Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Now Politicians Being Threatened

“Don’t Call Global Warming a Hoax”

Hey folks,

This is unbelievable, I know. So much so I can not find it anywhere. I was listening to this local Radio Show this morning when they went to a news break. I heard this guy come on and warn politicians that they had better not call Global Warming a hoax. He said that “75 percent of Americans believe it, along with some Republicans.” I can’t find it anywhere. I wanted this Idiots name and a link to his comments, but NOWHERE. Not on the 850 News Talk sight. Not ABC nor CBS. But it was there. So I have something to say about this. It FITS.

For years they, the Chicken Little Crowd, have been doing their very best to create mass hysteria. They have succeeded to a certain degree. Many people have just become Sheeple that accept the Scaryence as real science. The just accept the fact that this is happening, and that they are to blame. But not enough of you are accepting it. The "cause" has stalled. More and more REAL Scientists are coming out, using real science to debunk the hoax. More and more people are actually starting to listen to the FACTS and deciding that it makes no sense whatsoever. They are starting to question it. Well, they can't have THAT. Why? Because they can't win an intelligent fact and science based argument. They can not win because there is NO real Science in it. There are no PROVABLE facts to back up what they say.

Al Gore has been telling us we only have ten years left for about 15 years. All the predictions are completely wrong, every time the give them. More frequent and severe storms. {Hurricanes} Well, the last two years? Warmer and dryer winters. Well, this year? Fake pictures, fake facts, and fake {Or bought and paid for} Scientist to try to convince you that in the face of REALITY, FACTS, and SCIENCE, Man-made Global Warming is real.

I just saw an ad for WWF {World Wild Life Federation, or foundation. Whatever} in the last couple of days telling me for just $16.00 a month I can save the Polar Bears. The Polar Bears numbers are GROWING. They are growing at record numbers.

Then you have the temperature. Is it still rising? I told you months ago, that even THAT "fact" is being called into question. But some have an answer for this as well. Just a couple of days ago, on BBC - Global temperatures 'to decrease'

Global temperatures for 2008 will be slightly cooler than last year as a result of the cold La Nina current in the Pacific, UN meteorologists have said.

The World Meteorological Organization's secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, told the BBC it was likely that La Nina would continue into the summer.


This would mean that temperatures have not risen globally since 1998 when El Nino warmed the world.

Then you have REAL Scientist that will tell you its all just CYCLES. That the Earth WARMS, and the Earth COOLS. That there is no evil hidden dangers of man doing ANYTHING. But they will still tell you that in the face of all these facts, YOU are still killing the planet and you had better PAY for your sins. I loved this piece April 4, 2008, Resource Investor- Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax Heats Up

St. LOUIS (ResourceInvestor.com) -- The BBC today aired a story confirming what responsible scientists have been saying for some time – that there has been no notable variation in global temperatures for the past ten years.

This is an inconvenient truth for the vast edifice being built atop the myth that human related carbon dioxide has exceeded some imagined tipping point, turning the world into a deadly hotbox.

The World Meteorological Organization literally blames the El Niño Pacific current for upsetting the carefully orchestrated media meme of runaway heating caused by all that nasty capitalist production. What they should be admitting is the relative ignorance of scientists about all the factors that drive climate variation. The fact that the WMO and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were incapable of reflecting El Niño’s impact on their temperature models simply underscores how politically driven and unscientific climate science has become. The “consensus” models must be considered worthless after years of failed predictions. To be fair, the IPCC models admit that they do not even take Pacific Decadal Oscillation into account.

The correspondence between El Niño and recent climate events and trends is striking; no less striking than correlations with Sun spot activity and precipitation systems. Indeed, the WMO admits that El Niño, “has contributed to torrential rains in Australia and to some of the coldest temperatures in memory in snow-bound parts of China.” Yet there are countless media stories and journal articles blaming human related carbon dioxide emissions for these events.

