Thursday, January 24, 2008

Clintons STILL Using Race

Hey folks,

Happy Thursday to you. I had to comment on this. It seems that the Clintons are still using the Race card. Even though they keep saying it's NOT about Race of gender.

Bill Clinton: Race, gender key in S.C. By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer

He's not on the ballot but Bill Clinton seemed to dominate the South Carolina presidential campaign, disparaging Barack Obama and journalists and predicting that many voters will be guided mainly by gender and race loyalties.

The former president suggested that his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, may lose Saturday's Democratic primary because many black voters will side with Obama. The unusually direct comment on the possible role of race in the election was in keeping with the Clintons' bid to portray Obama as the clear favorite, thereby lessening the potential fallout if it proves true.

What have I been telling you. They do this all the time. If it looks as if their favorite is going to lose, they, the LIBS, the mainstream media, or the Clintons, start talking about possible problems. "There are questions about voting machines" "They could be voter interference." "Uh, there may be bad weather keeping people from voting." " Voters are disenfranchised." ETC. What they ARE doing is laying the ground work and foundation to say anything but the TRUTH. "We lost because the American people rejected us." They just cannot accept that.

Voting for president along racial and gender lines "is understandable, because people are proud when someone who they identify with emerges for the first time," the former president told a Charleston audience Wednesday while campaigning for his wife, a role he has played all week.

In this case, what Bill just said was, "Well you know, Hillary is going to lose because all them there Blacks, want one of their own. It doesn't matter that Hillary is better than him. It don't matter that he is not a good choice, has no experience. He's Black, that is all they care about ."

His comments and a later outburst with a reporter came on a day when Obama continued to challenge Hillary Clinton's candor and trustworthiness. He said his chief rival has indulged in double-talk on bankruptcy laws, trade and other issues.

The atmosphere grew more charged after Clinton's campaign aired a radio ad in South Carolina suggesting Obama approved of Republican ideas. Obama responded with his own radio spot that says, "Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected."

THAT is true. she will even say it in a language and accent she thinks you will understand. {Smile} She will even, lie cheat, and steal.

Politicians "don't always say what they mean, or mean what they say," the Illinois senator told about 900 people at Winthrop University, in Rock Hill, Wednesday. "That is what this debate in this party is all about."

At each of three main stops Wednesday, Obama mocked Clinton for saying she voted for a 2001 bankruptcy bill but was happy it did not become law.

"Senator Clinton said, `Well, I voted for it, but I hoped the bill would die,'" he said, drawing hoots from the university crowd.

Bill Clinton, campaigning on the coast while Obama was inland, said Obama and the media had stirred up tensions over race in response to some Democrats' criticisms of the couple's strategies.

No YOU did. She did. YOU are the guys that brought Race into it and you got

"I never heard a word of public complaint when Mr. Obama said Hillary was not truthful," and had "no character, was poll-driven. He had more pollsters than she did," the ex-president said in a heated exchange with a CNN reporter. "When he put out a hit job on me at the same time he called her the senator from Punjab, I never said a word."

{Laughing} Maybe because everyone, including the Press, KNOW she lies. She HAS no character, and IS poll driven? Just a thought for you there Billy.

It was not clear what he meant by "hit job."

Anytime I hear the word "job", and Bill's name together, I cringe.

The former president has accused Obama of exaggerating his anti-war record and handing out undeserved praise to Republicans. Clinton said he personally witnessed Obama's union forces intimidating Nevada caucus-goers and said an Obama radio ad suggested how Democrats could keep votes from his wife.

"Clinton said he personally witnessed Obama's union forces intimidating Nevada caucus-goers." What? When, who, how? Care to PROVE that? Care to PROVE you are not LYING right now?

Last year, Obama's campaign circulated a memo describing Hillary Clinton as "D-Punjab," a reference to her Indian-American donors. Obama has said that was a mistake.

What about all the money they have gotten from the Chinese? That's not a mistake. What about all the illegal Contributions? Notice no one wants to talk about that. Some how this vast Right Wing Press conspiracy has missed this little story all together. Right?

Bill Clinton said civil rights leaders Andrew Young and John Lewis have defended his wife. "They both said that Hillary was right and the people who attacked her were wrong and that she did not play the race card, but they did," he said.

OK, so two paid for "Black Leaders" said she did not play the race card. Whoop De Do, must be true.

Clinton said the news media is much tougher on his wife than on Obama. At the end of the exchange, he told the CNN reporter, "Shame on you."

{Laughing Hard, banging hand on desk} I have no comment on that.

Clinton also told about 100 people in Charleston that he was proud of the Democratic Party for having a woman and a black candidate and he understands why Obama is drawing support among blacks, who may comprise up to half of Saturday's turnout.

"As far as I can tell, neither Senator Obama nor Hillary have lost votes because of their race or gender," he said. "They are getting votes, to be sure, because of their race or gender — that's why people tell me Hillary doesn't have a chance of winning here."

Basically he just said, "It's not her fault. You have to understand, there are a lot of Black people here. Yes there are a lot of women, but, uh, they are black too. So we have to concede that she will lose here. But it has noting to do with Hillary herself, it just a Black thing."

Folks, you KNOW what would happen if ANY Republican candidate said just ONE of the things that the Clintons have been saying as of late. Just ONE. They would be thrown out on their ear. They would be destroyed by the press, and attacked by just about EVERY "Black Leader" there is. You would never hear the end of it. But the Clintons? They can continue to use the race card, over and over again, and then say, we're not, and they get a pass. I would like to think that it is NOT going unnoticed by those that matter, the voters.

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