Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Clinton Did It

Hey folks,

Those are words I hope to NEVER be able to utter in the up coming General Election. Clinton did it. But remember what I told you on Sunday? Obama said to Clinton, "Your likable enough Hillary." I said this.

But she is not. She does not have what she tries to portray. When she is talking to Southerners, she has an accent. When she is talking to Blacks, she has a Black accent. She makes stories up. Completely makes stuff up about her life and experience. She has tried EVERYTHING to fool, I mean, GET people to like her. When she TRIES to show that she is fired up, or passionate about this or that, all we hear is SCREECHING. When she is asked something that she does not like, all we hear is a cackling laugh. People ARE learning who she is. Someone who will lie, cheat and steal to get what she wants. Most American still find that offensive.

On the Democrat side, I see a battle between Obama and Edwards. But NEVER count Clinton out. If she can not win fairly, she still could find a way.

Well, she did it. She won New Hampshire. It was close. As close to predict a lawsuit if she lost by that much, or if any Democrat loses by this much in the General. But she still won. You cannot EVER count Clinton out. All those people that were saying that she was going to pull out were premature in their prediction at best. She is OBSESSED in becoming the next Supreme Leader, I mean, President. She is most likely in this until the end.

Money is no problem. She has nothing better to do. Oh yeah, is she not STILL the Senator in NY? Well, like I said, she has nothing better to do. Bill wants back in also. The LWL want her in. That includes Soros. The Clinton machine is working full steam ahead. After her rebirth in New Hampshire, look for her, the Soros controlled media, and Clinton owned and controlled Blogs out there, Media Matters, MoveOn, ETC. to step up their attacks on Obama now, BIG TIME. They will now do ANYTHING they have to to NOT have a repeat in Iowa.

But this should tell you something. On the Republican side, MacCain did not just win, he won in a landslide. Really? Yup. Huckabee came in third. You have to remember that New Hampshire is a VERY Liberal state. So of course the Libs will do well there. So we'll have to wait and see how this all pans out in time.

Now what I think SHOULD happen is this. On the Democrat side, Clinton, Obama, and Edwards should go on. Everyone else most likely should just get out of the race. On the Republican side, McCain, Romney, Huckabee, and maybe Giuliani, should go on, all others, sad to say, Thompson should most likely get out. This is not going to happen though. Thomson is waiting to see what happens a little bit down the road, and Kucinich seems a little obsessed. But it's starting to be time to concentrate on those that actually stand a chance of winning now.

If anything, last night proves that this will continue to be fun to watch. Just remember what is REALLY on the line here. America itself.

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