Hey folks,
Happy Sunday to ya. Yes, this IS the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. I AM Peter Carlock, your Provocateur of Thought himself. Hello. How are you today? If you are like me, you are both Happy and a bit annoyed.

PARIS – The International Energy Agency on Friday raised its forecast for global oil demand for 2010 and 2011, citing stronger-than-expected consumption in North America and emerging Asian countries, especially ChinaAnd AFTER Obama said no new Drilling for seven years.
The Paris-based agency noted that under such conditions OPEC could come under pressure next year to boost supply.
Global demand next year should hit 88.8 million barrels a day, 260,000 daily barrels more than previously expected, the agency said. The IEA also raised its 2010 estimate to 87.4 million barrels a day, up 130,000 daily barrels from its previous forecast.
Oil has hovered in the upper-$80s this week — reaching a two-year high of $90.76 on Tuesday — as traders have gauged how much global crude demand may grow in 2011.
Officials of the 12-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries are likely to leave the group's production quotas unchanged at Saturday's meeting in Ecuador, the IEA said in its latest monthly report.
"Pre-meeting statements by OPEC ministers suggest the group is planning on a quick agreement to roll over existing output targets," said the report from the agency, which is the energy arm of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a grouping of the world's richest nations.
Which is what they did. So they will not be increasing the Supply, even though the Demand is increasing. One main reason. They know no one else, meaning US, will. Think about that. We have more natural resources here in this country and off our coasts than in the ENTIRE Middle East. We could, within a Year or Two, be increasing the Supply using our own Resources, if we did not have a President willing to sacrifice the Poor in this country to achieve his goal of Greener Alternatives.
But we do. We will not be Drilling. We will be Paying Higher Prices. As orchestrated by Obama and Crew. Thank you Obama.
Coming right up today?
$1 Trillion In New Spending Not Real
Now It's Official, Cigarettes Should Be Banned
DLA for Sunday 121210
IWA For Sunday 121210

According to Real Clear Politics - Obama Ditches Tax Cut Presser, Bill Clinton Takes Control
Former President Bill Clinton gave a statement after his meeting with President Obama about his tax compromise with the Republicans.
However, after his statement, Clinton began to call on and take questions from the press with Obama at his side. Obama leaves promptly after a few moments and said he had to see Michelle, as he was keeping her "waiting."
"I don't want to make her mad, please go," Clinton told Obama.
And he left. The Video is funny to watch. First, you will notice how small Obama really looks. President Clinton looks like Dad coming to bailout the Child who is in trouble. Then when Obama actually leaves, he looks incompetent. Maybe he's just whipped, but Presidential he looks not.
Anyway, don't forget you can follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Tom Sullivan Radio Listener's Club. If you want to be part of the OPNTalk Blog, or contact me for any reason, the Email is as always opntalk@gmail.com.
Once again, glad you made it by today. Going to fill my cup, see you right back here in just a few seconds.
AP - IEA lifts oil demand forecasts on US, Asian growth
Real Clear Politics - Obama Ditches Tax Cut Presser, Bill Clinton Takes Control
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