Hey folks,
Yes the Dems had a debate last night. They went after the front runner and Supreme Leader Wanabe Hillary. More Blah Blah Blah. We already know what these people stand for, WHO they are actually beholden to, and what their goals are. So I want

According to the AP - VA clarifies rule on flag-folding text By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press WriterTue Oct 30, 7:53 PM ET
The Veterans Affairs Department moved Tuesday to clarify a directive limiting the use of a religious recitation at flag-folding ceremonies after it sparked an uproar among some veterans and Republican House members.
In a memo last month to directors of the agency's 125 cemeteries, a senior VA official said they should not distribute or post nongovernment handouts on “The Meaning of Each Fold of an Honor Guard Funeral Flag.”
The memo said the handout and its religious references shouldn't be used as a script at committal services unless the next-of-kin requests it.
House members introduced a resolution Tuesday condemning a policy that would ban the recitations entirely, and dozens of lawmakers wrote to the VA demanding that it be rescinded.

Yes it is. Just like our country itself and the foundation on which it was laid is under attack by secularists and the LWL.
The VA contended it was simply clarifying its policy. The recital in question is not part of the official Defense Department interment ceremony and should be read only on request from a family member, said VA spokeswoman Lisette Mondello.
At issue is the "”3-fold recital"”sometimes read by members of an honor guard as an American flag is folded at a veteran's graveside.
At each fold of the flag concepts including life, country and heart are invoked, as well as God. There are separate references to the Jewish God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to the Christian trinity.
There in lies the problem. It’s amazing to me that it’s OK for some in this country to attack, denounce, belittle, make fun of, or anything else, anything Christian. The Jews have been protected some what, but anything Christian? Free game. Any other religion? “You cannot say that. We have ‘Freedom of Religion' in this country.” I’m glad to see Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif. step up, and the House pass a resolution condemning this.
It was the 11th fold, which when honoring Jewish veterans, makes a reference to the God of Abraham, that provoked a complaint this summer by someone who witnessed the ceremony at Riverside National Cemetery in Southern California, said Mondello.
The complaint focused not on the content of the recital but on an error in the text used by cemetery volunteers which identified Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as gods, Mondello said.
The complaint prompted the VA to focus on the recital and determine that it shouldn't be used by VA employees or honor guard volunteers from the American Legion or other veterans organizations unless specifically requested by family members. Mondello stressed that honor guards would also honor requests from families of any religion to recite texts of their choosing.
That’s Bunk folks. Basically, this is one of the ways they do it. Don’t mention it, hope people forget or better yet, do not even know about it, and in time, it will fade away.
“The key is that the family has to request this and we would acquiesce to any family's particular religious views and/or traditions,” Mondello said. “I would describe it as a clarification of a policy so that we make sure that everyone throughout our system knows that there is consistency.”
Then say it EVERY time, unless the family asks you NOT to. That would be consistant.
The policy was not clear to lawmakers Tuesday who interpreted comments from VA officials to mean the 13-fold recital could no longer be recited at all by cemetery workers or volunteers.
So you want to see how offensive this is? Here it is
Every evening at a time specified by the Commanding Officer, military bases throughout the world conduct a solemn ceremony called retreat. During this ceremony our National Colors, accompanied by the appropriate music, are lowered from their staffs. The Flag is then folded into a triangle shape and kept under watch throughout the night. This is done in tribute to our Honored dead. Each of the 13 folds has a special symbolic meaning.
Our Flag is folded from the stripes forward. The 13 stripes represent the original colonies that founded our republic. The 50 stars represent the sovereign states now comprising our nation.
1) The first fold is symbolic of life.
2) The 2nd fold is symbolic of our trust and belief in eternal life.
3) The 3rd fold is made in remembrance and honor of the departed veterans who gave a portion of their lives in defense of our country. They have not died in vain and shall not be forgotten.
4) The 4th fold represents our weaker nature. As Americans we trust in God and turn to him for divine guidance in times of peace and war.
5) The 5th fold is made in tribute to our country. In the immortal words of Stephen Decatur: "Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right, but it is our country - right or wrong".
6) The 6th fold brings to mind where our hearts lie. It is with our hearts that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
7) The 7th fold is in tribute to our armed forces, for it is they who protect our country and flag against all enemies, whether they are found within or out of the borders of our Republic.
8) The 8th fold is a tribute to those who have entered into the valley of the shadow of death that we might see the light of day.
9) The 9th fold is a tribute to motherhood. It is through their faith, love, loyalty and devotion that the characters of our great leaders have been molded.
10) The 10th fold is made in honor of our fathers. They too, have given their sons and daughters for the defense of our country.
11) The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the Seals of King David and King Solomon and glorifies the Gods Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
12) The 12th fold is the collective religious faiths of Americans. It symbolizes eternity and glorifies the righteousness of God.
13) The 13th and final fold is made in honor of the 13 American Colonies whose fighting force gave us liberty.
When folded, the Flag's Stars will be uppermost, reminds us of our motto. "In God we Trust". The Flag now takes on the appearance of the "cocked hat" worn by our forces in the American Revolution. It now reminds us of the soldiers who once served under General George Washington and the sailors and marines who served under John Paul Jones. They have been followed by their comrades and shipmates in United States forces who have preserved for us the rights, privileges and freedoms which we enjoy today.
Yup folks, that’s offensive. To the LWL and secularists. And we all know, we cannot possibly offend someone in this country. They have been given the “right” not to be offended. Last time I checked, the majority of this country still believe in God, and country. It is just a small, loud, and very well funded minority that doesn’t. Sorry, as far as I’m concerned, TOO BAD. We are what we are. I couldn’t care less if you are offended. You enjoy the freedoms of this country, you should honor those and the things that keep it that way. That includes our men and women in service, the foundation on which it was founded, the Constitution and or course, like it or not, that includes God.
AP - VA clarifies rule on flag-folding text