Despite the facts directly contradicting the predictions of ever-hotter years unless “greenhouse gas emissions” were severely curtailed, the WMO and others continue to spin the warming myth saying we can be sure 1998’s average temperature will be exceeded at some point in the near future.

Laughably, Adam Scaife, lead scientist for Modelling Climate Variability at the Hadley Centre in Exeter, told the BBC that La Niña is just noise amidst a larger climate change signal. Isn’t it amazing that mere noise can disrupt every major climate change model…

It’s worth reviewing why no reasonable person subscribes to the idea that human related carbon dioxide is causing catastrophic global warming. Some basic points:

Persons and interests unknown claim to have identified with incredible precision Earth’s optimum temperature, sea level, snow cover, ice packing, crop yields, soil moisture, ocean salinity, speciation, particulate concentrations in the atmosphere, crustal movement, weather severity and forestation among thousands of other variables of life. Absurd, isn’t it? These supposedly optimum levels relate to a recent period when more sophisticated measurement and data analysis became possible, and which conveniently coincides with the end of a mini ice age. The reasons for selecting this false optimum equilibrium must be political rather than scientific since the long-run climate data shows much greater volatility than the earth has recently experienced. Precession, anyone?

Ideological interests antipathetic to modernism run the business of global climate change. Consider just the acquiescence of “scientists” to the United Nation’s repeated publication of climate policy recommendations before supporting scientific materials are published. In fact, the UN IPCC openly stated last year that scientific reports were being modified to fit policy recommendations, which required the delay in publication. And how else do you take this quote from Maurice Strong, one of the big bananas in the global green junta: “Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring about?”

Climate “science” is pimped by big money lobbies and transglobal ideological movements. American federal funding of climate research alone runs to some $5 billion per year. Take careful note how the green movement is hysterically assertive about controlling climate change money flows via the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The reason is obvious – it provides the best means to wrest policy making away from elected and accountable politicians.

Climate science is subject to peer review rather than auditing, which is insufficient control for public policy decisions. Canadian geologists Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick demonstrated this by uncovering what can only be described as the fraudulent development of Michael Mann’s “Temperature Hockey Stick” graph. The IPCC relied heavily on the graph – which was extensively “peer reviewed” – to support demands for urgent policy changes. The graph has since been abandoned after being exposed as a fabrication.

One fraud is sufficient to disqualify any organization from retaining trust, respect and authority. The IPCC is guilty of more than one fraud, whilst elite agencies and academies are routinely being embarrassed by research errors. For example, see how the Hadley Center responded when cold temperatures this January and February disrupted the politically correct view of incessant warming. NASA also recently admitted a serious error with its temperature data. Also, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) does not adjust temperature data the way a sister federal agency, NASA, does.

The most widely cited climate models with respect to policy impacts are scenario projects – which is how adults describe creative thinking. To quote a climate change insider: “None of the models used by the IPCC are initialized to the observed state and none of the climate states in the models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate. In particular, the state of the oceans, sea ice, and soil moisture has no relationship to the observed state at any recent time in any of the IPCC models.” – Dr. Kevin Trenberth, Head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and lead author of the UN IPCC’s Scientific Assessment of Climate Change. Note his half-hearted admission that climate science is in its infancy, yet he is willing to support destructive policy changes based on his faith.

Observed real climate systems behave opposite to the predictions of the leading computer models.

Global temperatures have been much higher (5 degrees centigrade) in the past than they are now or are projected to be.

A majority of climate data collection stations in the United States are compromised by poor location and other factors. Agencies have been “adjusting” this data with a clear upward bias for temperatures.

Climate politicians have arbitrarily rejected more than 90,000 direct measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere, carried out in America, Asia, and Europe between 1812 and 1961. These measurements are highly accurate and contradict the ice core data that global warming myths are built on.

Anthropogenic carbon dioxide is irrelevant to greenhouse effects.
Water vapor constitutes 95% of the greenhouse effect.

Human activity is responsible for just 3% of CO2 emissions. The other 97% comes from natural sources.

CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are not historically unusual, despite the IPCC’s false claim that 379ppmv is “far above” the “natural range” for the past 650,000 years. As recently as 1942, CO2 was 400ppmv. More reliable data shows that over the last 10,000 years CO2 concentrations generally exceeded 300ppmv. It is also stands to reason that even if CO2 concentrations are unusual, it is irresponsible to ascribe most of the increase to anthropogenic causes given that humans are responsible for so little of it.

The assumptions of CO2 glaciology used to infer historically lower levels of CO2 are demonstrably false.

The correct interpretation of CO2 ice core data reveals the gas increases following temperature increases. In other words, the consensus has cause and effect completely reversed. When the earth warms up, CO2 is traded from oceans to the atmosphere and vice versa.

Climate politics has ignored astronomical impacts, such as solar activity for the past 50 years exceeding thousands of recent years.

Ice measurements show no alarming net loss of ice such that you will need a kayak to get to work in Manhattan in 2015. Satellite data from NASA shows Greenland’s ice thinning at the margins, but thickening inland such that the total ice measured has increased. Antarctica has been losing ice in the west and gaining in the east, though there has been a net loss. The estimate for the impact on sea levels is an increase of half a millimeter per year!

Demands for anthropogenic greenhouse gas reductions are oblivious to the costs and benefits. This is an unreasonable and irrational approach to any problem, but especially for a project that claims to be able to restore Earth to a mythical optimum climate.

So in the face of all the FACTS, and TRUTH, they have found they can not convince enough of you out there to buy it. So what do they do, they come right out publicly and tell you that they are now going to use Psychology to try to persuad more of you to accept it.

Remember the talking points?

"We've come up against a brick wall with Americans," says Lee Bodner, executive director of ecoAmerica, an environmental group based in Washington, D.C. Despite Americans' widespread familiarity with global warming, "only a small group are changing their behavior."

There's little research on how to lower people's energy use, but early evidence suggests that many people will change if:

• They think others similar to themselves are jumping on the "green" bandwagon.

• They get frequent positive feedback for effort.

• They feel able to make a difference by taking concrete steps.

• They think their children will be harmed by global warming, or children encourage the family to lead a greener life.

This is to good folks. They are TELLING the rest in the movement. Here are the talking points. Read this again. "You have to convince people that they are not just sheeple. That everyone is doing it, so they should too. Make sure you give them a pat on the back when they do. Make them feel that they are now a good person. That they matter. That they are heroes for doing this. They also have to "believe" that THEY can solve it. Don't be going around telling them that there is no hope. Make sure they know 'we can do it.' If all else fails, tell them their kids are going to DIE. That they will blame them for not doing anything about it. Scare them into submission if need be."

What if the people ask for proof? "Just tell them that all the Scientist agree that it is real, and they are smarter then them, so they need just accept it. Any Scientists that say it's not real are just kooks, or bought off by big oil."

But there are some that do not want to wait to see if this works. By the way, did you notice, as I pointed out to you before, that this was not mainstream and as "urgent" until 2006? Oh we had Earth Day. We had talk about it here and there. But what happened in 2006? Yup. The Democrats took over the House and Senate. They feel that they now have a chance to FORCE you to accept it. They feel that they now have the power to LEDGISLATE and CONDEMN those that do not fall in line. The push is on even more so, because they are afraid they may get voted out of power.

So it only makes sense, that NOW, Politicians are being threatened to NOT call it a hoax, or a scam. That if they do, they will not win or that they will be removed from office. They have the power to FORCE you to accept it. Again, they can not win a fact based argument, because they have no facts to back up what they say. This is why they always say "Could, Should, Possibly, Assumed, Presumed, May, ETC." So they are simply attempting to silence the opposition.

