Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blackness Does Not Equal Greatness

What has Obama done?

Hey folks,

OK. Rant time. I have to get this off my chest. Like I was saying last week. This past Weekend I was debating someone about Obama. Now you all know, and some of you not too happy, that I have been defending Obama in this latest "scandal". Not really looking good for Rahm Emanuel, but still no real evidence that Obama is involved at all.

However, this person was going on and on about how great Obama is. How he is going to save the Country and bring world peace. How he is the greatest President we have had in our life time. They told me about the Mainstreme Media's call for a Holiday named after him and even one reporter saying that he should be the next head on Mt Rushmore.

Are you serious? WHAT HAS OBAMA DONE? What is it about him that makes him so great? He did NOTHING in the Senate. Except run for President. Oh, that community organizer thing? He failed at that. He said so in his book. So what has he done?

Well, he is the first Black President. So? Did HE do that? No. Did he chose to be Black? No. He was born that way. He is here because his Mother met and had sexual relations with a Black Man. Pop. Out comes Obama.

The fact that Obama, or ANY Black Man was able to run for and win the Presidency says VOLUMES for how far our Country has come to actually Elect a Black Person to the highest office in the land. But is this REALLY a reflection on Obama's greatness or lack thereof?

So far, Obama as done nothing. He has not even been sworn in yet. I'm all for recognition for great accomplishments. The greater the accomplishment, the greater the recognition. Let's say Obama DOES come into office and achieves world peace. Cures Cancer, brings Iran to a place where Little Hitler and their nuclear quest is thrown out.

Let's say he IS able to smile and wipe out the hopes and dreams of Putin to restore the USSR. THEN I will join the crowd and praise him. Then I would say, you know what, yeah, for XYZ, he needs a Holiday named after him. So far? Nothing.

I'm sorry, but try as hard as some may, Blackness does not equal greatness. Accomplishments and achievements may. Until he actually DOES something, I will refrain from calling for a Stamp, Holiday, and sure as hell, his face on Mt. Rushmore.

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