Sunday, October 17, 2010

Breakthrough In Science or Politics?

Purely Politics.

Hey folks,

In today's Health and Science Segment, we are going to talk about this new "Breakthrough." They are hailing it, some are, as a Miracle scientific Breakthrough, yet, as of yet, the only break through is that of Politics.

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So in other words, it hasn't accomplished ANYTHING yet. The Breakthrough is purely that it was allowed to be tried on a Human Patient. It has not HEALED nor HELPED anything at all. Yet, there are some making all these promises of what it "will do" in time.

However, as we have already discussed, ADULT Stem Cells, Cells taken from one's own body, WILL heal and cure. The latest real life example is Stem cells used to save woman's leg .

I also introduced you to Dr. Shinya Yamanaka. In OPNTalk - H.S. More Evidence, The Need Of Embryonic Stem Cells NOT Needed
He found that by slipping four genes into mouse skin cells called fibroblasts, he could make the altered cells behave much like embryonic stem cells in lab tests. And did you hear anything about that?

But these so-called "iPS" cells still showed significant differences from embryonic stem cells. The three new papers report on creating iPS cells that proved virtually identical to stem cells in a variety of lab tests.

The technique used in the mouse studies could promote cancer in any patients getting therapy based on iPS cells, so researchers emphasized that a new approach that avoids that hazard would have to be developed.
Then in Update On the HS Segment 111807 Even Dolly Cloner Moving Away From Embryonic Stem Cells We talked about this.
Two teams of scientists are reporting today that they turned human skin cells into what appear to be embryonic stem cells without having to make or destroy an embryo — a feat that could quell the ethical debate troubling the field.
Not if the LWL {Left Wing Loonies} have anything to say about it.
All they had to do, the scientists said, was add four genes. The genes reprogrammed the chromosomes of the skin cells, making the cells into blank slates that should be able to turn into any of the 220 cell types of the human body, be it heart, brain, blood or bone. Until now, the only way to get such human universal cells was to pluck them from a human embryo several days after fertilization, destroying the embryo in the process.

The reprogrammed skin cells may yet prove to have subtle differences from embryonic stem cells that come directly from human embryos, and the new method includes potentially risky steps, like introducing a cancer gene. But stem cell researchers say they are confident that it will not take long to perfect the method and that today’s drawbacks will prove to be temporary.

Researchers and ethicists not involved in the findings say the work should reshape the stem cell field. At some time in the near future, they said, today’s debate over whether it is morally acceptable to create and destroy human embryos to obtain stem cells should be moot.
So no mater the fact that they have actually "Broke Ground" by using Embryonic Stem Cells on a Human, it may be as simple as that they need not bother. There is NO REASON.

We all know why the MMD and the Left are heralding this as a major Breakthrough. THEY NEED IT TO BE. They have linked Embryonic Stem Cell Research with Abortion. You can not very well say that it's OK to create an Embryo {A person} only to destroy it for the Stem Cells, and then say it's NOT OK to destroy an Embryo {A person} inside the Mother's Whom, at the Will of the Mother. They have successfully linked the two. You see, all this good can be done with this procedure, but it will cease if Abortion becomes illegal. Problem is, there is no success in Embryonic Stem Cell Research to point to. There IS however, MUCH success in other areas.

In a sane world, this Embryonic Stem Cell Research would have been halted long ago, in the interest of funding and furthering the Research that has shown promise. But there is no Sanity nor reason with the Liberal Left. Just Dreams and agendas.

OPNTalk -Stem cells used to save woman's leg .
OPNTalk -
H.S. More Evidence, The Need Of Embryonic Stem Cells NOT Needed
OPNTalk- HS Segment 111807
Even Dolly Cloner Moving Away From Embryonic Stem Cells

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