It's to bad that some otherwise intelligent and good people are being fooled into becoming Global Warmians. Force to bow at the Alter of Gore, and kiss Father Gores ring. Have you been following that story about, I think last count was something like 500 plus Women and Children were taken out of the Cult compound? The Chicken Little Crowd is using the SAME techniques to brainwash YOU. To convince you that you are evil and need redemption.

BBC - Global temperatures 'to decrease'
Resource Investor- Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax Heats Up
OPNTalk - Chicken Little Crowd To Attempt To Brainwash More Americans


Anonymous said...

Nice post. You know how I think on the whole subject.
Al Gore has announced that he will spend 300M on a campeign to convince Americans of his Global Warming Scam. Now why is he doing that? Could it be a financial thing. He must be in a position to reap huge profits from it. I also wonder if any kind of litagation can be brought against people who are defrauding the American people.

The making of the incandescent light bulb illegal is a joke, if it weren't for the fact that you will have to buy the fluorescent ones(more profitable for stores than the incandesent ones). The real facts are that LED lights are hitting the market now, which will eventually replace the incandescent light, through free market forces. The political interference in to what we can have
not only is un-constitutional, but pure BULLSHIT.
Any time you want to screw things up get the government involved.

Peter said...

Hey Doug,

It is, was, and always will be, all about money, control, and power. Just look at some of the proposals. Look at California.

I just do not get why so many people that are otherwise intelligent falls for this scam. There is NO Science. No FACTS. No Proof. Just Phychobabble and scare tactics. Junk Science.

As for your statement.

"Any time you want to screw things up get the government involved."

Absolutely. {Laughing}

samspade said...

Although I am a firm believer that we need to develop new sources of energy that are cost efficient and benefit the ecology and that we need to reduce our needs for natural resources I also note that there have been programs and businesses who for years have been working on developing new and improved ways to save energy.

However, I think that global warming is a scare tactic and as others before have said is basically nothing more than a grab for more money with benefiting the ecology being only a side effect.

D.S. Hartford pointed out the faults of the new fluorescent bulbs. I purchased several for the main rooms that I use to see if they will reduce energy and one thing stands out right away in that the light takes time to reach full brightness will can be used as a problem for some people. I may be wrong but what if you have bulbs out in an unheated place will they work properly?

I purchased two flood lights for my motion detector light outside but I found that those lights do not fit into the fixture because of the shields that are part of the lights so I had to go back to regular floods.

I have a cousin who has been using the new bulbs and he claims that they do not last as long as promised and then there is the fact where do you take them if they go bad?

What do you do hold on to them till you get enough to recycle and then go to a recycle center if you have one?

Peter said...

Hey Sam,

"Although I am a firm believer that we need to develop new sources of energy that are cost efficient and benefit the ecology and that we need to reduce our needs for natural resources I also note that there have been programs and businesses who for years have been working on developing new and improved ways to save energy."

The problem is none of them will pass unless the Government finds ways to make a profit on them.

"However, I think that global warming is a scare tactic and as others before have said is basically nothing more than a grab for more money with benefiting the ecology being only a side effect."


"D.S. Hartford pointed out the faults of the new fluorescent bulbs. I purchased several for the main rooms that I use to see if they will reduce energy and one thing stands out right away in that the light takes time to reach full brightness will can be used as a problem for some people. I may be wrong but what if you have bulbs out in an unheated place will they work properly?"

Not to mention, what you have to do if you break one in your house.

"I purchased two flood lights for my motion detector light outside but I found that those lights do not fit into the fixture because of the shields that are part of the lights so I had to go back to regular floods."

Well, I'm sure companies are working right now to make fixtures to fit them. You know, if it becomes law that we all have to use these failed bulbs, we will be forced to buy everything we need to convert. Hence, more money for more people.

"I have a cousin who has been using the new bulbs and he claims that they do not last as long as promised and then there is the fact where do you take them if they go bad?"


"What do you do hold on to them till you get enough to recycle and then go to a recycle center if you have one?"

Just like typical Liberal plans. Act now and deal with consequences later. If you are wrong, no big deal, you had good intentions.