Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Agree With Wright, You Know

Opinion of the Obama Press Conference

Hey folks,

I just posted the transcript of the Obama Press Conference on Rev. Wright. After hearing him yesterday, and rereading the transcript. I have to admit two things.

First, is it just me or does Obama come across like he cannot think and talk at the same time? Seriously. I'm REALLY not trying to insult the man. But this drove me nuts. He gave another great, elogant, typical Obama speech, then he went off the teleprompter, and "You Know."

Every time he was asked a question, or anytime he was attempting to expound on what he was saying, he said "you know." Someone should REALLY work with him on this. It's distracting and really comes across like you are killing time to think of what to say next. Maybe someone was whispering in his ear or something. I do not know. We do not know. That is why he was there. To keep saying, "you know," then stuttering and stammering, does not convey the image that you are as articulate as you are trying to portray.

Second, I agree with Rev. Wright.

"If Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected. Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability, based on sound bites, based on polls."

Wright said that Obama is just a Politician and that he is going to do what Politicians do. Say whatever they have to. I think THIS is what got Obama. Rev. Write just said that Obama is not some great messiah, but just a Politician. Nothing more. He eluded to the fact that he, Wright, believes that Obama DOES believe the same things that he does, he just cannot say so.

So Obama does this Press conference to denounce Wright. What are the three most "outrageous and offense remarks that Wright made."

"But when he states and then amplifies such ridiculous propositions as the U.S. government somehow being involved in AIDS, when he suggests that Minister Farrakhan somehow represents one of the greatest voices of the 20th and 21st century, when he equates the United States wartime efforts with terrorism, then there are no excuses. They offend me. They rightly offend all Americans. And they should be denounced. And that's what I'm doing very clearly and unequivocally here today."

Of course those are the three that have been making news for a while now. These are the three that Obama STILL contends that he NEVER heard before. So these are the three he denounces. Folks, do you REALLY believe in a twenty year relationship that he NEVER heard these things? No, of course not. Some of you out there have only known me for two. We have NEVER met. Yet, I bet you KNOW what I believe and what I stand for. So for someone who was like an Uncle, a Spiritual Adviser, and a Mentor? Sorry, I just do not buy it.

Just as a side note, I love this Q and A.

Q: Senator, did you discuss with your wife, after having seen Reverend Wright -- (off mike) -- and what was her --

SEN. OBAMA: Yeah. No, she was similarly -- anger.

{Laughing} Yeah I don't buy that either. {Smile}

All I heard and all I saw yesterday was EXACTLY what Rev. Wright said. A Politician being a Politician. Nothing more. Nothing less.

PLEASE, someone, work with Obama on the whole "you know" thing.


samspade said...

When I was growing up I thought that people who said "you know" after everything either were not properly educated or just, for lack of a better word, lower class people who would spend their days going from one low paying job to another or were just those who who join the latest fad.

To hear Obama say this, I would say all that upper education that he received while he grew up in the "ghetto" of his grandmother's house seems to have escaped him.

Perhaps Obama is not the "new Bill Clinton" who could speak fluently and think while on his feet.

Much has been said about President Bush's style of speaking and that he can not think on his feet so now we have another politician who seems to be faltering if he does not have a prepared speech or his audience has not been prescreened to only ask questions that Obama has memorized.

Lastly I would like to mention once again that Obama sat in his church for 20 years and did not know that his pastor was a racist so how quick on the up take will he be with dealing with foreign nations and leaders who are lying to him?

Or are we going to have another Jimmy Cater who believed everything that he was told by terrorist or as some say actually supports terrorism?

Peter said...

Hey Sam

"When I was growing up I thought that people who said "you know" after everything either were not properly educated or just, for lack of a better word, lower class people who would spend their days going from one low paying job to another or were just those who who join the latest fad."

My point exactly!

AS for this?

Or are we going to have another Jimmy Cater who believed everything that he was told by terrorist or as some say actually supports terrorism?

If Obama actually wins the General, YES.