Hey folks,

Iran claimed Saturday that 15 British sailors and marines had confessed to entering its waters in an act of "blatant aggression," an escalation of Tehran's rhetoric over the confrontation.
The British Foreign Office summoned Iran's ambassador for the second time in two days, saying an under-secretary had spent more than an hour in "frank and civil" talks demanding the safe return of the sailors and Royal Marines, and seeking assurances about their welfare and access to British consular officials.
Iran's top military official, Gen. Ali Reza Afshar, said the sailors and marines were moved to Tehran and under interrogation "confessed to illegal entry" and an "aggression into the Islamic Republic of Iran's waters." Afshar did not say what would happen to the sailors.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini accused the British of "violating the sovereign boundaries" of Iran, calling the entry a "blatant aggression."
Notice he said, sailors and marines were moved to Tehran and under interrogation "confessed to illegal entry" and an "aggression into the Islamic Republic of Iran's waters." Afshar did not say what would happen to the sailors.
Well then, according to all our Liberal and LWL friends, if they were tortured, you cannot believe their confession. Right? But as of this time the British have not asked for our help. They are their people and they are dealing with it.
Then on Sunday, Little Hitler himself made it well known that he could careless about the sanctions place on Iran by the UN. According to the AP
Iran announced Sunday that it was partially suspending cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog while hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the latest U.N. sanctions would not halt the country's uranium enrichment "even for a second."
Iranian state television quoted Ahmadinejad as saying the additional Security Council sanctions imposed on Saturday "stem from the hostility by some powers against Iran."
"It is not a new issue for the Iranian nation. Enemies of the Iranian nation have made a mistake this time too," Ahmadinejad said, adding the new sanctions "will not halt Iran's peaceful nuclear program even for a second."
Did ANYONE really think the sanctions would work? I have been warning you folks longer than most . I’ve been telling you about Little Hitler for a long time. Now he is being paid attention to by the Mass Media, I believe, for two main reasons. First, they can use this for more attacks on Bush. It is all his fault that there is so much tension in the world. Second, to put fear into YOU. To convince you that we will end up going there and end up in another "failed war attempt."
By the way, have you seen oil prices lately?
Then just this morning, according to Reuters
A senior Iranian military official warned the United States against launching any attack on the Islamic Republic, a news agency reported on Monday, two days after the United Nations imposed new sanctions on Iran.
"If America starts a war against Iran, it won't be the one who finishes it," Morteza Saffari, naval forces commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.
"Our people will not even allow one American soldier to enter our country," Saffari said.
As well we shouldn’t. A couple of planes. A couple of bombs.? Yeah, that will work. Not one foot of any America soldier should touch Iranian soil. Take out any possibility of them creating nuclear weapons with a few well placed bombs, no more worries. A couple of well placed bombs in Iraq would have ended this war in a few days. We would never have had all these discussion we have been having for the last four to five years,. Nor would we have lost more than maybe a hand full of our men and women in service.
The problem that President Bush has now, is he tried to cater to these lunatics known as the LWL from the beginning. He tried to fight "fair, and nice." We are in a war. Our enemies want us dead. Given the chance they will KILL us. I say we stop playing games with these terrorists and end this NOW, and I’m NOT talking about pulling out.
AP-Iran: Sanctions won't halt enrichment
Reuters-Iran military warns U.S. against any attack
"By the way, have you seen oil prices lately?"
You know the American people have adopted an OH WELL attitude toward oil prices.
They forget the fact that without American technology and know how the oil would still be under the sand in most Arab country's.
It's only the select few that are profiting from the money taken in in these country's.
Your average Joe Blow Arab still gets the dirty end of the stick.
Now this is bad but whats worse is that our money is going to terrorist groups that want nothing more then to kill us and into research to make atomic weapons that may very well be used against us.
It's way past time for us to think of the US first. Our very survival as a people depends on it.
Hey Irishgodfather,
The sooner the better.What do you think would happen if Iran, and other oil producing countries told us, "Screw off America, no oil for you.?" No I mean other than blame Bush.
I would like to think that this would be a wake up call to all that have no way to work, heat their homes, even cook, because the enemy of this country is being, as we speak, emboldened by all the garbage the LWL are spewing.
They are just waiting, watching. The Mass Media Drones lead by, and incluing some others, give them what they need. They will will know when to hit us again. Of course that will be Bush's fault as well.
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