Hey folks,

A taxpayer-funded electric vehicle battery company, that is considered in great danger due to its dependency on troubled EV company Fisker Automotive, has awarded its top executives big salary increases despite a steep downward trajectory in its stock price.Now this report says 125 employees, but I saw another that said 150. Regardless, they took YOUR money and they are paying themselves HUGE salaries, and the company is failing. They are laying people off. When the money, YOUR money, is gone, they will go the way of Wind and Solar Companies. Bankrupt.
Massachusetts-based A123 Systems -- which received $279.1 million in stimulus money from the Department of Energy, and up to $135 million in incentives from the State of Michigan -- boosted the base salaries of two vice presidents and its chief financial officer on February 8.
Chief Financial Officer David Prystash was bumped 27 percent to $380,000; VP of Energy Solutions Robert Johnson’s base salary increased 51 percent from his 2010 level to $400,000; and VP of Automotive Systems Jason Forcier saw his pay rise 32 percent from 2010, to $350,000. The news was first reported by the Boston Web site of Citybizlist.com, which obtained the information from an A123 SEC filing.
So lets have a conversation with the President. "Mr. Obama. Wind, Solar, now Battery Companies, that YOU gave Hundreds of Billions of Tax Payer Money to, are failing all over the place. There is NO MARKET. They are producing NOTHING. Can we pretty please, Drill, get more Natural Gas, allow the Pipeline? Can we now do what we should have been doing all along?"
President Obama "Uh, no. There is a new hope. Yes. A new answer. We will not Drill, get more Natural Gas, and I'll allow a little part of the Pipeline, it is an election year, to be built. But that is not the answer. No. we have a new hope. You should get excited about it."

President Obama "Well, it's Pond Scum."
"Excuse me?"
President Obama. "Yeah, yeah. Pond Scum. You know Algae."
Here is an actual quote. This is a REAL quote from the President of the United States.
We're making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel that's actually made from a plant-like substance, algae. You got a bunch of algae out here, right? If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, well, we'll be doing all right.Uh? "If we can figure out how to" FLY, "well, we'll be doing all right." as well. We could just fly, like Superman, to Work, School, whatever. Not sure about the Store. How to carry all that stuff. But hey, if we learned to Fly, uh, no Farting though, that would be like driving, greenhouse gas as such, so fart free flying, and "we'll be doing all right." I know, I know. But he really said this. According to CSN News - Obama's Energy Plan -- Algae By Susan Jones February 24, 2012
(CNSNews.com) - "The American people aren't stupid," President Obama said on Thursday -- as he insisted that drilling for more oil on U.S. territory is "not a strategy to solve our energy challenge."{Sigh} More OIL means greater NATIONAL Security. It means lower costs. It means more jobs. It means a stronger Economy. Just saying YES to the Keystone Pipeline means greater NATIONAL Security. It means lower costs. It means more jobs. It means a stronger Economy. Talking about Pond Scum? Means NOTHING. It will simply continue the DECREASE of National Security, HIGHER Costs, LESS Jobs, and damaging the Economy even further.
The president's solution? Algae, for one.
There are no quick fixes to the nation's energy problem, the president said, dismissing Republican calls for more drilling as a "bumper sticker."
"We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance -- algae," the president said at a campaign stop in Florida. "You've got a bunch of algae out here, right? If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, we’ll be doing all right."
Obama said the nation could replace up to 17 percent of the oil it imports for transportation with "this fuel that we can grow right here in the United States. And that means greater energy security. That means lower costs. It means more jobs. It means a stronger economy."
Even some of his supporters are out there saying, what the? This is completely ridiculous. It really is. Do NOTHING to actually FIX the Problem that Liberal Policies over the Years have CREATED, just issue Speeches and ask people to Dream. $5.00 to even $6.00 a gallon gas is coming folks. But fret not, while you are paying that, just think how wonderful it will be when we learn how to turn Pond Scum into Energy,,,,,OH WAIT!!!! I forgot about my apology. No I have to apologize.
Look folks, I was wrong. Yup. For years I thought Nancy Pelosi was loosing it. That she was getting a bit kooky. That perhaps it was time for her to retire. But I was wrong. One example I used of this was what she said back in 2006. Yup. She was not being kooky. She was not even talking about Politics. No sir. I was just too ignorant to understand she was WAY ahead of her time. When she said, she wanted to "drain the swamp," she was talking about GREEN ENERGY... Now I get it. Sorry MS Pelosi. {Smile}
Free Public - After Layoffs, Execs Get Big Raises at Taxpayer-Funded A123
CSN News - Obama's Energy Plan -- Algae
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