Hey folks,

“Over the last few weeks, he has done more to assault religion in this country than any president, certainly in recent history, maybe even in history. Jesus wasn't talking to the government. He wasn't talking that the government should take more from you. He was talking about your responsibility to your fellow man, your responsibility to God to provide for the least among us and not your responsibility to fund Caesar. That is a complete misinterpretation of the bible."Now this was Rick Santorum in response to Obama's Idiotic Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, where he attempted to use the Gospel of Luke to say that the Rich need to be Taxed more and Jesus would approve.
Obama actually said,
“Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required,”His point is that you stupid people out there, you know, you Bitter Clingers, should interpret that to mean that Jesus would have wanted the Rich to pay Higher Taxes. They don't because they are Evil. That is what he wants the "Religious Freaks" the Poor Folks, to believe. The Rich are Evil, Obama has God on his side, and he is out to set you free.

“Over the last few weeks, he has done more to assault religion in this country than any president, certainly in recent history, maybe even in history. Jesus wasn’t talking to the government. He wasn’t talking that the government should take more from you. He was talking about your responsibility to your fellow man, your responsibility to God to provide for the least among us and not your responsibility to fund Caesar. That is a complete misinterpretation of the bible."Rick?!? The Bible, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, The LAW? This President does NOT misinterpret things. He TWISTS them to attempt to get them to fit HIS agendas. He ignores them. He Violates them on a daily bases. He is not misinterpreting it by accident. He is doing it on purpose.
But Congratulations, for pointing out the Truth, you ARE the Winner of the Display of Logic Award for Sunday, February 5th, 2012. Thank you for standing up for the Truth.
For those of you out there that may not like this one, just remember this. Just because he was not successful, doesn't mean he is wrong. Just because he was not successful in running for the Presidency, doesn't mean he is not the best one for the Job, or that he doesn't know, understand, and is bold enough, to tell the Truth. Be right back.
Newsmax - Santorum: Obama Most Anti-Religion President in History Friday, 03 Feb 2012 03:48 PM By Martin Gould and Steve Malzberg
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