Hey folks,

“You know the Bible says faith is believing in what is not seen. Today unfortunately, many in the media would like nothing better than to ridicule Christians,”And this.
“They promote ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ they place doubt in the public’s mind that Christ was not risen, and they condemn the ‘Passion of Christ’ yet they sensationalize stories that call for the end of prayer in school and removing the name of God from our countries pledge. These are very sad times when we allow the minority to poison the minds of the majority.”Nope. It was not one of our Founding Fathers. No. It was not some Great Historical Figure. Well, not yet anyway. But SHE will be.

“When it comes to our Christianity there is no gray area. It is either you believe or you don’t believe,” Carroll, also a distinguished Navy veteran, declared to a round of applause. “And if you believe, you believe with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.”Way to go Florida Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll! You have got to check out the Video of this Speech HERE! It is only 6 or so minutes long, but it IS a GREAT Speech. Of course you have completely ignorant fools that have no clue what they are talking about interjecting their objections.
Encouraging the audience to trust in God for strength and perseverance like she had during her own trials, the Florida lieutenant governor sought to remind the public of God’s omniscience and his control throughout the “storms” of life.
“I firmly believe that the pathway to blessings is to not forsake God. Give Him what you have and let Him do with it what He can. If you want God to bless you, you must be faithful and obedient.”
She continued, “Our greatest blessings come out of our greatest trials. Ladies and gentlemen, Christianity is in a fight and it is one of the greatest trials we’ve seen in modern times.”
“I firmly believe that if we magnify God our problems will be minimized. Having true, unconditional faith in God and in his beloved son Jesus Christ we will survive the world’s wrongs and receive God’s greatest blessings.”
Howard Simon, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, felt that Carroll and other politicians like her wanted “to force their religious beliefs on others in the state,” as quoted by The Associated Press.Howard Simon is an Idiot. He just is. The American Civil Liberties Union is a joke. They are NOT for Civil Liberties for all. They are NOT about equality. They are about Money. They are about Power. They are about Control. Do you have any PROOF that "Lt. Gov., Gov. Scott and much of the legislature want is not freedom of religion, but government-funded, government-sponsored and government-enforced religion.” Any Proof whatsoever of this INSANE accusation?
“What the Lt. Gov., Gov. Scott and much of the legislature want is not freedom of religion, but government-funded, government-sponsored and government-enforced religion,” Simon said. “Fortunately, our constitutional values protect every Floridian from politicians who mix religion and public policy for political gain.”
I bet you Howie, no, I will not insult Howie Mandel like that. What little Simon is missing here is he is clueless. No one wants “to force their religious beliefs on others in the state." Feel free not to. It matters not to me, or any other Christian. You have Free Will just like everyone else. Make your Choices, and live and or die, by them.
I know, I know, Little Simon has no Clue what the Constitution ACTUALLY says. That the Constitution ACTUALLY protects Christians from Government. It is Freedom OF Religion. It is to Protect the Faithful from the Federal Government. I know he has no clue. He most likely don't believe in God, yet, fights against Him. Insanity. But that IS Liberalism.
Congratulations Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll! For KNOWING the Truth, and having the COURAGE to stand and speak it, you are the Winner of the Display of Logic Award for today, Sunday, September 25th, 2011. As a side note, you are also another example of just how HOT Conservative Republican Women are. {Smile} Keep up the good work. Oh, and AMEN!
Christian Post - Fla. Lt. Gov. Wants 'Righteous Government,' God Back in the Country By Eryn Sun Sat, Sep. 24 2011 12:26 PM EDT
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