Hey folks,

This is the day. As a matter of fact, as of midnight, some towns around New Hampshire have already started voting.
I caught this last night. It from the AP - Emotions run high on eve of NH primary By DAVID ESPO and PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writers
Her voice quavering, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton struggled Monday to avoid a highly damaging second straight defeat in the Democratic presidential race. Republicans John McCain and Mitt Romney scrapped for success on the eve of a New Hampshire primary that neither could afford to lose.
"You're the wave, and I'm riding it," Sen. Barack Obama, the new Democratic front-runner, told several hundred voters who cheered him in 40-degree weather after being turned away from an indoor rally filled to capacity.
Obama has been drawing large, boisterous crowds since he won the Iowa caucuses last week, and a spate of pre-primary polls showed him powering to a lead in New Hampshire, as well.
Clinton runs second in the surveys, with former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina third, and the former first lady and her aides seemed to be bracing for another setback.
You can spin one loss, not two. THAT is the sad truth.
At one stop, she appeared to struggle with her emotions when asked how she copes with the grind of the campaign — but her words still had bite. "Some of us are ready and some of us are not," she said in remarks aimed at Obama, less than four years removed from the Illinois Legislature.
YOUR not ready. Better yet, America is not ready for YOU. It’s not that you are a women, it’s that we are not ready to lose this great country to a Supreme Leader Wannabe. You have been under the delusion that you are entitled to the White House. You have been under the delusion that you do not need to answer to the people. You sold out to a few hard core LWL members. YOU Hillary, YOU are to blame for where you are.
YOU told us what you wanted to do. YOU said,
"The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative, smart energy, alternative and technology that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence. I have to tell you, I am not running for president to put Band-Aids on our problems. "
The Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an ownership society really is an on your own society that has widened the gap between rich and poor.
"I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society," she said. "I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none. "
"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed, she said. Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies. "
"We have sent a message to our young people that if you don't go to college ... that you're thought less of in America. We have to stop this, she said. Our country cannot run without the people who have the skills that are taught in this school. "
Just to name as few. Then I told you this on Oct 21, 2007
Campaign for America's Future co-director Roger Hickey just said this.
“Congressional conservatives and the president are the culprits who have stood in the way of a new progressive direction for our nation”
“A new progressive direction for our nation” SOCIALISM He just came out and said it.
If you vote the LWL to stay in power, and you vote someone like Supreme Leader Wannabe Hillary into the White House in 08, you WILL have someone in power who has antepenultimate power. Like what we just read by CNN “We will do what we have to do to approve the constitutional reforms that the president proposes because that is what the people want,” will be heard over and over again in OUR OWN Country. The only way to stop this? DO NOT ALLOW IT. YOU have the power. YOU either support or condone the Socialist quest by the LWL, in turn helping it to rise to power, or YOU do not allow it. YOU are the fuel. The choice is YOURS. Get educated. Get ready. When the time comes, go VOTE.
You do not think this can happen here? There are some here working really hard on MAKING it happen. YOU are the only thing standing in the way.
Make no mistake about it. They WOULD go this far. You HAVE been listening. You have heard. More and more of you are understanding who she is. She is finding out, YOU do NOT agree with her, and it shows.
Back to this article.
Her husband, the former president, pointed out the obvious Sunday night in remarks before a college audience. "We can't be a new story," he said, speaking in something of a jocular tone. "I can't make her younger, taller, male."
Still, Sen. Clinton's aides have urged her to show more passion and emotion — including laughter — to give voters a sense of her warmer side.
How do you show that of which you do not possess?
By coincidence or not, she did so as she set out on a final day in New Hampshire.
Oh, FAKE IT. OK, I talked about it.
"You know, I had so many opportunities from this country. I just don't want to see us fall backwards," she said at a morning campaign stop, her tone changing and voice quavering.
STOP!!!! WAIT!! I just caught that. Did you? She just said. "You know, I had so many opportunities from this country.” I HAD?
"You know, this is very personal for me. It's not just political. It's not just public. I see what's happening. And we have to reverse it."
What exactly do you think she sees happening? Her losing? Just a thought.
Edwards criticized Clinton as ill-suited to bring about change. "The candidate — Democrat or Republican — who's taken the most money from drug companies is not a Republican. It's a Democrat and she's in this race tomorrow morning," he said.
That’s true. She also took illegal donations. Like the ones from families that can barely afford to feed themselves, yet are able to give your thousands of dollars?
You know, it also might be this simple. Look at all those that she is seemingly going to bring with her. They are all 90s Clinton staffers. Even Sandy Burglar is there. CHANGE? Think about it.
Ap - Emotions run high on eve of NH primary
OPNTalk - Why Socialism Is Possible
I wish Hillary would drop out.
I see her as one of the biggest threats to the American way of life in a long time.
Hillary has so much to teach us and the good she wants to do to Americans just leave a tear of frustration because she knows what we need in order to live in her idea of utopia.
With her extensive background of political experience and her foreign relations experience she gained while first lady she knows what it will take to set America on the path of greatness.
It all kind of reminds me of the movie 'the good the bad and the ugly'
the good guy; was good and knew it.
the bad guy; was bad, but didn't know it and didn't care.
the ugly guy; was bad and knew it.
Not sure I would classify Hillary as the ugly. Bad yes. However I think she actually believes she is right, as many liberals do. It has to do with what we value more and a view of the real world plus our principles. An over simplification, I know, but that crying jag will cost her the race,
even if it was sincere. I personally believe it was.
Hey Bill,
"I see her as one of the biggest threats to the American way of life in a long time."
So do I.
Yeah Sam,
Like the creation on the New Soviet America. Make NO mistake about it. THAT is her goal. Now with this win in New Hampshire, she will be even more dedicated. If she lost? Who knows. But NOW, she is not going anywhere.
Hey Doug,
"However I think she actually believes she is right, as many liberals do. It has to do with what we value more and a view of the real world plus our principles. An over simplification, I know, but that crying jag will cost her the race,
even if it was sincere. I personally believe it was."
You may be right about her thinking that she is doing the right thing. But America itself is at stake here. She TRULY wants Socialism.
As for the Crying game. Real or not, it DOES seem to have worked. At least in New Hampshire.
I just don't see the American people voting in a president that
can't control their emotions in public. Can you imagine Condoleezza Rice, Golda Meir or Indira Gandhi crying in front of news cameras? like some school girl who's feelings were hurt.
It was a big mistake on her part, it just hasn't been exploited yet.
"It was a big mistake on her part, it just hasn't been exploited yet."
It has now. {smile} Along with evidence it was staged.
There is also evidence that they had people bussed in from out of state to vote for her. They cannot do that in EVERY state. She is not out of this, but I would be willing to bet that she is in more trouble than anyone realizes. Even her.
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