Career Politician. It was the People vs the Establishment. It was a CLEAR Victory for the People.

Why do you think Pelosi will not even Debate? She actually said "time is money." She knows that she's out. She KNOWS that the Will of the People will prevail in a couple of short Weeks. If I had my way, we would have a Debate between EVERY Liberal Incumbent, Hell, even Republican Incumbent, and Tea Party Opponent. But we really need not go through the process. The truth is, we already know. But it sure would be fun to watch.

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