The never ending Race in Minnesota, and another inexperienced Shoo In.
Hey folks,
Yeah, that never ending Race is STILL going on in Minnesota. Now the issue? MORE UNCOUNTED BALLOTS. How is this even possible? Well, barging those attempting to steal the election. You know, Franken drones. ACORN. and the LWL. {Left Wing Loons}
Now it turns out the issue is now over hundreds of unopened Absentee Ballots that could of course put either over the top. Why are they uncounted? Well, that is easy to explain, the Absentee Ballots in question were incorrectly rejected by Poll Judges on or before Election Day, mostly because of clerical errors outside the four legal reasons for rejection. So they were ILLEGALLY REJECTED.
You know folks, I really do not care what the argument is, it is crystal clear that fraud is running rampant in this election. From Ballots in the back of Election Officials cars, to missing Ballots just turning up, to all the mistakes made, all favoring Franken of course. Now he is a head of Republican Norm Coleman by 47 Votes. Now, we have Hundreds more?
The Court ruled that either Campaign can keep any ballot out of the mix with a written objection, leaving spurned voters the option of going to court to reinstate their ballot. This is just absolutely incredible. Both Parties want to cherry pick these Ballots for their own benefit. Why is it left up to Voters to challenge ANYTHING? This is an easy concept to understand. Voters Vote. Votes Counted. Those with the most WIN. If we allow this Circus, run by Democrats by the way, in Minnesota to continue and we allow this Joke of an Election to be Stolen by Franken and Company, then we make a mockery of the entire Democratic Process.
But that is not the only Joke of Politics we need to look at. Let's go New York. Let's talk about Caroline Schlossberg. Who you ask? EXACTLY. Caroline Schlossberg has NEVER held ANY kind of Elected Office whatsoever. She has never ran anything. She has never accomplished ANYTHING. When a Reporter asked her what she thinks makes her qualified to be the next Senator of New York, she answered, "I wrote a book, I care." {Sigh}
So why should she be seen as a possible Shoo In? Well, one, you don't get to Vote on it. The Governor of New York will appoint her to take Hillary's place. Two, did I mention that her other name is Kennedy? "OH! That changes EVERYTHING. Of course she is qualified. Hell, she is more than qualified than Sarah Palin was." Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Obama or McCain were. She was a Mayor, and is the current Governor of the biggest energy producing State in the Country. She is celebrated by Republicans, Conservatives, Democrats, Liberals, and Independents in Alaska. But this equalled not enough experience to be VP for those on the Loony Left. Yet these same people accept Caroline Schlossberg, with NO experience whatsoever in anything? Well, she does have the name Kennedy. That seems to be good enough for them. Idiots.
People wonder how New York got so screwed up. Look at who is running it. People will wake up and wonder how it happened that this very Country got so screwed up. Look who YOU Voted for. Ignorance really is the most expensive and dangerous commodity we have.
Sources: - Hundreds of Ballots Still Uncounted in Minn. Race - Caroline Kennedy Slammed After Latest Tour
Hey folks,

Now it turns out the issue is now over hundreds of unopened Absentee Ballots that could of course put either over the top. Why are they uncounted? Well, that is easy to explain, the Absentee Ballots in question were incorrectly rejected by Poll Judges on or before Election Day, mostly because of clerical errors outside the four legal reasons for rejection. So they were ILLEGALLY REJECTED.
You know folks, I really do not care what the argument is, it is crystal clear that fraud is running rampant in this election. From Ballots in the back of Election Officials cars, to missing Ballots just turning up, to all the mistakes made, all favoring Franken of course. Now he is a head of Republican Norm Coleman by 47 Votes. Now, we have Hundreds more?
The Court ruled that either Campaign can keep any ballot out of the mix with a written objection, leaving spurned voters the option of going to court to reinstate their ballot. This is just absolutely incredible. Both Parties want to cherry pick these Ballots for their own benefit. Why is it left up to Voters to challenge ANYTHING? This is an easy concept to understand. Voters Vote. Votes Counted. Those with the most WIN. If we allow this Circus, run by Democrats by the way, in Minnesota to continue and we allow this Joke of an Election to be Stolen by Franken and Company, then we make a mockery of the entire Democratic Process.

So why should she be seen as a possible Shoo In? Well, one, you don't get to Vote on it. The Governor of New York will appoint her to take Hillary's place. Two, did I mention that her other name is Kennedy? "OH! That changes EVERYTHING. Of course she is qualified. Hell, she is more than qualified than Sarah Palin was." Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Obama or McCain were. She was a Mayor, and is the current Governor of the biggest energy producing State in the Country. She is celebrated by Republicans, Conservatives, Democrats, Liberals, and Independents in Alaska. But this equalled not enough experience to be VP for those on the Loony Left. Yet these same people accept Caroline Schlossberg, with NO experience whatsoever in anything? Well, she does have the name Kennedy. That seems to be good enough for them. Idiots.
People wonder how New York got so screwed up. Look at who is running it. People will wake up and wonder how it happened that this very Country got so screwed up. Look who YOU Voted for. Ignorance really is the most expensive and dangerous commodity we have.
Sources: - Hundreds of Ballots Still Uncounted in Minn. Race - Caroline Kennedy Slammed After Latest Tour