Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Radicalism Does Not Help Your Cause

A Message To My Radical Friends

Hey folks,

I know today is the big day in Pennsylvania. Check back for all the results tomorrow. But I want to send a message to my radical friends out there. Now this all came about when a friend of mine, whom is WELL known to all you out there in OPN land, sent me a ten minute segment from the Rush Limbaugh Show. In it, Rush was talking about all the freedoms we have lost over the years due to Liberalism. The fact that we have come to just blindly accept the Liberal premises on this or that, and allow them to strip away at our freedoms. But it was the last 3 minutes or so that really got me.

Apparently, in the UK, they are now banning offensive words to some in Society. Those really offensive words, like Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, ETC. They are banning these offensive words, and replacing them with the generic "Partner." They also want special education for Gay and Lesbian students. They want their Libraries filled with Gay and Lesbian books, and Videos, ETC.

I was discussing this with someone on Friday right before my trip and they asked me what I thought of this. I'll admit to you, my first gut reaction? SCREW YOU! My Wife is my Wife. My Son's Girlfriend, when he has one, will be his Girlfriend. I AM his Father, Laura IS his Mother. I couldn't give a rats behind if that offends you or not. It is what it is.

Look, many of you out there that have known me for the past ten plus years or so, OH, by the way, happy Second Year Anniversary to us here at the OPNTalk. April 19th was two years. Something like 1080 plus posts and still going strong. Thank YOU. Back to the point. As many of you know out there, I'm a Christian. As some of you may not understand just how founded my Faith is. The reason for this? I do not get on a soap box and condemn people on a daily bases. You do not see me waving the Bible around and telling you, you are going to Hell if you do not do what I say.

My point is this. If I were to do that, a lot of you would never come back. In some areas of this country, I could also be arrested and charged with Hate Speech. {Whole other issue} When the occasion comes up and when appropriate, I will without hesitation quote God's Word and talk about the difference of Faith and Religion, or whatever the topic may be. But I am not here to jam it down your throat.

So let me ask you, my radical friends, why do you feel you have the right to do it to others? I believe in your right to live your lives as you chose. I see it as your RIGHT to worship whatever god you chose to worship. I see it as your right, your choice, your life. But I will NOT accept some things just because YOU say so. I will NOT accept some things because the Government gets involved and tells me I HAVE to. I will NOT just go along with some things, in the name {ONLY} of tolerance. As a matter of fact, in many ways, that is the quickest way to turn me off.

I have talked about this in reference to Race in America. Now we are talking about Homosexuality. But this concept applies to ANY cause. You will not help your cause of Race, by USING Discrimination. You will not help your cause of Pro-Life by blowing up Abortion Clinics and killing innocent people. You will NOT help your cause of Pro-Choice, Race, Global Warming, Homosexuality, or even Secularism, by attacking those that do not share your views or by creating unjust laws to attempt to FORCE people to accept it.

Radicalism is NEVER the answer, and NEVER helps your cause. Open and honest conversation, based in facts and Truth is. Open debate on the issues are positive. But when you get into an area where you become radical and start doing radical things, not only does it not help, but it actually hurts your cause. An attempt to promote one cause over another is not an attempt to have equality, it is an attempt to have dominance. Something that Human Nature will fight against EVERY time.


Anonymous said...

I think it is God's will that people exercise choices about how they live their lives. It is better to make right choices than wrong ones, but God wants us to have the choice.

We may have the opportunity to help someone make the right choice by giving instruction, encouragement, even warnings of consequences, but unless we have God-given authority over a person (such as parents with their children), we should be careful not to cross a line into trying to force someone to do the right thing.

God could force all of us to do the right thing if He wanted to, but He doesn't do that at this time.

I think part of the reason is that He wants us to learn lessons by experiencing first hand the consequences of our mistakes, and He also wants to test us to see how well we are learning our lessons.

Peter said...

Hey and Welcome to the OPN.

I have some to say in response to what you added here, just out of time. But I'll be back soon. Thank you for adding. I may even highlight this comment soon. Thank you again.