Hey folks,
I really do. Happy Thursday to you. I get it. I understand. I feel the same way. All I have talked about in the last day and a half is what will I do if we DO come down to Hillary or John. I know some of you out there are just going to sit this one out. Some of you again. You figure, why bother.

So McCain wins. 36 Percent of the vote. Edwards drops out. Yup, Haircut Boy is out. Then last night Rudy decides to and does quit and endorse McCain himself saying this.

So McCain now has all the momentum in the world going into Super Tuesday.
Hillary wins Florida, although the delegates are not suppose to count, so she has momentum. Now people are starting to ask, what happens in a head to head,
McCain, a Lib in Conservative cloths? Perhaps. What would we get from McCain? His own words tells us. He is FOR Global Warming initiatives. He is FOR Amnesty. He is FOR hindering free speech to a certain degree. Now he promises to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. He promises to veto wasteful spending in Congress and require a majority vote before ANY taxes are raised. He promises to keep protecting American security. He says that HE will get Bin Laden.
Hillary? Her own words again. She calls for a shared Society. A "We're in it together Society." She says she wants Socialized Medicine. She says she will take Profits from private sectors for the good of the country. She says College is overrated and wants young people to learn trade {To serve this new Socialist Society better} She wants the Fairness Doctrine. She wants Amnesty. She already said, if she cannot get what she wants from Congress, she will simply use Executive orders to get it.

I cannot answer that completely. I am having the same problem. But I can tell you the way I see it. McCain says one thing, but his past actions say differently. Hillary says one thing, well no, she said, no, wait, I mean, she said this. Or was it that? Anyway, she does want Socialism. Plain and simple.
However, remember 06? A lot of people sat out that one, to teach the Republicans a lesson. Now we have what we have. The WORST do nothing Congress we have EVER had. Do you REALLY want to sit this one out? Are you sure you REALLY want others to make the decision for you?
We still have Super Tuesday. This is not over by a long shot for either Romney or Obama. They both have some ground to cover, they both are still very much in this. We really will have to wait and see what happens. For those of you who have not voted yet, think about THIS possibility. John McCain and Hillary Clinton battling it out in the General.
I can not tell you how to vote this election. I understand why you do not want to. I really do. But I think I would rather take a chance on someone who may have a conscience than to vote for someone I KNOW does not.
From the Emails tomorrow. See you then.
The only thing worst than Rudy doing so badly, was his endorsement of McCain, who is another Hillary in disguise.
Ya kind of wonder what backroom deals are being made, and or maybe Rudy isn't what we thought he was.
Having gone to a dinner for him in Orlando and listening to his speech; which, wasn’t inspired by a man that would support the likes of McCain. (an opportunist and a lier that jumps on any bandwagon to further himself)
thoroughly disgusting.
Hey Doug,
Yeah I was VERY disappointed in that. Now The Terminator just endorsed McCain as well. Arnold is the original Lib. in Republican cloths. THAT should tell us something.
Also keep in mind, Arnold has also been brainwashed in the whole Global Warming Scam. So has McCain. Romney has NOT been. That should also tell us something.
I hope people can see this. With McCain, we WILL get Amnesty, Global Warming Legislation, Higher taxes, and infringement on Free Speech. He said so. I hope people are listening.
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