Hey folks,
First our thoughts and Prayers go out to the folks in Reno Nevada. To those 9 Families that lost loved ones, and the 25 others who were critically wounded at the Air Show there when a P-51 Mustang, dubbed The Galloping Ghost, crashed into the crowd. May they have the peace and the comfort they need in this time.
Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you stopped by. Don't forget, if YOU want to be a part of the OPNTalk Blog, or just say Hi, the Email is opntalk@gmail.com. I am of course your Host, Peter Carlock. Coming right up today?
Obama Pushed, Pressured General To Lie
Faith or Religion, Which is More Important?
Animal Testing, Cruelty, or Essential
DLA For Sunday 091811
IWA For Sunday 091811
All that is coming right up. First? {Sigh} You know folks, I have no problem with Nudity. I really don't. I have been known to walk around my house Nude. Just getting out of the Shower, or just getting up. If no one is around, hey, who cares. If someone was to walk in, I would not bother running for cover. I couldn't care less to tell you the truth. HOWEVER. I do not go to Nude Beaches. I do not believe I have EVER taken nude Photos of myself. I have never POSTED Nude Photos of myself. If Nude Photos of ME were to ever come out, I would have a RIGHT to be upset about it, and someone would most likely be looking at Peeping Tom type of charges. Invasion of Privacy, or whatever. Because they would have had to be looking into my Window to take them.
So whenever I here a story like this, I have to ask, WHY? Did you catch this? According to E-Online - Five Nude Photo Leaks More Shocking Than Scarlett Johansson's Vanessa Hudgens, James Middleton, Megan Fox, Sienna Miller, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, has all had their Nude Photos hacked and posted Online. Forget all the Politicians. I repeat, WHY?
Look, if you go to a nude beach, or are Nude in Public in ANYWAY, someone, somewhere, will most likely take a Photo of you. Do not like that? Do not go Naked. If you take Photos of yourself in the Nude, I still do not get why, but if you do, you have a risk of SOMEONE seeing them at SOMETIME. If you POST THEM ON THE INTERNET? You get the point.
Now do not get me wrong. Yes I think the Hacking was wrong and those responsible should be held accountable. But uh, IF there was nothing there? That's right. There would be nothing to HACK.
Going to fill my cup. Be RIGHT back.
Access North Ga.com - Reno crash killed 9; probe focuses on wayward part
E-Online -
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