Monday, April 21, 2008

The Chicken Little Crowd Does Not Care

Who they offend.

Hey folks,

Back from the trip. Re-energized and ready to go. I got this in the emails and just have to comment on it. According to Fire Society-Time Magazine Sells Out to Global Alarmists With Offensive Iwo Jima Cover

For just the second time in more than eight decades, TIME magazine abandoned its traditional red border used on its cover. The occasion? Not for our heroes winning the war in Iraq, a political superstar, or for Time's Person of the Year, but rather to push global warming alarmism and equate the "war on global warming" to World War II.

I told you about this. They are declaring war on YOU. The Sceptics out there. Those that have the ability to think, reason, and understand REAL Science. It is a war to silence those that oppose them. It is create laws and regulations to force you to stop arguing and just do or else.

The April 21 issue of TIME took the famous photograph of World War II Marines raising the American flag on Iwo Jima and replaced the flag with a falling tree. The article, How to Win the War on Global Warming, says the “war” on global warming is a “similarly momentous challenge” to our World Wars, the Great Depression, putting a man on the moon, the intercontinental railroad and beating polio. TIME concludes by saying “going green” is the new red, white and blue. In essence, according to TIME green extremism is the height of patriotism.

But it will drive you nuts. Certifiably as we just learned. It will cost you a great deal. This is complete and utter BS. It's not even bunk anymore it is BS. Complete and unadulterated, unproven, psychology driven, Scaryence backed, menacing BS. There is nothing Patriotic about becoming scared into accepting this garbage, or becoming a Sheep that just falls for it. This is NOT to be compared to the challenges of past Wars or that of the Great Depression, or anything like it. Why? Because the Wars were real. The Great Depression was REAL. The Intercontinental Railroad was real. Global Warming is a Scam.

Iwo Jima Veterans In an Uproar

Many veterans are offended by TIME's cover. In a conversation with the Business and Media Institute, Donald Mates, an Iwo Jima veteran, said, "It's an absolute disgrace! Whoever, did it is going to hell. That's a mortal sin. God forbid [TIME author Bryan Walsh] runs into a Marine that was an Iwo Jima survivor." Mates added, "To stick a tree in place of a flag on the Iwo Jima picture is sacrilegious."

It absolutely is. But it is what the Chicken Little Crowd wants you to believe. That it IS a war. That you are either with them, or against them. You are either on the side of America, willing to stand and fight the "war" on Global Warming, or you are an enemy of this country. You hate this country and do not care about your children.

The replacement of the Flag with a tree, not only undermines all the sacrifices of those that fought and died for this country, but it also undermines the greatness of this country it self. It challenges YOUR Patriotism and it says that YOU are an enemy of this country if you do not join the fight against Global Warming.

Grassfire President Steve Elliott agrees. "The Second World War was real; the bullets were real, the soldiers were real the deaths were real. Meanwhile, scientists can't even agree if man-made global warming exists and certainly there is no consensus on the radical agenda of the Climate Alarmists." Elliott adds that use of the actual Iwo Jima photograph is especially offensive. "It would have been bad enough if TIME had done a charicature of the marines, but to intentionally use the actual photo in an effort to equate global warming with World War II is totally outrageous." Time's use of this photograph trivialized the cause that the veterans fought for.

Which is what I just said to you.

$1.2 Trillion Al Gore Tax coming before summer!

As I keep telling you, the only thing Green in the whole Global Warming Scam is the Green of the cash involved.

Gore and the radical Climate Alarmists are using unfounded science {Scaryence} and the willing spin of the media elites to push a massive, $1.2 Trillion Global Warming Tax. We have less than two months to stop the new tax. But the fact is, as this TIME article shows, the entire political, entertainment and media establishments are lining up to push this oppressive new Carbon Tax down our throats.

Check out So You've Heard Plenty About Global Warming.....for many links and information that will help you to understand who these Chicken Little, Al Gore Disciples are and what will happen if they get their way.

Folks, as I have pointed out to you. They start with the three step method. Convince you that you matter. That you are helping to save the planet. They tell you you are NOT just jumping on the band wagon because everyone else is, but that you should, because, well, everyone else is. They tell you that you are a good person for doing it, and they tell you that if you do not, you are a bad person. They then turn to scare tactics. They use the kids. They tell you, in essence, you are killing your grand-kids and their children if you do not buy into this BS now.

Then I told you how they have come right out and told you that they have researched it, and will be using psychology to try to brainwash you in to accepting it. They are threatening those in power, those that have the ability to force you to accept it. I just pointed out to you that we now have a whole new area of Psychology, "eco-therapy" or "eco-psychology." Which of course is just another way for some to get rich off this BS.

Now they have declared war. Now they are questioning your PATROTISM. Now they have replaced the America Flag, with a TREE. Folks, I will say it again. There is no threat. Global Warming is not Scientifically proven nor is there ANY evidence whatsoever, to suggest that we are having ANY effect on the Climate at all. It's called CYCLES. All the Global Warming BS, is that. BS. Complete and unadulterated, unproven, psychology driven, Scaryence backed, menacing BS.

I hope the more people find out about this, that Time will be in a battle that they have never seen before. I hope they lose readers and sponsors over this one. This is completely offensive, as well it should be, to ANY military family out there. It should be completely offensive to anyone with any intelligence whatsoever. This should ALSO be offensive to anyone that loves this country. Time has more than crossed a line here, they have completely sold out, for cash, to the Global Warmians and the cash that is associated with them. They are now nothing but a joke and it is a complete disgrace.

Fire Society-Time Magazine Sells Out to Global Alarmists With Offensive Iwo Jima Cover
OPNTalk - You Can't Make This Stuff Up 041808
OPNTalk - Global Warming Bunk

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