Hey folks,

Of course I'm talking about Bill Maher. We are use to his blindly repeating completely false, and at times, insane, Liberal Talking Points. But this? Imagine if a Conservative said this about Obama. Seriously. Imagine a Conservative talking about Obama, then say he is hoping for Clinton to pull it out because she is the only thing standing in the way of the Rise of the Apes. Can you imagine?
Well, that IS what he did say about Cain. According to MRC - After Mentioning Cain, Bill Maher Says Romney Only Thing Stopping 'The Rise of the Apes' By: Tim Graham Monday, November 14, 2011 11:29 AM EST
Appearing on ABC's Good Morning America, Monday, to shill for his latest book, Bill Maher told George Stephanopoulos he's rooting for Mitt Romney to win the Republican nomination. "At least he eats with a knife and fork. I mean, he is all that stands between us and the rise of the apes."Yup. Here is the Exchange.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So, what's got you irritated this morning?So according to Bill Maher, Mitt is the only thing blocking Cain from "Pimping" his way to power. So he calls him a Pimp. Then says if not for Romney, the Apes would Rise. SERIOUSLY? Where are all the CRIES of Racism? Where are all the calls for Billy Boy to step down? Don't hold your Breath. This is another CLEAR Example of the Left being who they are.
MAHER: Being up in the morning. I'm not irritated. I'm a comedian. So, I'm living high on the hog on this presidential campaign.
Maher offered an endorsement that Mitt Romney probably doesn't want, exclaiming, "I'm rooting for him." He added, "You have got to feel bad for Mitt Romney. I mean, he's been led, so far, by Trump, then Bachmann. Then Perry. Then Cain." This led to Maher's very questionable "ape" comment, as captured by MRC's Scott Whitlock:
STEPHANOPOULOS: You have got- And- I saw you and you have got either, very, very rich, or very very certain of your opinions. Because on, what, Friday night, you offered a million to one bet, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera put up a dollar. You put up a million saying Herman Cain will not be president.
MAHER: Yeah. Yeah, that was a couple years ago. That was even before the sex scandal. You know? Yes. I think I would bet a million dollars against Herman Cain. Wouldn't you take that bet? Is not going to be the candidate.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Only reason I wouldn't. I agree with your bottom line. I just don't feel like putting up a million dollars to one.
MAHER: No. And I don't really have that kind of money to lose on a bet either. But, I mean, this is a guy wearing a pimp hat through a scandal, a sex scandal. So, I feel like that pretty much sealed my thing. This is a guy who has a tax plan that we found out was written pretty much by his branch manager at Wells Fargo. You know?
STEPHANOPOULOS: Out in Cleveland.
MAHER: He went into cash some checks and the teller said, "Can I do anything else for you?" And he said, "Yeah, could you rewrite the tax code for the United States of America?"
STEPHANOPOULOS: Yet, he's, he's still leading the field. Still is. I mean, he's starting to fall just a little, but still leading the field.
MAHER: But, that's just because they hate Mitt Romney.
MAHER: You have got to feel bad for Mitt Romney. I mean, he's been led, so far, by Trump, then Bachmann. Then Perry. Then Cain.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But, he kinda hangs in there. He's everyone's second choice.
MAHER: I'm rooting for him. You know? Because, look, in a country with only two parties, the Republican can always win. I mean, at least he eats with a knife and fork. I mean, he is all that stands between us and the rise of the apes.
Now if Stephanopoulos were a REAL Reporter, he would have called him out on this. But of course, he's NOT. He is just a talking head for the Liberal Loons. So he just continued on. But it's time that people starting making a big deal out of things like this. It's time to show who the REAL Racists are. They LIVE on the Left. And it IS, just that simple.
MRC - After Mentioning Cain, Bill Maher Says Romney Only Thing Stopping 'The Rise of the Apes'
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