Has to be.Hey folks,

Time to wrap things up with the IWA. This week? There can be only one. Seriously. I know some of you out there are not going to like this. That, however, does not change the fact he is the most deserving. He IS the Idiot of the Week, Month, Year. He IS the biggest Idiot we have ever had in Office. He IS Barack Obama.
There is no doubt. From his completely bogus State of the Union, AKA State of Obama Speech, where he was incorrect, told untruths, and completely made stuff up, to killing the Space Program to turn it into another Global Warming propaganda machine to further his agenda. Oh, he also went to the Republicans retreat and told THEM a bunch of lies and got angry when he was asked simple questions.

I really mean this from the heart. It's truly a shame. You, Barack Hussein Obama, COULD have gone down in history as the greatest President of all time. You, being the first African American to hold the Office, with Conservative views? Enacting Reagan like policies? Ending the War? Doing the things necessary to bring the US Economy around? Rid us of politics as usual and truly bring people together to work for the good of all Americans? You could have been the brightest light, a shining symbol of the Greatness of America. From the ashes of a scarred past, to where we should be today? You Sir, had the opportunity to BE GREAT! To make the Country even greater.
It's a shame you chose a different path. It's a shame you would rather destroy the country in the hopes of rebuilding it in YOUR Image. It's a shame that you are either to ignorant to see how you truly appear, not only to us, but to all in the World, or, which I lean more towards, you are to arrogant to care. I tend to believe that you really think most Americans are to stupid to know what you are really trying to do. You may be partly right on that. With the help of your friends in the MMD {Mainstream Media Drones} or the State Run Media, whatever you want to call them, you really believe that you are fooling everyone. Truth is, you have become a greater threat to this country than ANY previous or current threat we face.
I've said this before. An enemy from without can kill thousands, blow up buildings, and create havoc. An Enemy from within, especially in the Highest office in the land, can actually destroy the entire country. You Sir, are that Enemy.
Again, just in case you ARE that ignorant to understand that 70 percent of Americans no longer believe in Global Warming, 86 percent LIKE their Healthcare and do not want you to destroy it, and the VAST Majority of Americans LOVE their Country and do NOT want the new USSA that you are attempting to create, YOU Sir are on the wrong path. You Sir are the PROBLEM, not the solution. YOU Barack, are the one standing in the way of Economic recovery, freedom, and the greatness of this country returning. No amount of lies and rhetoric can change that.
Congratulations Barack, you ARE the idiot of the Week. You can place this next to your completely BOGUS Noble Peace Prize.